Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The new ui is good!

Member Posts: 712
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's looks good and they have gone on and said it can let them do more with the ui in gameplay

BUT the widgets are placed horrible and some design choices just don't make sense

As you can see it's not the best

You have instructions on how to use the power both on the icon and bottom middle when you really only need the one in the middle

The hook counter for killers is useless, it provides no gameplay advantage and most the time as killer you are never gonna get 12 hooks

The gen counter is too far from everything (although that's a problem with everything on this) but the amount of gens left is the most important info to have as killer and it seems to be spaced apart really far from everything

The perks look rather out of place with the new ui elements that are much more clean looking (the perk icons look fine Im talking about the colored backgrounds and tier markers)

This is how I would fix the ui

As you can see there is now only the power usage instructions at the bottom middle now

That awful hook counter has been removed and replaced with hook tallies next to the survivors portraits. white means the have been hooked black means they have not .

The survivor names and portraits have been moved down to be closer to the power so it takes less time to look between the two

The gen count is now located at the left but remains at the top, the reason for it staying on the top is because of the text, if it were down further the text you be blocking the middle of your screen. You could remove the text but that could potentially give new players confusion on what the icons mean

As for the perks I didn't change them here because I don't know how they should be changed. Me personally would remove the tier marks and make the backgrounds a bit more clean and transparent (while keeping the tier colors) but the perk icons themselves should stay the same.

With this new layout instead of having to look in every corner of the screen for info it is now relegated to the left so all you have to do is swoop your eyes down the left and get all your info. The perks are still to the right but people don't complain about them being to the right with the ui we have now so it shouldn't be a problem.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,513
    edited January 2021

    The way they've spread information all over the screen is bad design. It can work for a mobile game because cell phone screens are small, but people play regular DbD on computers and big screen TVs. The eyes have to do a lot of traveling for this new HUD, which distracts from actual gameplay.

    Adding more information, good. Knowing what hook state each survivor is on would be wonderful information to have. Knowing which survivor is which by glancing at the bottom of the screen would be great, too. Having information at the top or all along the sides of the screen? Bad.

    The new design they've shown really does look like something from a cheaply designed F2P mobile game... Streamlined is the way to go, not spread out.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Your idea causes less distraction for the killer. Gens are still on the left just upper corner instead of lower. While I still disagree with moving the player icons in general they are relatively close to their original spot in your version.

    No idea hat genius decided that spacing the ui everywhere in a (relatively) high concentration game was a good idea when currently all your information is convientky at the bottom of the screen.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Maybe they could give us a way to personalize the hud. My moving all parts separately like it's possible in mmo's.

  • Member Posts: 712

    That looks good but functionally having the actual portraits of survivors is better. With this it would be very hard to tell from a glance what survivor it is

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    honestly, as much as i like it visually, they need to do something else for their injured state.

    a bright blinking picture is going to be extremely distracting.

    and with survivor portraits they have a little problem here:

    its very easy to mess it up and make it very hard to determine who is injured and who isnt or they make it way too prominent, as the current version is.

    the old UI didnt have that issue, due to the very different pictures that were used for a players status, so they didnt have to somehow differentiate them from one another by adding animations to them.

    honestly, overall i think the UI changes are bad.

    the old HUD had no problems and everyone liked it. it was compact, not too screen covering and not too distracting (those are my main 3 problems with the new one btw)

    sadly it seems like they are about to throw out an perfectly fine system for a new one that is vastly inferior to it, for a reasoning that i, as of right now, can not get behind.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    I love when people write on iPhone screens with their finger😄 it always looks the same

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited January 2021

    I like it.

    Brown background: healthy

    Red background: injured

    Splash blood background: dying


    Though I really think they should make individual flat arts of each character with all stages. Like a flat art of Dwight is dying (not dying icon next to his portrait), or Clau is on hook (not hook icon next to her portrait)

    Thats what I call "working on it", currently I feel they just pick things already have, and random place around.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    "What's next? They gonna put the killers lore in the top right? - Scott Jund

  • Member Posts: 338

    The problem is with any UI change, you are going to get so much Hate for it. They could do anything, and people would hate it. I have never seen any redesign of anything without a huge amount of people unhappy. I'm going to play with it and see if it really changes my mind. It is not like I stare at the 4 survivor names 64% of the game.

  • Member Posts: 76

    It's a nice idea but it's so cluttered!

  • Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2021

    I think if we have played with this new ui for 4 years and devs redesigned it to current ui, we would be happy with changes. Current design is neat. We have all required info on bottom of screen. Devs said they were also thinking about streamers to give them place to add camera. But streamers also want to add a chat, donate bar and dancing gif to their screen. But all corners and sides are filled with UI. New UI is actually horrible for streamers. And even as player I don't really like the idea of ui around the screen.

    Only good changes are portraits, which also could be done better. Now you have to pay attention if portrait glows red to know if survivor is injured. Not sure if I like it.

    Killer's hook counter made to feel acomplishment when you doing good. But when you do bad, this counter make you feel even more demolished. Interesting idea, but not really good addition to ui. Survivor's version of hook stages is more useful. I don't really see the reason why only survivors can see this info. Maybe it was made to not encourage tunneling, idk.

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