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Patch 2.2's problems

Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
edited September 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
This is gonna be a long as hell post, you have been warned.
I loved patch 2.1.2. It was far from perfect, but it felt like the one big patch that showed BHVR was noticing that the game needed more balance than it had in patches past. However, too many problems with this patch show me otherwise. Here are the issues I have with the patch and solutions for them:

1. New hatchet hitboxes. I've already talked about these all over the forums, but I will say this that is new: If the survivors' hurtboxes were altered to where each limb and their head had individual ones, the hatchet hitbox change would make a lot more sense. Right now, the survivor hurtbox is way too small and leads to hatchets literally phasing through their arms, legs, and heads.

2. Spirit is too weak. She needs major buffs to her power. This includes less cool down, seeing blood at base, and seeing auras from aura-reading perks at base in her power. Also I know it's a bug, but being able to hear a directional sound when she's using her power makes it way too easy to avoid her when out of a chase. Right now she's not good at all.

3. The new map is pretty damn bad. It's too cluttered, too big, and too survivor-sided with a ton of safe looping spots. Solution to map design is what I'm least confident on, so my best idea for this is to get rid of some of the bushes where it is so easy to just disappear into.

4. The Wraith buff was amazing overall, but he really needed old purple Windstorm at base. Other than that, good stuff.

5. Hillbilly "false chainsaw fix". All that happened was his chainsaw hitbox was made bigger. This was completely unnecessary and buffs him too much when he never needed a buff.

6. Nurse shadow buffs. Why make her fatigue less on her long-range blinks? She's already damn strong at base, and borderline broken with the right add-ons.

7. Map design. Fractured Cowshed was edited well now that the barn isn't an insta-loss infinite. But maps like Haddonfield, and Lery's are still littered with safe spots. There need to be less safe spots on all of these maps (and in Lery's case, less RNG).

8. Sneaking in exhaustion recovery upon being hooked. Would be fine if Sprint Burst wasn't a perk. This should be reverted in my opinion, or at least include it in the patch notes instead of just dropping it unannounced.

9. Speaking of hooks, invulnerability to the unhooked survivor. In the PTB, attacks that would hit the unhooked survivor immediately after they got unhooked would hit the savior instead. This was perfect. Now the unhooked survivor just tanks the hit, which is ridiculous. The PTB version of this needs to be brought back.

10. Pallet stun hitboxes. The problem beforehand with them was it would stun killers way too off to the side. Now, they still do but rarely stun killers directly in front of the pallet unless they are at the apex of their lunge. This should be reverted and looked at so that you don't have dumb hits from the sides but you can actually stun the killer when they're trying to attack you through the pallet.

I still find this game a ton of fun, but I feel it took too many steps back with this latest patch. I made this post not to complain and say the game sucks now, but to make suggestions that I feel would make the game better than it ever was.
Post edited by Maximus7 on


  • YeetzaRolls
    YeetzaRolls Member Posts: 3
    The pallets are killing me, I'm tired of not being able to use spirit fury. And I'm tired of not being able to stun the killer 
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    This was the big one I noticed that screwed over survivors. Now killers don't even want to run Enduring because they almost never get stunned. It's ridiculous.
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    edited September 2018
    So it was brought up to me that I was a little demanding in the original post. Edited this to make my tone more open to discussion. Writing isn't my strong suit, so sorry about that.
    Post edited by Maximus7 on
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @YeetzaRolls said:
    The pallets are killing me, I'm tired of not being able to use spirit fury. And I'm tired of not being able to stun the killer 

    I still get stuned regularly because I dont respect pallets.

    Survivors asked for an earler stun trigger because they didnt want to get hit through pallets, they got what they wanted and yet they complain that the pallet is dropped earlier now.

    Excuse me? :lol:

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    @YeetzaRolls said:
    The pallets are killing me, I'm tired of not being able to use spirit fury. And I'm tired of not being able to stun the killer 

    I still get stuned regularly because I dont respect pallets.

    Survivors asked for an earler stun trigger because they didnt want to get hit through pallets, they got what they wanted and yet they complain that the pallet is dropped earlier now.

    Excuse me? :lol:

    I never would have thought it was because of this! But since you pointed this out you're right!! It's because the stun has already passed! :+1:
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    That's....actually a really good point. Never thought of that.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Maximus7 said:

    1. Map design. Fractured Cowshed was edited well now that the barn isn't an insta-loss infinite. But maps like Haddonfield, and Lery's are still littered with safe spots. There need to be less safe spots on all of these maps (and in Lery's case, less RNG).

    2. Sneaking in exhaustion recovery upon being hooked. Would be fine if Sprint Burst wasn't a perk. This should be reverted in my opinion, or at least include it in the patch notes instead of just dropping it unannounced.

    3. Speaking of hooks, invulnerability to the unhooked survivor. In the PTB, attacks that would hit the unhooked survivor immediately after they got unhooked would hit the savior instead. This was perfect. Now the unhooked survivor just tanks the hit, which is ridiculous. The PTB version of this needs to be brought back.

    These are the important points for me.
    7. Should also include the mentioning of the nerf to bloodlust, because "reworking the infinites aka long loops" have been the justification for that nerf and actually there are still tons of long loops and/or safezones, but they gutted bloodlust anyway.

    1. and 9. Are just downright stupid. Sorry, but getting a rusty iron hook driven through your shoulder will RELIEVE someone from being fatigued? #########? And this only makes 9. worse, since the survivor can insta SB or DH away to escape completely undeserved by a bad timed unhook, disrespecting the killers presence.
  • Williamz
    Williamz Member Posts: 143
    edited September 2018

    @Maximus7 said:
    This is gonna be a long as hell post, you have been warned.
    I loved patch 2.1.2. It was far from perfect, but it felt like the one big patch that showed BHVR was noticing that the game needed more balance than it had in patches past. However, too many problems with this patch show me otherwise. Here are the issues I have with the patch and solutions for them:

    1. New hatchet hitboxes. I've already talked about these all over the forums, but I will say this that is new: If the survivors' hurtboxes were altered to where each limb and their head had individual ones, the hatchet hitbox change would make a lot more sense. Right now, the survivor hurtbox is way too small and leads to hatchets literally phasing through their arms, legs, and heads.

    Her hatches need to be fixed. It's usually during animations where they are going through survivors.

    1. Spirit is too weak. She needs major buffs to her power. This includes less cool down, seeing blood at base, and seeing auras from aura-reading perks at base in her power. Also I know it's a bug, but being able to hear a directional sound when she's using her power makes it way too easy to avoid her when out of a chase. Right now she's not good at all.

    Spirit is slightly lacking but she is still doing fair. I've listed some suggested changes here.

    1. The new map is pretty damn bad. It's too cluttered, too big, and too survivor-sided with a ton of safe looping spots. Solution to map design is what I'm least confident on, so my best idea for this is to get rid of some of the bushes where it is so easy to just disappear into.

    It's still pretty early on but I'm leaning towards it being a killer map than a survivor map. There isn't too many pallets and there is no real potential infinities on it either. Seems it's more a chase and hide orientated map.

    1. The Wraith buff was amazing overall, but he really needed old purple Windstorm at base. Other than that, good stuff.

    Wraith is now a strong killer with that decloak boost and addon buffs.

    1. Map design. Fractured Cowshed was edited well now that the barn isn't an insta-loss infinite. But maps like Haddonfield, and Lery's are still littered with safe spots. There need to be less safe spots on all of these maps (and in Lery's case, less RNG).

    Fractured Cowshed still has a borderline window infinite on one of it layouts and so does Rancid Abattoir. These are seriously bad map for killers.

    1. Speaking of hooks, invulnerability to the unhooked survivor. In the PTB, attacks that would hit the unhooked survivor immediately after they got unhooked would hit the savior instead. This was perfect. Now the unhooked survivor just tanks the hit, which is ridiculous. The PTB version of this needs to be brought back.

    I agree on this. I preferred it this way. If you are going to dive a hook when the killer is still near it should be on you not the victim. The reason I think they changed it back was borrowed time became redundant.

    Borrowed time is one of the main reasons why survivors have nothing to fear in this game. It needs to be brought up fully in a discussion rather than just here. There is only one way they can change borrowed time. It gives a speed boost of 150% for 5 seconds (same as adrenaline) once unhooked and hides scratch marks for 6 seconds.

    1. Pallet stun hitboxes. The problem beforehand with them was it would stun killers way too off to the side. Now, they still do but rarely stun killers directly in front of the pallet unless they are at the apex of their lunge. This should be reverted and looked at so that you don't have dumb hits from the sides but you can actually stun the killer when they're trying to attack you through the pallet.

    It does seem like the hurtbox of the killer shrinks while lunging. Needs more investigation.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    The hillbilly thing is annoying I keep running into things I'm not running into. It's dumb
  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250

    @Maximus7 said:
    This is gonna be a long as hell post, you have been warned.
    I loved patch 2.1.2. It was far from perfect, but it felt like the one big patch that showed BHVR was noticing that the game needed more balance than it had in patches past. However, too many problems with this patch show me otherwise. Here are the issues I have with the patch and solutions for them:

    1. New hatchet hitboxes. I've already talked about these all over the forums, but I will say this that is new: If the survivors' hurtboxes were altered to where each limb and their head had individual ones, the hatchet hitbox change would make a lot more sense. Right now, the survivor hurtbox is way too small and leads to hatchets literally phasing through their arms, legs, and heads.

    2. Spirit is too weak. She needs major buffs to her power. This includes less cool down, seeing blood at base, and seeing auras from aura-reading perks at base in her power. Also I know it's a bug, but being able to hear a directional sound when she's using her power makes it way too easy to avoid her when out of a chase. Right now she's not good at all.

    3. The new map is pretty damn bad. It's too cluttered, too big, and too survivor-sided with a ton of safe looping spots. Solution to map design is what I'm least confident on, so my best idea for this is to get rid of some of the bushes where it is so easy to just disappear into.

    4. The Wraith buff was amazing overall, but he really needed old purple Windstorm at base. Other than that, good stuff.

    5. Hillbilly "false chainsaw fix". All that happened was his chainsaw hitbox was made bigger. This was completely unnecessary and buffs him too much when he never needed a buff.

    6. Nurse shadow buffs. Why make her fatigue less on her long-range blinks? She's already damn strong at base, and borderline broken with the right add-ons.

    7. Map design. Fractured Cowshed was edited well now that the barn isn't an insta-loss infinite. But maps like Haddonfield, and Lery's are still littered with safe spots. There need to be less safe spots on all of these maps (and in Lery's case, less RNG).

    8. Sneaking in exhaustion recovery upon being hooked. Would be fine if Sprint Burst wasn't a perk. This should be reverted in my opinion, or at least include it in the patch notes instead of just dropping it unannounced.

    9. Speaking of hooks, invulnerability to the unhooked survivor. In the PTB, attacks that would hit the unhooked survivor immediately after they got unhooked would hit the savior instead. This was perfect. Now the unhooked survivor just tanks the hit, which is ridiculous. The PTB version of this needs to be brought back.

    10. Pallet stun hitboxes. The problem beforehand with them was it would stun killers way too off to the side. Now, they still do but rarely stun killers directly in front of the pallet unless they are at the apex of their lunge. This should be reverted and looked at so that you don't have dumb hits from the sides but you can actually stun the killer when they're trying to attack you through the pallet.

    I still find this game a ton of fun, but I feel it took too many steps back with this latest patch. I made this post not to complain and say the game sucks now, but to make suggestions that I feel would make the game better than it ever was.

    Those are good issues to bring up, although there are some issues I noticed as well.

    1:It seems like they broke flashlights a bit in this update. As killer, I had moments where they aren't shining it in my face and are slightly off, yet it begins to blind me. It's weird as the usual tricks like looking up quickly are actually forcing me to look up all the way almost.

    2:That pallet buff they did is strangely..inconsistent, it feels like on one end it does help, but on both ends I still have moments where they dropped the pallet but I still got a hit in and times where I hit the space bar and the pallet doesn't drop. I would either prefer they go back to the old way, or try to fix it again as it's just weird. I also agree on the pallet stun hitboxes being off. There were a good amount of killer matches where they dropped a pallet and despite being rubbing up agaisnt it. The damn thing never stunned me unless I was only lunging. I have an issue with it since it makes perks like enduring or spirit fury seem way less useful cause the number of stuns I get has actually gone down a little.

    3:...Bloodlust. I understand that they nerfed it cause so many people complained but there's one issue...They nerfed it too much. They happen faster (or so I think) but the speed boost is so damn minimul that bloodlust is actually useless for helping solving loops. I feel if they want it to be useful, they should buff them up a little again...and maybe not have breaking a pallet get rid of all your bloodlust but maybe just one stack. The speed boost isn't great anymore, so why keep the pallet breaking penalty in? I thought the speed boost in the last patch was fine, but I willl agree it was a little bit extreme at stage 3 but that doesn't mean you should of split each boost in half! Now it's useless.

    4:The loop nerfs were not as impactful as I thought, not even bothering to fix a very hellish looping safe spot in haddonfield, there's basically 4 open windows upstairs and one of the first floor that forces you to either follow them threw the window or try to cut them off at the front or back door...which isn't easy as the hedge next to that window has an opening that opens to more loops that can connect back to the house. It was so hellish with the pig that I was stuck on that match....for an hour.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @TheMadDoctor said:

    3:...Bloodlust. I understand that they nerfed it cause so many people complained but there's one issue...They nerfed it too much. They happen faster (or so I think) but the speed boost is so damn minimul that bloodlust is actually useless for helping solving loops. I feel if they want it to be useful, they should buff them up a little again...and maybe not have breaking a pallet get rid of all your bloodlust but maybe just one stack. The speed boost isn't great anymore, so why keep the pallet breaking penalty in? I thought the speed boost in the last patch was fine, but I willl agree it was a little bit extreme at stage 3 but that doesn't mean you should of split each boost in half! Now it's useless.

    You think wrong, because it still takes the same time to get the bloodlust stacks, the speedboost just got slower.
    The Devs talked about reducing the time it takes to get stacks to balance the lost speed, but they didn't bring it live that way.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    Wolf74 said:

    @TheMadDoctor said:

    3:...Bloodlust. I understand that they nerfed it cause so many people complained but there's one issue...They nerfed it too much. They happen faster (or so I think) but the speed boost is so damn minimul that bloodlust is actually useless for helping solving loops. I feel if they want it to be useful, they should buff them up a little again...and maybe not have breaking a pallet get rid of all your bloodlust but maybe just one stack. The speed boost isn't great anymore, so why keep the pallet breaking penalty in? I thought the speed boost in the last patch was fine, but I willl agree it was a little bit extreme at stage 3 but that doesn't mean you should of split each boost in half! Now it's useless.

    You think wrong, because it still takes the same time to get the bloodlust stacks, the speedboost just got slower.
    The Devs talked about reducing the time it takes to get stacks to balance the lost speed, but they didn't bring it live that way.

    I did say, or so I think, I checked after I typed's ######### #########. Either bring back ol bloodlust speeds or make the buffs happen faster, you can't avoid  both devs!
  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited September 2018

    5 The Hillbilly chainsaw fix only affected the hits that survivors would have dodged by circling into something. You can still miss solid hits here and there and when they El Sprint Bursto away from you.

    6 The Nurse wasn't buffed at all. If anything, she's been shadownerfed. Now there's a ######### ton of dead zones that she cannot blink through, especially on the Game and that mess known as the new map.

    9 Hook invulnerability needs to be removed altogether. Unhooking a survivor was already braindead easy because of swivel hooks, conga train lines, Borrowed crutch and so on.

    10 This is actually how pallets are supposed to be. They aren't meant to stun the killer from four feet away, around corners and through walls. Now they just need the time-window putting to when the pallet actually drops and not the whole length of the animation.

  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296
    1. The fartigue is not changed at all!

    But they introduced a giant blink death zone on the game map so its a nerf.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    So I was busy as hell yesterday so time to respond to everyone's comments in one fell swoop:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Maximus7 said:

    1. Map design. Fractured Cowshed was edited well now that the barn isn't an insta-loss infinite. But maps like Haddonfield, and Lery's are still littered with safe spots. There need to be less safe spots on all of these maps (and in Lery's case, less RNG).

    2. Sneaking in exhaustion recovery upon being hooked. Would be fine if Sprint Burst wasn't a perk. This should be reverted in my opinion, or at least include it in the patch notes instead of just dropping it unannounced.

    3. Speaking of hooks, invulnerability to the unhooked survivor. In the PTB, attacks that would hit the unhooked survivor immediately after they got unhooked would hit the savior instead. This was perfect. Now the unhooked survivor just tanks the hit, which is ridiculous. The PTB version of this needs to be brought back.

    These are the important points for me.
    7. Should also include the mentioning of the nerf to bloodlust, because "reworking the infinites aka long loops" have been the justification for that nerf and actually there are still tons of long loops and/or safezones, but they gutted bloodlust anyway.

    1. and 9. Are just downright stupid. Sorry, but getting a rusty iron hook driven through your shoulder will RELIEVE someone from being fatigued? #########? And this only makes 9. worse, since the survivor can insta SB or DH away to escape completely undeserved by a bad timed unhook, disrespecting the killers presence.

    I don't mind the nerfing of bloodlust because I usually never needed bloodlust 2, let alone 3. What I wish happened there was 2 remained the same but 3 was deleted. Bloodlust 3 was just silly. And again, the way they had it in the PTB with invulnerability was amazing, but they decided to make it different for whatever reason. Oh well.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    edited September 2018

    @TheMadDoctor said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    This is gonna be a long as hell post, you have been warned.
    I loved patch 2.1.2. It was far from perfect, but it felt like the one big patch that showed BHVR was noticing that the game needed more balance than it had in patches past. However, too many problems with this patch show me otherwise. Here are the issues I have with the patch and solutions for them:

    1. New hatchet hitboxes. I've already talked about these all over the forums, but I will say this that is new: If the survivors' hurtboxes were altered to where each limb and their head had individual ones, the hatchet hitbox change would make a lot more sense. Right now, the survivor hurtbox is way too small and leads to hatchets literally phasing through their arms, legs, and heads.

    2. Spirit is too weak. She needs major buffs to her power. This includes less cool down, seeing blood at base, and seeing auras from aura-reading perks at base in her power. Also I know it's a bug, but being able to hear a directional sound when she's using her power makes it way too easy to avoid her when out of a chase. Right now she's not good at all.

    3. The new map is pretty damn bad. It's too cluttered, too big, and too survivor-sided with a ton of safe looping spots. Solution to map design is what I'm least confident on, so my best idea for this is to get rid of some of the bushes where it is so easy to just disappear into.

    4. The Wraith buff was amazing overall, but he really needed old purple Windstorm at base. Other than that, good stuff.

    5. Hillbilly "false chainsaw fix". All that happened was his chainsaw hitbox was made bigger. This was completely unnecessary and buffs him too much when he never needed a buff.

    6. Nurse shadow buffs. Why make her fatigue less on her long-range blinks? She's already damn strong at base, and borderline broken with the right add-ons.

    7. Map design. Fractured Cowshed was edited well now that the barn isn't an insta-loss infinite. But maps like Haddonfield, and Lery's are still littered with safe spots. There need to be less safe spots on all of these maps (and in Lery's case, less RNG).

    8. Sneaking in exhaustion recovery upon being hooked. Would be fine if Sprint Burst wasn't a perk. This should be reverted in my opinion, or at least include it in the patch notes instead of just dropping it unannounced.

    9. Speaking of hooks, invulnerability to the unhooked survivor. In the PTB, attacks that would hit the unhooked survivor immediately after they got unhooked would hit the savior instead. This was perfect. Now the unhooked survivor just tanks the hit, which is ridiculous. The PTB version of this needs to be brought back.

    10. Pallet stun hitboxes. The problem beforehand with them was it would stun killers way too off to the side. Now, they still do but rarely stun killers directly in front of the pallet unless they are at the apex of their lunge. This should be reverted and looked at so that you don't have dumb hits from the sides but you can actually stun the killer when they're trying to attack you through the pallet.

    I still find this game a ton of fun, but I feel it took too many steps back with this latest patch. I made this post not to complain and say the game sucks now, but to make suggestions that I feel would make the game better than it ever was.

    Those are good issues to bring up, although there are some issues I noticed as well.

    1:It seems like they broke flashlights a bit in this update. As killer, I had moments where they aren't shining it in my face and are slightly off, yet it begins to blind me. It's weird as the usual tricks like looking up quickly are actually forcing me to look up all the way almost.

    2:That pallet buff they did is strangely..inconsistent, it feels like on one end it does help, but on both ends I still have moments where they dropped the pallet but I still got a hit in and times where I hit the space bar and the pallet doesn't drop. I would either prefer they go back to the old way, or try to fix it again as it's just weird. I also agree on the pallet stun hitboxes being off. There were a good amount of killer matches where they dropped a pallet and despite being rubbing up agaisnt it. The damn thing never stunned me unless I was only lunging. I have an issue with it since it makes perks like enduring or spirit fury seem way less useful cause the number of stuns I get has actually gone down a little.

    3:...Bloodlust. I understand that they nerfed it cause so many people complained but there's one issue...They nerfed it too much. They happen faster (or so I think) but the speed boost is so damn minimul that bloodlust is actually useless for helping solving loops. I feel if they want it to be useful, they should buff them up a little again...and maybe not have breaking a pallet get rid of all your bloodlust but maybe just one stack. The speed boost isn't great anymore, so why keep the pallet breaking penalty in? I thought the speed boost in the last patch was fine, but I willl agree it was a little bit extreme at stage 3 but that doesn't mean you should of split each boost in half! Now it's useless.

    4:The loop nerfs were not as impactful as I thought, not even bothering to fix a very hellish looping safe spot in haddonfield, there's basically 4 open windows upstairs and one of the first floor that forces you to either follow them threw the window or try to cut them off at the front or back door...which isn't easy as the hedge next to that window has an opening that opens to more loops that can connect back to the house. It was so hellish with the pig that I was stuck on that match....for an hour.

    1. I haven't noticed this at all except as Spirit, where she's bugged to have the visual effect of insta-blinds back in the old days. Which was really damn weird.
    2. From what I've heard, the pallet stun hitbox being small as hell is a bug that they intend to fix. Would still like the sides of the hitbox to be shrunk because I've had weird as hell stuns happen when I'm pretty damn far away from the pallet to the left or right of it, but I would like to see the front-and-back hitbox size to be brought back to how it was before this patch.
    3. Bloodlust nerf was fine for me because I never really needed anything past bloodlust 1. Though I would have loved to see bloodlust 2 remain the same as in last patch but bloodlust 3 be deleted entirely. I feel that would have been a good fix.
    4. Some maps got edited pretty well, but Haddonfield wasn't edited at all. As I learned yesterday, neither was Torment Creek's infinite, which is ridiculous.
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    @Acromio said:
    5 The Hillbilly chainsaw fix only affected the hits that survivors would have dodged by circling into something. You can still miss solid hits here and there and when they El Sprint Bursto away from you.

    6 The Nurse wasn't buffed at all. If anything, she's been shadownerfed. Now there's a [BAD WORD] ton of dead zones that she cannot blink through, especially on the Game and that mess known as the new map.

    9 Hook invulnerability needs to be removed altogether. Unhooking a survivor was already braindead easy because of swivel hooks, conga train lines, Borrowed crutch and so on.

    10 This is actually how pallets are supposed to be. They aren't meant to stun the killer from four feet away, around corners and through walls. Now they just need the time-window putting to when the pallet actually drops and not the whole length of the animation.

    1. SB is another issue altogether that has plagued this game since its release. However, I haven't gotten a false chainsaw yet since the new update, so not sure about the rest of your comment from my experiences alone.
    2. I have not played Nurse on Gideon yet, so I have no opinion there.
    3. BT isn't a crutch ever since its nerf tbh, but it is annoying when the exit gate is right next to the hooked survivor and it's open. Again, the way it was in the PTB was perfect, but they decided to change it for god knows what reason.
    4. One of my above responses has my opinion, but tl;dr, the sides of the hitbox need to be shrunk but the front-and-back was perfectly fine in 2.1.2. Also I've heard the way pallets are now is a bug. Right now survivors have to be exactly perfect with pallet drops and even then it sometimes just doesn't stun the killer, which is kinda ridiculous.
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    @Crythor said:
    6. The fartigue is not changed at all!

    But they introduced a giant blink death zone on the game map so its a nerf.

    The fatigue on her first blink only definitely got reduced. That was the big shadow buff.

    But watching the video in that post you included made me realize how messed up that is. She was overpowered on Gideon, but damn, that's too ridiculous of a nerf.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    @Acromio said:
    5 The Hillbilly chainsaw fix only affected the hits that survivors would have dodged by circling into something. You can still miss solid hits here and there and when they El Sprint Bursto away from you.

    6 The Nurse wasn't buffed at all. If anything, she's been shadownerfed. Now there's a [BAD WORD] ton of dead zones that she cannot blink through, especially on the Game and that mess known as the new map.

    9 Hook invulnerability needs to be removed altogether. Unhooking a survivor was already braindead easy because of swivel hooks, conga train lines, Borrowed crutch and so on.

    10 This is actually how pallets are supposed to be. They aren't meant to stun the killer from four feet away, around corners and through walls. Now they just need the time-window putting to when the pallet actually drops and not the whole length of the animation.

    SB is another issue altogether, but as for the rest of the Billy stuff, I've noticed nothing about him negative compared to the last patch.
    Nurse, I just saw the terrible dead zones on Gideon, but other than that, she has less fatigue on her first blink. Which is kinda ridiculous.
    BT isn't a crutch since it got nerfed a while ago. I again would like to see what they did in the PTB brought back instead of what it is now.
    No, pallets still stun you way to the side but rarely ever stun the killer if they're directly in front. It's really weird, and from what I've heard is a bug.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    @Williamz said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    This is gonna be a long as hell post, you have been warned.
    I loved patch 2.1.2. It was far from perfect, but it felt like the one big patch that showed BHVR was noticing that the game needed more balance than it had in patches past. However, too many problems with this patch show me otherwise. Here are the issues I have with the patch and solutions for them:

    1. New hatchet hitboxes. I've already talked about these all over the forums, but I will say this that is new: If the survivors' hurtboxes were altered to where each limb and their head had individual ones, the hatchet hitbox change would make a lot more sense. Right now, the survivor hurtbox is way too small and leads to hatchets literally phasing through their arms, legs, and heads.

    Her hatches need to be fixed. It's usually during animations where they are going through survivors.

    1. Spirit is too weak. She needs major buffs to her power. This includes less cool down, seeing blood at base, and seeing auras from aura-reading perks at base in her power. Also I know it's a bug, but being able to hear a directional sound when she's using her power makes it way too easy to avoid her when out of a chase. Right now she's not good at all.

    Spirit is slightly lacking but she is still doing fair. I've listed some suggested changes here.

    1. The new map is pretty damn bad. It's too cluttered, too big, and too survivor-sided with a ton of safe looping spots. Solution to map design is what I'm least confident on, so my best idea for this is to get rid of some of the bushes where it is so easy to just disappear into.

    It's still pretty early on but I'm leaning towards it being a killer map than a survivor map. There isn't too many pallets and there is no real potential infinities on it either. Seems it's more a chase and hide orientated map.

    1. The Wraith buff was amazing overall, but he really needed old purple Windstorm at base. Other than that, good stuff.

    Wraith is now a strong killer with that decloak boost and addon buffs.

    1. Map design. Fractured Cowshed was edited well now that the barn isn't an insta-loss infinite. But maps like Haddonfield, and Lery's are still littered with safe spots. There need to be less safe spots on all of these maps (and in Lery's case, less RNG).

    Fractured Cowshed still has a borderline window infinite on one of it layouts and so does Rancid Abattoir. These are seriously bad map for killers.

    1. Speaking of hooks, invulnerability to the unhooked survivor. In the PTB, attacks that would hit the unhooked survivor immediately after they got unhooked would hit the savior instead. This was perfect. Now the unhooked survivor just tanks the hit, which is ridiculous. The PTB version of this needs to be brought back.

    I agree on this. I preferred it this way. If you are going to dive a hook when the killer is still near it should be on you not the victim. The reason I think they changed it back was borrowed time became redundant.

    Borrowed time is one of the main reasons why survivors have nothing to fear in this game. It needs to be brought up fully in a discussion rather than just here. There is only one way they can change borrowed time. It gives a speed boost of 150% for 5 seconds (same as adrenaline) once unhooked and hides scratch marks for 6 seconds.

    1. Pallet stun hitboxes. The problem beforehand with them was it would stun killers way too off to the side. Now, they still do but rarely stun killers directly in front of the pallet unless they are at the apex of their lunge. This should be reverted and looked at so that you don't have dumb hits from the sides but you can actually stun the killer when they're trying to attack you through the pallet.

    It does seem like the hurtbox of the killer shrinks while lunging. Needs more investigation.

    1. For Huntress's hatchets, the survivor's hurtbox stays upright at all times , even when vaulting windows and pallets. Which is why hatchets now phase through their legs and heads when they vault windows and pallets. The way they should change it is like how fighting games have hurtboxes, where there's individual ones on the head, torso, each thigh, each bicep, each forearm, and each calf. Then you'd have to edit where the hurtboxes go during every animation. This might be too much for the devs to do, but this needs to be done if the hatchets are going to keep their current hitboxes.
    2. If Spirit has a few changes like the ones I proposed, I feel she would be amazing. Right now she's lacking in my opinion.
    3. The new map has a lot of looping spots and hiding locations that just completely mask the survivor. It's honestly so bad for killer.
    4. Again, with add-ons, Wraith is good now. Without them, he's still lacking.
    5. Rancid wasn't edited as far as I know. And Cowshed is still bad for killer but nowhere near as bad.
    6. Borrowed Time is fine where it currently is at. It's a good counter to patrolling and a good anti-tunnel perk. However, with the new unhook changes it's really strong as it can lead to situations where the survivor tanks a hit then tanks another one before going into BT state.
    7. It's not that the hurtbox of the killer shrinks while lunging, it's more edited and moved to match his right arm going for the lunge. However, the big noticeable change is the size of the pallet hitbox, which from what I've heard is a bug and not intended.
  • SwampGas13
    SwampGas13 Member Posts: 7
    This is gonna be a long as hell post, 
    1. New hatchet hitboxes.

    2. Spirit is too weak. Right now she's not good at all.
    Killer Main: Hit rank 1 exclusively using her this weekend, completely disagree.

    3. The new map is pretty damn bad.
    Again Killer Main: It favors the survivors, but that isn't a bad thing. I thoroughly enjoy the new map, survivors have a place to crouch and hide besides corn... And it's about time.

    10. Pallet stun hitboxes.
    Agreed, I have been chasing a survivor to have a pallet dropped on my face where I didn't get stunned... Just rubberbanded back to the other side of the pallet. At least Survivors are no longer vacuming pallets. But it's from one extreme to the other.
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    Ok, gonna say this here: rank literally doesn't matter. I've hit rank 1 as both multiple times and I notice no difference other than egos and queue times. You can disagree with me on how good or bad Spirit is, but saying you're a rank 1 killer main doesn't validate your argument at all, because after doing the same thing on killer rotation and as survivor multiple times, I've noticed absolutely no differences between the ranks in terms of ability (except for brown and yellow ranks, they're mostly noobs or haven't played in ages).