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Feedback and Suggestions

Got An Idea To Nerf Killer Camping

We've all been there, possibly on all ends: Someone gets downed, picked up, and hooked and then... the Killer just stands there until they die. If you are the one hooked, it's probably the most un-fun thing about this game; as a fellow survivor, it makes it super unrewarding to help them as it's not nearly worth the risk, yet losing them greatly hinders your team; as the Killer, standing around doing nothing is not engaging gameplay and often the risk of the other survivors completing generators while you stand there does not balance out the fact that they become short a teammate, so you have little reason to not stand there and guarantee a kill.

Now there are probably arguments like 'Just use Borrowed Time' or 'Just use Decisive Strike more efficiently' but let's be honest here: this abuse of a gameplay mechanic can't just be fixed by a perk, as the history of this game has proven time and time again. Thus, I impose an idea to encourage Killers to go out and pursue other survivors rather than ruining the fun for everyone.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...Behaviour Interactives Possible New and Improved Wangensteen Mechanic...Bloodpoint Reduction. You heard that right: camping Killers will now have to trade their sweet-sweet Bloodpoints for a guaranteed kill if they decide to camp. Now, onto how it would work.

I would suggest it works like a timer that counts down the longer the Killer camps a hooked survivor, and the more the timer has counted down the less Bloodpoints the Killer gets when that survivor dies. There would have to be a few things in the Killer's favor in regards to this, such as the timer not starting immediately after they are hooked and not making it so they get no points at all for killing a survivor: they should be given a few seconds to watch just out of fairness before the timer starts counting down and if the timer fully counts down they would still get some Bloodpoints as they did manage to kill a survivor, but it would be an extremely low amount that really doesn't justify camping. Now you may already be thinking 'Well smart one, couldn't they just look away and then look back to reset the timer?' and you would be right...if this was based off the Red Stain the killer gives off, but I think we can do one better.

Imagine being camped by a Killer and the timer starts to tick down. Well, if that Killer doesn't want to lose points, they have to leave a certain radius before the timer stops where it is and then stays there for a few seconds before resetting and disappearing up until the Killer perhaps decides to walk back over and camp a bit more. If the Killer walks back into the radius before the timer has reset, it then begins to count down again immediately. Having both a radius the Killer has to exit and forcing them to stay out of it for a small bit of time not only makes it less likely that the Killer can abuse their way through the system, but it even helps out altruistic survivors a tad, which is a secondary problem that comes from camping hooked survivors. The radius and time spent before the timer starts and the timer resets can be easily balanced by the devs so that it doesn't completely gimp the Killer or buff the survivors too much.

Things worth noting:

-To make sure this doesn't buff survivors too much, any camping timers get frozen while the Killer is in a chase or carrying a survivor while within the camping radius. After hooking this survivor or ending the chase, if they are still within the camping radius, the timer starts again immediately. If they are chasing or carrying a survivor outside the camping radius, the timer starts to reset as normal. Basement radius would be larger than normal hook radius covering both the actual basement area itself and extending a bit past the entrance to the basement.

-The Killer can have more than one camping timer and they each activate and reset separately. If the Killer is camping they have a very clear visual indicator of both the timer and the camping radius. If two survivors are hooked and the camping radius of each overlaps, there is a clear visual indicator of the overlapping sections.

-Only the Killer can see these timers and radius indicators, thereby not giving the survivors an unnecessary advantage in regards to Killer location.

-Timers immediately reset if the hooked survivor is rescued.

-Once a timer appears, the Killer gets a sizable-but-fair automatic percentage reduction in Bloodpoints earned once that survivor dies, and this percentage reduction increases the longer the timer is active. The timer is paced fairly to the hooked survivor's timer, but does not take into account time lost due to escape attempts; it immediately applies the reduction upon death of the survivor, meaning a survivor that quickly ends themselves via escape attempts and not struggling punishes a camping Killer less than a survivor who tries to live as long as possible.

-Reduction does not apply to disconnected survivors. Stealth abilities do not prevent camping timers from starting or counting down. Bloodpoint increasing perks/add-ons/offerings/events still apply but will apply to the reduced amount of Bloodpoints.

If you can think of anything else that needs to be covered to make this work properly and be fair, let me know, as I really just want us all to have a good time...and frankly, no one enjoys camping.

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  • Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2018

    just do Gens and get out best way to combat camping put pressure on the killer.camping is part of the game, so is tunneling just as looping is. it's a strategy some people use. you want to stop camping? don't go for the saves. just do gens. tired of getting camped? just get better!

  • Member Posts: 5

    camping solution? don't be over altruistic and keep the killer at the hook for as long as possible (don't attempt to escape)

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    This was already tried and failed. If your solution is punishing Killers for being near the hook, it's already been tried and failed and is inherently a bad idea. Try thinking outside the box.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @Giche said:

    "B... but the Killah can hurt us, and not otherwise ! :'o
    He must be nice with us otherwise he is mean, MEAN :'( "

    Oh actually "mean".... like really MEAN?
    Like an evil, psycho, serial Killer? Who would be playing like THAT?
    Any human being doing that would have forfeit all his right to be treated fairly.

  • Member Posts: 180

    Wow this is the biggest sperg fest i have ever seen.
    I mainly play killer, but the key word here is "PLAY". If you just want to stand AFK in front of the hook for most of the match, why even launch the game?
    Camping when the gates are open or if you are getting crushed is fine i guess, but it ruins the game when the killer only goes for one-hooks, and it doesn't help this toxic environment we are sitting in right now.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Lagoni said:
    Wow this is the biggest sperg fest i have ever seen.
    I mainly play killer, but the key word here is "PLAY". If you just want to stand AFK in front of the hook for most of the match, why even launch the game?
    Camping when the gates are open or if you are getting crushed is fine i guess, but it ruins the game when the killer only goes for one-hooks, and it doesn't help this toxic environment we are sitting in right now.

    Camping is an intended playstyle. OP's suggestion is inherently flawed. Stop trying to punish camping and start thinking about how to reward not camping.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    By the same coind you must put an equal solution for pallet lopping because is the most unfun thing for the killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @Lagoni said:
    Wow this is the biggest sperg fest i have ever seen.
    I mainly play killer, but the key word here is "PLAY". If you just want to stand AFK in front of the hook for most of the match, why even launch the game?
    Camping when the gates are open or if you are getting crushed is fine i guess, but it ruins the game when the killer only goes for one-hooks, and it doesn't help this toxic environment we are sitting in right now.

    Just too bad that chasing can take so long that it actually is more time efficient to camp.
    Sucks to be in the survivors position in such a case, but its them who we can thank for the unbalance

  • Member Posts: 2,340
    Like others said. Gens. It's unfortunate but if you go for a save you are rewarding campers. I don't mind rotting on the hook if the killer is camping, but I do mind if survivors waste time doing nothing.
  • Member Posts: 3,647
    Cuz the entity would punish the killer for doing their job.... yup this sounds like it goes with the lore :chuffed: ... since the update theres frames on the person being unhooked, BT is still a great perk to use, SWF...... oh SWF..... and SWF "shrugs" survivors have all the tools to combat any situation that comes infront of them... if its solo play... do gens dont give the killer the time of day...
  • Member Posts: 498
    Omg they need to just delete these discussions. Camping isn't getting nerfed in any way. All they can do is give you perks and maybe more blood points for leaving. It's not happening
  • Member Posts: 7,669

    or (as i say in every single one of these posts) YOU REWARD KILLERS FOR NOT CAMPING instead of punishing them for camping. there. problem solved, everyone is happy.

    im legit so annoyed by all these posts .-.

  • Member Posts: 777

    One way to fix the camping problem would be to allow hooked survivors to use some hand signals, like pointing or they could hold a fist straight up to signal other survivors not to unhook them right now. When the fist is up it could also prevent the survivor from being unhooked. The only thing worse than not being unhooked is being used by farmers. If you could prevent farmers from unhooking you when the killer is camping it would be a big help. New players usually don't understand when it is safe to unhook or how to body block and take a hit so the injured party can get away.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    @ForsakenM Nonsense. Camping is part of the game. As it's been said a million times by a million players. 99% of the time camping first hook is a bad strategy anyway. Also, your proposition mostly ignores the not-so-rare event when the other three survivors just swarm the hooked guy instead of doing gens. I know you addressed this partially by pausing timer while in a chase, but that does not necessarily happen every time when other survs hookrush.
    Do the math: ok, being camped is not fun, I agree there. But. That's one person not having fun, and three others who can actually do something productive, pop 3-4 gens, and completely screw the killer who is facecamping: in short, possibly having a good game. The other issue is that often when exit gates are powered or already opened, and there's still four survs, one of them hooked, then the prudent course of action is usually to camp the one who is hooked.

    If the game were designed in a way that rewards camping, then it would be boring for killer and frustrating for survivors. But it is not the case. There are PLENTY of mechanics built in to prevent camping from becoming a winning strategy, also there's a significant difference in BP gains, in favor of less camping. Same goes for tunneling btw (just think of BBQ, that's clearly designed against tunneling). Do you think adding more elements that discourage camping would keep that small number of hard camping killers from playing their way? I doubt it. Your suggestion would punish good players too whenever they camp, and that would be unfair. Because as a killer, sometimes camping is necessary.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515
    edited September 2018
    Well for one, I think punishing killers for camping is one of the worst things they could do. Plus they could find a way around it, or just do it anyway and suffer the bloodpoint losses. I think the best way to do this is to give the survivors on the hook a bit of compensation for it. If a killer is camping you, they are spending an enormous amount of time just sitting there staring at you. I personally think this should work in the same way chases do, since it works in such a similar way in regards to the killer’s time. 
    Something like this:
    While on the hook, bloodpoints are gained per second depending on your distance from the killer. NOT based on terror radius:
    <4 meters: 20 BPs/s
    4 meters: 15 BPs/s
    8 meters: 10 BPs/s
    12 meters: 5 BP/s
    16 meters: 2 BP/s
    <32 meters: 1 BP/s

    it could also be worked into the emblem system, but I could see how it would be bad since it isn’t a display of survivor skill and instead one of killer action while you just kinda sit there. But once again, it would help discourage hard camping since you’d only be harming yourself as a killer by letting the person’s teammates do gens while the hooked survivor farms bloodpoints and possibly a safe pip by doing literally nothing. Punishing a sometimes forced playstyle is definitely not the way to go about this if anything is to be done at all
  • Member Posts: 47

    Woof, my first contribution to this website after hours of discussion with other players who play both survivor and Killer, and this is what I get: a couple of constructive posts and a slog of useless comments that think that balancing is impossible just because it hasn't been done properly before. I'm honestly a bit surprised at this reaction, seeing as camping is clearly a big issue in this game and sucks the fun out of it for everyone.

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Cuz the entity would punish the killer for doing their job.... yup this sounds like it goes with the lore :chuffed: ... since the update theres frames on the person being unhooked, BT is still a great perk to use, SWF...... oh SWF..... and SWF "shrugs" survivors have all the tools to combat any situation that comes infront of them... if its solo play... do gens dont give the killer the time of day...

    So actually, I disagree with this: The Entity wants people to be sacrificed, right? So if the Killer is standing there waiting for the Entity to slowly tease it's prey before taking them away, what is the Killer not doing? Sacrificing survivors...which is his job. The idea we came up with is that The Entity is actually upset with the Killer for essentially standing around and doing nothing when they are supposed to be getting them sacrifices. Also, perhaps the Entity likes to dine/play alone? Dinner for one, please!

    Also, I'm hearing that camping is part of the game...newflash, it's not: it's abusing the game's mechanics. Trapper can leave traps so he can leave the hooked survivor and come back if someone gets trapped, Hag can do the same, and taking a look at all the Killer Perks not a single one rewards you for standing there but in fact most of them give encouragement for you to go off and hunt down the other survivors now that you have some sort of bonus from hooking one of them...but having one survivor dead is worth more than anything a perk can give you.

    Let me give you a personal example: I currently play mainly the Doctor as I perform best with him. Before I got as good as I am now, I was losing games because I play this game as a Horror Film know, playing the game for what it is, so I played to have fun and would hook someone and run off to find others. Low and behold, people REALLY want to win in this game despite the game not really rewarding you for doing so, so I had a rut in which all four survivors were getting away and I was getting mad because I couldn't enjoy myself as I had hit that rank where survivors are armed to the teeth and ready to win. So I did that horrible act: in the next game, I focused on one person and hooked them and stood there until they died. That person lasted as long as they could, and their team managed to get three generators done in that time. Guess what happened after that? I slaughtered them all, and now that I have gotten better I can do that without fully camping them and actually leave for a moment to kick a gen and come back and find them after they have been saved.

    My argument here is that when everyone says 'Just ignore them and do gens' you are not only saying 'just accept this abuse of gameplay mechanics and do nothing about it' but you are also saying 'forget about ever rescuing a fellow survivor'...when that is a huge gameplay mechanic...AND your line of thought doesn't even net you a big enough advantage. When a Killer camps one survivor and forces them to die, on average the survivors seem to get between 2-3 gens done in that time (for the sake of the argument let's say they get three done). Now that you are down an ally, everything points to the Killer's advantage:

    -The have one less survivor to worry about tracking, hooking, doing gens, finding hexs, and helping out their allies.
    -They now have less gens to patrol, making it easier to come up with a strong gen pathing and constantly punish the remaining survivors.
    -They get rewarded with Bloodpoints at the end for sacrificing that survivor, regardless of how the rest of the game goes. In fact, this one kill often nets them as much (sometimes more) as the survivors end-game when the other three successfully escaped, and that is without using a BP booster.

    See, you working gens actually doesn't reward you enough as a survivor in this situation because you lose out on literally everything that fourth survivor could have offered you AND it's easier for the Killer to find you and halt your progress. Add on perks that have anything to do with gens and the Killer is making it a nightmare to get anything done that you might as well resort to just one of you getting away...which happens to me a lot. Seriously, with Doctor and Overcharge, I've had matches go on so long because I'll focus on keeping gens as low as possible and go after survivors only when they are really close to easily punish that games go on 20-45 mins and the survivors give up and either I kill them all or one found the hatch and the other distracts me so they can use it after they die. Anyone I chat with when I play Killer can tell you that when I play Doctor and the game loads, the first thing I say is 'Okay, no matter how many gens get done, I need to focus down and kill one of them.'

    @Mister_xD said:
    or (as i say in every single one of these posts) YOU REWARD KILLERS FOR NOT CAMPING instead of punishing them for camping. there. problem solved, everyone is happy.

    im legit so annoyed by all these posts .-.

    But that hasn't worked so far: there are plenty of perks that encourage them to not camp and go after other survivors, but it doesn't matter because guaranteeing that one survivor death rewards them much more and hurts survivors much more than any perk can possibly accomplish. I'm seeing a lot of this where you guys are saying that camping isn't good enough to nerf, but it is: the killer gets rewarded more than the surivivors, and I listed the reasons why.

    @George_Soros said:
    @ForsakenM Nonsense. Camping is part of the game. As it's been said a million times by a million players. 99% of the time camping first hook is a bad strategy anyway. Also, your proposition mostly ignores the not-so-rare event when the other three survivors just swarm the hooked guy instead of doing gens. I know you addressed this partially by pausing timer while in a chase, but that does not necessarily happen every time when other survs hookrush.
    Do the math: ok, being camped is not fun, I agree there. But. That's one person not having fun, and three others who can actually do something productive, pop 3-4 gens, and completely screw the killer who is facecamping: in short, possibly having a good game. The other issue is that often when exit gates are powered or already opened, and there's still four survs, one of them hooked, then the prudent course of action is usually to camp the one who is hooked.

    If the game were designed in a way that rewards camping, then it would be boring for killer and frustrating for survivors. But it is not the case. There are PLENTY of mechanics built in to prevent camping from becoming a winning strategy, also there's a significant difference in BP gains, in favor of less camping. Same goes for tunneling btw (just think of BBQ, that's clearly designed against tunneling). Do you think adding more elements that discourage camping would keep that small number of hard camping killers from playing their way? I doubt it. Your suggestion would punish good players too whenever they camp, and that would be unfair. Because as a killer, sometimes camping is necessary.

    Waited to post my comment because I saw this post. Now I will admit, I'm not as experienced at this game as some other people, but a lot of the people I play with have been playing this game before it was free on PSPlus, so I'm learning a bit quicker than I may have otherwise. More importantly, let me address your arguments.

    1. As I said before, camping is not 'part of the game': it is an abuse of gameplay features, but nowhere in this game is it said that you have to camp, and many parts of the game encourage you to not camp. People camp because they want to win as the Killer and camping nigh-guarantees you a dead survivor, making it easier for the Killer, harder for the survivors, and getting your hands on BP no matter how the game goes from there.
    2. Camping is not fun for anyone. The Killer has to do it to significantly increase his chances of winning, but the act of camping itself is boring because you just sit there and stop playing the game until they die or someone tries to save them. It's not fun for the other survivors because there is honestly little they can do to prevent it without taking major risks that are ultimately not worth it, and losing that survivor puts them at a huge disadvantage regardless of how much progress they make in the meantime. I can't tell you how many times I've heard other survivors complain about camping when they are not the ones on the hook. Clearly, it's not fun for the camped survivor either.
    3. I am a bit familiar with the hookrush strategy, and I agree that it can potentially save a survivor and minimize negatives to the other survivors, but there are many things in the Killer's favor if they try this: perks, add-ons, Exposed or anything that works like Exposed (Hillbilly and Cannibal say hi), Trapper and Hag traps, Clown AoE...I'm sure there is more that I don't know about. Also, while there is no specific perk that rewards camping itself Dying Light does heavily reward a Killer for guaranteeing the death of the Obsession as soon as possible and could be stacked with other perks to make a 'Camping Perk Set' that helps you successfully kill that one survivor. Decreased attack recovery, maybe even Fire Up, and now you have a kit that can potentially punish the survivors no matter how the decide to react to your camping. Best case scenario for a hookrush: Two survivors get injured, hooked survivor gets unhooked, and you all somehow lose the killer without any other repercussions. I'm sure we all know how unlikely that is, as it's much more likely that someone else will get downed during the rescue, and that could easily be the previously hooked survivor which would practically damn them to their fate.
    4. You brought up a good point about the Exit Gates. With my idea, I think that once all the generators are done, the timer would no longer activate if a Killer camps someone mainly because, as you said, it's the only way to get a kill at this point due to a lack of survivor objectives.
    5. Look at my previous arguments for why the Killer gains more than the survivors do when they camp, and that the previous attempts to fix camping or encourage doing non-camping activities hasn't worked. Also, more people camp than you give credit to, as player run into them regularly.
  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @ForsakenM said:

    1. As I said before, camping is not 'part of the game': it is an abuse of gameplay features, but …

    This is everything that counts in your wall of text, because THIS shows your wrong thinking.
    You do not want to accept it as part of the game, but it is. Period.
    Debate over. No abuse, just entitled survivor player that can't understand that someone might got eliminated early in an asymetrical game.

  • Member Posts: 416

    just encase you have not seen it @ForsakenM this is a nice little video of a Dev stream from a while back.

  • Member Posts: 1,532
    edited September 2018
    Would you like to know why we camp? It’s not a choice. We are freaking the ######### out. Generators getting knocked left and right and starting to sound like artillery fire in the night. 

    We HAVE to play defensively. We are supposed to be in control of the match, not you. Your job is to adapt my entitled friend.  You can literally counter camping by swarming the hook, bait the killer into hitting you, or continue to cancel your save attempt until he strikes you. Take off, and someone else will unhook them. Everyone gets away. 

    Why don’t we think about strategies before you take out the nerf bullshit alright? It’s hard enough playing killer right now. One more nerf will kill this game.  Mark my words.  
  • Member Posts: 319

    @EqMonkVeeshan said:
    just encase you have not seen it @ForsakenM this is a nice little video of a Dev stream from a while back.

    Somebody needs to make a bot that auto-responds with this video every time one of these threads pops up.

    Get over it people.

  • Member Posts: 283

    just do Gens and get out best way to combat camping put pressure on the killer.camping is part of the game, so is tunneling just as looping is. it's a strategy some people use. you want to stop camping? don't go for the saves. just do gens. tired of getting camped? just get better!

    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...

    Good, it means 3 Survivors get out for free. Easy win.

  • Member Posts: 283

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...

    Good, it means 3 Survivors get out for free. Easy win.

    Same response. If you like being turned into dry meat everytime it's good for you but I'd rather play.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...

    Good, it means 3 Survivors get out for free. Easy win.

    Same response. If you like being turned into dry meat everytime it's good for you but I'd rather play.

    Escape, then you can queue up again. The Killer is another player; he's not a bot for your amusement.

  • Member Posts: 283

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...

    Good, it means 3 Survivors get out for free. Easy win.

    Same response. If you like being turned into dry meat everytime it's good for you but I'd rather play.

    Escape, then you can queue up again. The Killer is another player; he's not a bot for your amusement.

    This doesn't even make sense to the context...are you being obtus on purpose ?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...

    Good, it means 3 Survivors get out for free. Easy win.

    Same response. If you like being turned into dry meat everytime it's good for you but I'd rather play.

    Escape, then you can queue up again. The Killer is another player; he's not a bot for your amusement.

    This doesn't even make sense to the context...are you being obtus on purpose ?

    Sure it does. The current game is boring, but you get a free win. You take that free win and get into another game. Hopefully, that one will be more amusing. What you don't get is to dictate how another person plays the game, if they're not cheating or exploiting.

  • Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2018

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...

    Good, it means 3 Survivors get out for free. Easy win.

    Same response. If you like being turned into dry meat everytime it's good for you but I'd rather play.

    Escape, then you can queue up again. The Killer is another player; he's not a bot for your amusement.

    This doesn't even make sense to the context...are you being obtus on purpose ?

    Sure it does. The current game is boring, but you get a free win. You take that free win and get into another game. Hopefully, that one will be more amusing. What you don't get is to dictate how another person plays the game, if they're not cheating or exploiting.

    Honey that's what were trying to change. You realize slavery wasn't always illegal right ? Same applies here.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    @OrionQc24 said:
    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...

    Good, it means 3 Survivors get out for free. Easy win.

    Same response. If you like being turned into dry meat everytime it's good for you but I'd rather play.

    Escape, then you can queue up again. The Killer is another player; he's not a bot for your amusement.

    This doesn't even make sense to the context...are you being obtus on purpose ?

    Sure it does. The current game is boring, but you get a free win. You take that free win and get into another game. Hopefully, that one will be more amusing. What you don't get is to dictate how another person plays the game, if they're not cheating or exploiting.

    Honey that's what were trying to change. You realize slavery wasn't always illegal right ?

    I know what you're doing, and it's trying to give Survivors free unhooks by punishing Killers for defending the hook. If you don't like camping, then stop rewarding it. The problem will sort itself out.

  • Member Posts: 2,270
    @ForsakenM look, I appreciate the the effort that you put in your post and replies, but I still strongly disagree. Camping is NOT an abuse. You can put any number of limits and incentives, all aimed toward preventing camping, but nothing will completely eradicate it. The most basic tool of players is movement. By overregulating where they can and cannot go, you'll be limiting them to such extent that nobody is going to want to play killer.
    Killers will always want to go where survivors are. If it's a hooked survivor, they'll go there, and stay there as long as they suspect someone is there.
    Don't get me wrong, I used to be furious too when I got facecamped the first few times. I know where you're coming from. It sucks. But you see, I'm pretty convinced that the wish to crack down on camping even harder comes from this frustration. And it would make the game worse.
  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @OrionQc24 said:

    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...

    You would lover to meet my Wraith.^^
    I got a real saltmine build for tunneling and camping.
    I joke about it as "the Devs perfectly balanced killer build".
    Just tunnel and camp the first victim and use Noed to get the 2nd and camp that guy again. XD
    Don't forget to say "gg" after the match and just let them freak out in chat.^^

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    @Wolf74 said:

    @OrionQc24 said:

    Thing doesn't aways work...sometimes you can see and feel he just want one kill...

    You would lover to meet my Wraith.^^
    I got a real saltmine build for tunneling and camping.
    I joke about it as "the Devs perfectly balanced killer build".
    Just tunnel and camp the first victim and use Noed to get the 2nd and camp that guy again. XD
    Don't forget to say "gg" after the match and just let them freak out in chat.^^

    See, that's the thing. Don't freak out if it happens to you. It's actually funny (almost as funny as hiding behind exit gates as Nurse's, with a NOED+Insidious troll build).

    People say it's "imbalance", "abusing game mechanics", "taking the game hostage", "crutch perks" and things like that they argue against. They're just saying that though. It's LOSING what really makes people lose their [BAD WORD], so they try to find any excuse to claim that the game is somehow unfair.

  • Member Posts: 245

    @OrionQc24 said:

    @Orion said:

    Sure it does. The current game is boring, but you get a free win. You take that free win and get into another game. Hopefully, that one will be more amusing. What you don't get is to dictate how another person plays the game, if they're not cheating or exploiting.

    Honey that's what were trying to change. You realize slavery wasn't always illegal right ? Same applies here.

    You're implying that... being camped while hooked is similar to being enslaved? Even if the killer runs away, and you're not being camped and the other survivors don't save you, the probability of unhooking yourself is so low that the other survivors would actually be the one's who are enslaving you because they are the only ones that can free you. lawl.

    But in all seriousness, slavery is a violation of a human's rights, the right of an individual to make their own decisions; everyone is allowed to screw up all by themselves. You're entitled to that same freedom at the beginning of the trial, you get to choose how you survive. What you're not entitled to as a survivor is to be unhooked... just because you were hooked. When you are hooked, you should consider the game to be mostly over for you, as from this point on, your success depends solely on the actions of others. You lost your independence, it wasn't really taken from you because you foresaw the potential costs of your actions. If you didn't see those costs ahead of time, now you will.

    Generally, it's a good idea to accept one's mistakes and move on to try again. But no, that's simply not good enough; the people who embrace this tired argument expect to receive an optimal experience at all times. That's an unrealistic expectation, because you can't expect yourself to perform perfectly all of the time. But, maybe you understand that, so instead you place the responsibility of receiving an optimal experience on the person playing the killer, or the developers, rather than the survivor who is getting themselves hooked.

    Ah-ha! All these survivors have to do is learn some accountability, i.e. git gud.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Good idea! I just needed an excuse to slug everyone before hooking :)

  • Member Posts: 777

    We get it. Camping is here to stay. It is only used by weak players who haven't developed real skills yet as a killer. Eventually these players will fall to the lower ranks and be beat the vast majority of the time by nimble survivors. But I still think the developers could modify the game to discourage camping or to give the survivors a fair alternative to just er..,"hanging around." I suggest the hooked victim be given the ability to use their hand signals to point or wave. I think a great addition would be if the victim can hold up one fist over their head in the universal "stop or hold fast" gesture. They could then signal to other players now is not the right time to come and unhook them. I would also love it if when the fist is up the victim could not be unhooked. The only thing worse than being left on a hook is being farmed where you are saved and back on the hook in three seconds.

  • Member Posts: 40

    The ultimate counter to camping is to just pound away at generators and let yourself stay on the hook for as long as possible.

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