Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Why are survivors still punished for not getting into chases with killers?

Member Posts: 29
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

When survivors aren't chased by the killer during a match and escape, they still lose bloodpoints and may even cause them to derank.

For example, if the killer spends the whole match chasing another survivor and never start a chase with you, you're punished.

If you decide to be stealthy and avoid the killer to focus on objectives, you're punished.

You should not have to come in contact with the killer in order to gain bloodpoints to progress, the point of the game is to avoid the killer and escape.

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  • Member Posts: 743
    edited January 2021

    Normally i would say that the game can't really tell if you were playing stealthy or just sitting in a corner doing nothing, but i think that if you get BPs by doing gens and unhooking people then there's a way to tell that you were actually being useful, so i don't really know why that kind of playstyle isn't being rewarded yet.

  • Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2021

    It appears you don't understand the system. You won't lose rank if you "over" do anything. Heal past max, repair gen beyond max, etc. Honestly, what really shows me you don't understand is that the person looping the killer gets hurt the worst. If you loop the killer for 5 gens straight, you barely get any bloodpoints and are punished GREATLY for doing the HARDEST job there is.

    If you ask me, gen repair and farming hooks (which many do)... rewards players too much. Chase should reward players way more as it isn't just holding M1 afk on a gen. I do believe gen repair is important, but to say you want less punishment for doing the easiest part of the game is wild to me.

    "The point of the game is to avoid the killer..."

    Actually, no it isn't. It is to play cat and mouse with the killer. It's not to hide the entire game. So of course, if you skip the "dance" with the killer you should get less points. Also, "escaping" depends on what you're in it for. Maybe winning to you is you escaping. Maybe for others... it is risking their game to get everyone out. Top level players should have looping skills. If you don't have any lack of reward for someone who avoids the killer, then what would be the point of any rank or mmr system?

  • Member Posts: 2,804

    Categories - Objective, Altruism, Boldness, and Survival

    It is called "boldness" for a reason. However, I do think that they could spread the score events from boldness into different categories and then create a different category that works better. I do think there are boldness score events that don't need to exist, could be in altruism, or could be in survival.

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2021

    I agree with jrink. If your playstyle is to avoid the killer the entire game then you're not doing it right and you're probably hurting your team more than helping.

    I understand some games the killer isn't chasing or they hard focus one survivor but this won't happen against a very skilled killer.

    So what your asking for, in reality, is to be rewarded because your teammate carried you or because the killer was really bad.

    Sorry. The way it works is that youre rewarded for doing a little bit of everything for your team and doing it all decently well. If you only focus on doing one thing while the rest of your team carries you in everything else you dont get a good score.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Yes, you should.

    You absolutely CAN just do gens and escape, and being my team's ninja, I often do. But I don't complain about getting low points, because I made the choice not to engage.

    Dead by Daylight is designed to interact with the Killer. Have you considered trying to save those people getting chased? Unhook them? Take Protection Hits?

    The game is scored in four categories. If you need help understanding ways to better do that, read the text on We're Gonna Live Forever.

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2021

    Think if it this way. Every survivor has two hook states to donate to the team in order to prolong the game as much as possible without dying.

    If you hide from the killer the entire game, you donate 0 to the cause and your team ends up having to donate their third and final hook state because the killer can't find you which causes them to DIE.

    In an ideal game all survivors waste as much time of the killers utilizing their 2 hook states, spreading it out to keep everyone alive for as long as possible and secure the win. You not being chased causes your team to die faster.

    Practice looping, get good at wasting the killers time. If you haven't been chased and everyone else has been hooked twice - get in the killers face and encourage the killer to chase you instead. You get more points, you get rewarded, and you keep your team alive.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Because every survivor is supposed be chased by the killer equally. If you are refusing to get chased then you are actively hurting your team.

  • Member Posts: 207

    I don't like too stealthy team mates as survivor because while they don't interact with the killer, I have to do it more. Of course they do important job repairing gens while the killer is in chase but it also means that not-so-stealthy survivors end up getting all hook states and die (unless they are way better than the killer which shouldn't be the case if matchmaking worked.) The stealthy ones escape.

    I think it's fair. Someone has to have contact with the killer so the game shouldn't reward too much for not doing so.

  • Member Posts: 139

    I've maxed out objective and altruism and gotten the obligatory 5k for survival upon escape and barely safety pipped because of this terrible emblem system.

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