Make Victor crushable while on lockers

Not for the survivor in the locker, you just played yourself, but any other survivors that happen to be nearby should be able to pull Victor off and crush him like usual
It just doesn't make sense that you can't imo
Make him so he doesn't get destroyed after successfull hit in the first place
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I'd be happy if they removed that and added this. I don't think he should be vulnerable after a down either
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Honestly, when I'm in a crushable state after a down or missed attack, if you just walk backwards away from the surv whos trying to crush you, it seems to mess up their UI and they can't complete the crush action.
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I know all that, but if they are going together and you down someone, 99% of the time other survivor will hit you, and they will heal, you won't be able to get there fast as Charlotte.
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Well if you can't get there on time then you're probably not playing the twins right. Aside from extreme situations, I ALWAYS keep charlotte in the middle of the map for that exact reason. Also, putting PWYF on charlotte is good for that as well, since you can get your 3 stacks easy then run around with victor to avoid losing stacks.
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lmao lets nerf a killer that is already not good at all and full of bugs edit many people i face in red ranks dont even know i can do it
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You don't understand what a nerf is lol this takes nothing away from the Twins, just let's people pull Victor off lockers
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Yes, because ganging up against Victor should be even MORE effective to drive the killer even FURTHER toward forced camping.
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i mean if you can just remove him from lockers how else should you get kills? it already takes 2 hours to walk to a locker since it takes 4 hours for charlotte to wake up so most times victor lets go all us twins main can also camp with devour hope noed undying if you want
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What a dumb question. You're right, Victor locker grab is the only way Twins kill people in their 6 hour long games. Also run what you want lmao who cares? What a dingus
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Blame the devs for releasing an unfinished killer with several design flaws. If they didn't want the 20minute games, they should've made it easier for Twins to play without hardcore slugging, like if Victor could hold ctrl over a downed survivor to make Charlotte move via a simple a.i. pathfinding method at a slower speed towards the dying survivor while Victor can go do something else. They need to feel more like two killers, not two halves of one killer.