Killer is the least fun it has ever been...



  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited January 2021

    Same here but the opposite. I'm finding killer too easy to the point of boredom. I like those matches where I just win/lose by a hair but they're practically non-existent nowadays. It's just one sided slaughters against average players. THe queues are instant, sure. But I'm not enjoying the matches.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited January 2021

    This is something more people need to understand. A lot of killers and survivors fall into this trap. I think its why so many players are so incredibly toxic post-game if they lose.

    Skill is just one of the variables that can affect the outcome of a match. As killer you've probably played more games then you think where you only won against a team because 3 of the survivors SHOULD have won but were sandbagged by a terrible 4th wasting pallets early or chasing to gens (I had a Dwight single handedly prevent a 4 man escape earlier because he kept hiding by the hook without Iron Will, for example).

    I think the mentality happens because as a survivor you're 1 of 4. So you know you aren't the only one affecting your escape chance. You get used to losing due to circumstances out of your control. But if you've played with SWF from early on you're probably used to winning so good killers throw you off.

    In low level/new player matches the game is incredibly in the killers favor, which can make new killers expect a 4K every game. But once you reach mid to high ranks it evens out a bit more.

    As killer its all on you, so it makes some players think their skill alone should determine the win. It's nothing bad. Eventually if you play the game enough you'll shake off the mentality. But some players can't and just complain about how everything is "unfair" and there was "nothing they could do". The same type of players that would accuse you of cheating in fighting games because you spent the time to learn the combos and frame data and they're just button mashing or refusing to block.

    I see complaints about killer/survivor balance on here sometimes that actually make me laugh out loud with how absurd and potentially game breaking it would be because someone had a bad game and came on here to vent.

    There isn't much that can be done about this mentality. Attempts to give advice are usually rebuffed and just laughing at them enforces it further. Just have to accept they exist I guess.

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited January 2021

    I always wonder who these killers are that cry about ds und unbreakable? Most killer games are boring and way too easy. The matches against competent survivors may not give you many or any kills at all, but the chase interactions and mind games make them the most enjoyable.

    I take a challenging game where i get no kill against a good survivor group any time of the day instead of a boring easy 4k against potatoes.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited January 2021

    "I take a challenging game where i get no kill against a good survivor group any time of the day instead of a boring easy 4k against potatoes". This is what I want. I don't know what happened to matchmaking but this is all its been for me since shortly after Blight's launch. There's absolutely nothing fun about slaughtering a team of default Meg/Neas who don't know what a loop is or run into their own entity blockers.

    I'm fine with 1-2 kills or maybe less if the match is tense and exhilarating. If you play well and spread you hooks/get lots of chases thats a safety pip at least anyways. In the past 3 or so months I've had exactly 1 match like that I remember.

  • hello_hru
    hello_hru Member Posts: 44

    Bro someone at rank 1 for killer needs to force a dev to play on their account against red rank survivors for a full day so they can see just how unfun killer is before the first survivor dies

    Holy goddamn just got done with a team running four DS, four DH, two BT, two UB and I literally want to Peel the skin off my feet and go running

  • hello_hru
    hello_hru Member Posts: 44

    God I love stuns. Such a fun and interactive game mechanic.