Ace perks rise

Trashmaster Member Posts: 357
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So, open handed is finally getting buffed after a long wait since the ace in the hole buff.

This leaves us with quite possibly the worst perk in the whole game (up the ante, in case you forgot about it)

How long do you think it will take for this sad and generally useless luck perk to be buffed, or reworked completely because luck sucks as a game mechanic?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    First they need to look into the Luck mechanic. I agree it’s a mostly useless mechanic that should probably be scrapped. Up the Ante should be reworked into something else entirely and the luck offerings should either be removed or reworked as well.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    With the upcoming trapper change, solo hook escapes will be the only thing in the game that luck still has an effect on, so I think they are going to change it eventually. Not sure how they'll change it but almost anything would be better than what it is now

    Or maybe they'll remove it entirely and rework the perk and offerings to do something else. Either way I like things that give a team-wide buff so I hope they keep that aspect of it

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I often forget about this perk. Yea, this probably is the worst perk in the entire game. It's a perk that only does two things: Makes it more likely to get out of bear traps (which itself is being changed) and makes it more likely to self-unhook (which is just super outclassed by Deliverance).

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,935

    Can't wait to use new Open Handed with Kindred. 32 metre Aura Reading on the Killer.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I think buckle up is worse but ok, I've seen people use up the ante in kobe builds (slippery meat, up the ante and luck offerings)

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112
    edited January 2021

    buckle up does something. Up the ante doesn't. It's utterly useless except for the kobe part and you still will not jump off.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Well in most cases up the ante's effect is basically negative since it encourages you and your teammates to try self unhooking, potentially moving you to the second hook state when it could have been avoided

  • Izo_Quartz
    Izo_Quartz Member Posts: 250
    edited January 2021

    imo it's a meaningless change, it's not even a buff. Open handed will always be useless as long as you're forced to pair it with another perk. it should have it's own solo use in addition to what it already does, like botany knoledge. botany knoledge is designed to buff other healing perks and items but it's still usefull on its own.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Well it definitely does have space for a secondary effect, but considering how common kindred and bond are in solo, it isn't bad at all.

    And yea it isn't exactly a buff since it's maximum range is halved but you never ever see more than one person running the perk in a lobby anyways