Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Which killers would you draft for the Dead by Daylight contest? (Max 3 killers)


For me it would be (Doctor, Michael Myers, and Classic Trapper.) [or leatherface idk}

Best Answer

  • AbsoluteArcadia
    AbsoluteArcadia Member Posts: 14
    Answer ✓

    If I could use any add-ons, it'd be: Legion, Trapper, and Oni

    In case you were curious why:

    Legion: Coulrophobia, Huntress Lullaby and Iri button

    Trapper: Corrupt Intervention, Tar bottle, and Iri Stone

    Oni: Literally anything. Oni is very good with pretty much anything. Especially healing based perks and tracking perks.

