#Make Freddy Great Again

I am starting a movement. As a Freddy main, I am asking all players who like to play Freddy and or main him what they think some good ideas would be to help him be better. Any ideas are welcome. We know the Devs are working on giving a quality of life change to Freddy. I would like all your ideas. I have seen other posts, I feel we can place all of our suggestions here and perhaps the devs can look back on this post and get the communities ideas on Freddy.

1: Make the base transition 4 or 5 seconds
2: Make it so failed self care skill checks can not wake you up
3: Make it so as soon as you hit someone with the dream transition powers it stops progress on Totems, Gens, Sabo and healing. Just for the transition phase that way we don't have to stand there and watch them finish the totem and or the gen. We may not be able to hit them but their progress will not proceed till they are in the dream.

I think just with those changes he would be much more viable. I am sure you all have more ideas and can build upon this post. So I thank you all for reading this and posting your ideas here. See you all in game



  • Pound0fFlesh
    Pound0fFlesh Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2018

    There are a few things that I believe would help, and trying to stick with the lore of the movies. Even if we need to stick mostly with the reboot.

    1. Base Transition to 5 seconds, however, each successive time you are put to sleep, you gain a marker, ( on the player icon, akin to the DBD logo, and how Freddy's claws appears on the reveal video for him) and with each you transition 1 second faster, and have a 20% chance that the wake up will not work. Max of 5, at which point if you are in the Dream State, you're stuck there, save for being hooked.

    2. Putting someone to sleep does immediately stop progression of work, and actions can not be taken while transitioning.

    3. Give the Asleep an AoE around them where survivors can be struck even in the awake state. Admittedly, this is rooted in this scene from New Nightmare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFeNebpWRek (rework the sleep transition perks to fit these instead.)

    4. As Freddy doesn't really hunt the awake, have the match start with all survivors in the Dream State, but for this beginning sleep, Freddy can not see auras. Also, it will not appear to survivors that they are in the Dream State until they are hit by Freddy.

    5. Based on the amount of sleep tokens you have, you will see Freddy approach periodically even when awake, but you'll lose sight of awake survivors more.

    6. (optional) As Freddy like to turn the strengths of his victims against them, maybe invert the benefits of perks?

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    1. Default dream transition time to 4 or 5 seconds
    2. Remove the negative effects of paintbrush
    3. Make it harder to wake up the more you're put into the dream realm (ex. More skillchecks to complete, longer time for a teammate to wake you up ect.)
    4. The skill check success zone can appear at the beginning causing you to succeed the skill check and not leaving the dream. This would make it so you have to actually time the skill check instead of spamming it OR make it the opposite so you have to hit a great skill check to wake up either that or self care doesn't wake you up.
    5. Remove the fog for freddy or make it REALLY unnoticeable just keep it for the survivors.
    6. Survivors cannot interact with anything during the dream transition except maybe pallets and windows 
    7. Rework black box so survivors dont wake up once unhooked, the rescuer has to wake them up first once they get unhooked (Maybe just an idea)
    8. Rework the block addons so insta-sleep freddy isnt a thing (as much as I'd love that as a build) maybe rework them so freddy can have fake pallets and clones like the doctor
       I could think of plenty more things but these ideas would help him the most without completly reworking his power. 
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Sorry but Freddy's already OP
    Nice joke lol
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @Pound0fFlesh said:
    There is no secondary benefits to his power like Doctor or Hillbilly.

    there is slowdown to healing/genrepair
    but genrepair slow is neglectable with amount of skillchecks you get
    healing slowdown only benefits survivors with SC to actually get skill check.

    You need to be really lucky for it to slow down more than 10 seconds (which is equal to 5 seconds of normal working =\

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959
    1. Let Freddy pick up downed victims even when they get healed.
    2. Remove awake survivor from hit detection. No more awake survivor shielding sleeping ones.
    3. Give Freddy the ability to GRAB people during dreamtransition.
  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    Hes one of a handful of killers that I can get any success out of once i hit red tanks.  Should probably "fix" other killers first
  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    Er... Wasn't the reason for the "rework" partly because Freddy is too tough for newb survivors, and too weak against the reds?

    These suggestions will make him impossible to play against until people git gud.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    I am starting a movement. As a Freddy main, I am asking all players who like to play Freddy and or main him what they think some good ideas would be to help him be better. Any ideas are welcome. We know the Devs are working on giving a quality of life change to Freddy. I would like all your ideas. I have seen other posts, I feel we can place all of our suggestions here and perhaps the devs can look back on this post and get the communities ideas on Freddy.

    1: Make the base transition 4 or 5 seconds
    2: Make it so failed self care skill checks can not wake you up
    3: Make it so as soon as you hit someone with the dream transition powers it stops progress on Totems, Gens, Sabo and healing. Just for the transition phase that way we don't have to stand there and watch them finish the totem and or the gen. We may not be able to hit them but their progress will not proceed till they are in the dream.

    I think just with those changes he would be much more viable. I am sure you all have more ideas and can build upon this post. So I thank you all for reading this and posting your ideas here. See you all in game


    I agree, he doesn't need anything fancy added. Just that survivors are going to be mad at him no matter what but with those changes he will be fine. I'm a freddy main too and people say he needs all this help when he just needs qol stuff like hag and trapper not a complete rework. His strength is his vision and the trade off is he can't hit you till you're asleep which is fine. Also, waking up and healing off the floor being one action needs to be reverted and he will be in a good spot. He isn't supposed to be fun to play against like the doctor isn't. Devs should know this and the general community knows this, supposed to be the nightmare. A powerful demon that you feel relieved to have escaped, bring the fear into the game and you laugh it off because it was a good match and you deserved to escape and it feels good. Or you die and you feel bad. The doc, the pig, they aren't fun to play against but fun to play as because they slow the game down for survivors, any character with a slowdown on the game in their kit and a away to track or have a chase advantage in stealth isn't fun to play against for survivors. They like fair killers, that are weak and give them a chance to escape. 
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Wolf74 said:

    @sixty4half said:
    Hes one of a handful of killers that I can get any success out of once i hit red tanks.  Should probably "fix" other killers first

    Is this bait?
    Freddy is considered the worst killer of em all by basically the whole community.
    If you say that he is viable at red ranks, you should write a guide and make a YouTube tutorial.
    Because so far, I have a hard time believing you just saying it.

    No, I do well with freddy red ranks too but you need the best odd ons which gives him early hag issues, need the best add ons and gimicky set up.
  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334
    All good ideas! Keep em coming! Thank you to all who are contributing to this post.  Hopefully we will get a great Freddy quality of life change and they use some of our ideas. 

    Thank you! 
  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    Wolf74 said:

    @sixty4half said:
    Hes one of a handful of killers that I can get any success out of once i hit red tanks.  Should probably "fix" other killers first

    Is this bait?
    Freddy is considered the worst killer of em all by basically the whole community.
    If you say that he is viable at red ranks, you should write a guide and make a YouTube tutorial.
    Because so far, I have a hard time believing you just saying it.

    I play on PS4 so maybe it's different than your platform.  I find his run and vault speed highly useful in closing out chases fast.  And since he can't be seen he can usually get the jump on them.  Sure he can't stop them from doing actions unless they're in the dream state, making him extremely weak in a lot of situations.

    I will admit, he has to be using at least 1 purple addon with a green to be good.  His red addons are really powerful.  I wont waste red or purple addons on him until I hit rank 7.

    I posted a freddy only build in the post I made last night in the Killer Build thread.  Check there for one of my Nightmare strats.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @sixty4half said:
    Wolf74 said:

    @sixty4half said:

    Hes one of a handful of killers that I can get any success out of once i hit red tanks.  Should probably "fix" other killers first

    Is this bait?

    Freddy is considered the worst killer of em all by basically the whole community.

    If you say that he is viable at red ranks, you should write a guide and make a YouTube tutorial.

    Because so far, I have a hard time believing you just saying it.

    I play on PS4 so maybe it's different than your platform.  I find his run and vault speed highly useful in closing out chases fast.  And since he can't be seen he can usually get the jump on them.  Sure he can't stop them from doing actions unless they're in the dream state, making him extremely weak in a lot of situations.

    I will admit, he has to be using at least 1 purple addon with a green to be good.  His red addons are really powerful.  I wont waste red or purple addons on him until I hit rank 7.

    I posted a freddy only build in the post I made last night in the Killer Build thread.  Check there for one of my Nightmare strats.

    I don't get your point, because his run and vault speed is the same as any other vanilla killer.
    He doesn't have any advantage in that points over any other killer.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    I'm not a high rank player but I do run into a ton of overskilled low rank swfs and the best way for me to get a 4k (technically if one of them doesn't dc) Remember Me, Tinkerer, Nurses Calling, Whispers. Find the obsession and tunnel them, hit them to the ground and pick them up, if they dstrike you get another hit in, otherwise hook them once, do not kill the obsession until you have 5 hits if you need to leave them on the ground and wait for a survivor to heal them and put them both to sleep. Track down anyone finishing a gen and try to cut them off if you get a 2k before the gens are all done then gj (this never happens to me). Once the gens are all done then the game really starts, put anyone you find at the exit gates asleep and just focus on anyone touching the gates, you're in slug mode now since they cant use the gens to wake up put the squad to sleep and keep hitting them especially if they keep trying to self care to wake up or heal team mates. This might take 3 minutes (not joking) of just hitting them and hooking them do not let them get the exit gates open (it would literally take them a minute to do that), but you should get them soon.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    Wolf74 said:

    @sixty4half said:
    Hes one of a handful of killers that I can get any success out of once i hit red tanks.  Should probably "fix" other killers first

    Is this bait?
    Freddy is considered the worst killer of em all by basically the whole community.
    If you say that he is viable at red ranks, you should write a guide and make a YouTube tutorial.
    Because so far, I have a hard time believing you just saying it.

    I play on PS4 so maybe it's different than your platform.  I find his run and vault speed highly useful in closing out chases fast.  And since he can't be seen he can usually get the jump on them.  Sure he can't stop them from doing actions unless they're in the dream state, making him extremely weak in a lot of situations.

    I will admit, he has to be using at least 1 purple addon with a green to be good.  His red addons are really powerful.  I wont waste red or purple addons on him until I hit rank 7.

    I posted a freddy only build in the post I made last night in the Killer Build thread.  Check there for one of my Nightmare strats.
    Ya there is a giant difference in skill level between console and pc players by virtue that pc players have more experiance they also tend to have way more competitve communities. Make no mistake freddy crushes weaker players but suffer horredously against skilled players who know the layouts of the maps and all the pallet locations. 
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498

    @Eight said:
    Er... Wasn't the reason for the "rework" partly because Freddy is too tough for newb survivors, and too weak against the reds?

    These suggestions will make him impossible to play against until people git gud.

    every killer wrecks people until they git gud. name one that doesnt

  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123

    "every killer wrecks people until they git gud. name one that doesnt"

    At least EVERY other killer still has a chance against a team that knows their mechanics down to a science. If a whole team knows how to play against Freddy and works together, he literally has his balls cut off and becomes useless. All the other killers still have a good shot at winning. Freddy has his power used against him by good survivors which makes his only ability a detriment rather than a weapon! 
  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @Eight said:
    Er... Wasn't the reason for the "rework" partly because Freddy is too tough for newb survivors, and too weak against the reds?

    These suggestions will make him impossible to play against until people git gud.

    every killer wrecks people until they git gud. name one that doesnt

    Well nurse obviously is one. Then theres a spectrum of where killers are ranked from great to bad freddy is the undisputed worst killer in dbd because you literally give the survivour a head start. His dream world does nothing meanigful and is ridiculously easy to escape. 
  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    @xxaggieboyxx said:
    every killer wrecks people until they git gud. name one that doesnt

    I don't think I saw a group play half-decent against Freddy until L12 on PS4. Normally, he just wiped everyone out in minutes. Never saw any other killer flatten newbs so consistently.

    But I agree something needs to be done to help him against the more experienced players.

  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    Zarathos said:
    Wolf74 said:

    @sixty4half said:
    Hes one of a handful of killers that I can get any success out of once i hit red tanks.  Should probably "fix" other killers first

    Is this bait?
    Freddy is considered the worst killer of em all by basically the whole community.
    If you say that he is viable at red ranks, you should write a guide and make a YouTube tutorial.
    Because so far, I have a hard time believing you just saying it.

    I play on PS4 so maybe it's different than your platform.  I find his run and vault speed highly useful in closing out chases fast.  And since he can't be seen he can usually get the jump on them.  Sure he can't stop them from doing actions unless they're in the dream state, making him extremely weak in a lot of situations.

    I will admit, he has to be using at least 1 purple addon with a green to be good.  His red addons are really powerful.  I wont waste red or purple addons on him until I hit rank 7.

    I posted a freddy only build in the post I made last night in the Killer Build thread.  Check there for one of my Nightmare strats.
    Ya there is a giant difference in skill level between console and pc players by virtue that pc players have more experiance they also tend to have way more competitve communities. Make no mistake freddy crushes weaker players but suffer horredously against skilled players who know the layouts of the maps and all the pallet locations. 

    I forgot.  DBD forums are full of PC master race fanboys.  Theres no way I can ever prove myself to you all.
  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334
    I think no matter what platform you play on he still suffers.  As I do not play on console perhaps others who do can explain the difficulties of Freddy on their platform compared to PC if they know. Also,  what do you feel would make him better for the console? 
  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    The biggest problem with freddy is that he can't protect anything.  Gens, totems, hooks... anything.  That's universal and has nothing to do with platform.  How do you fix that?  You can't unless you rework the dream state entirely.  Then hes no longer Freddy.

    Luckily he can sneak up on victims and he has a quicker vault and lunge.  However, sitting at 15-20fps on consoles makes his lunge less useful, or to put it in other words, requires more planning and practice to use properly.
  • SteveyHooves
    SteveyHooves Member Posts: 246
    Sorry but Freddy's already OP
    Yeah maybe in low ranks. Though you know who's trash in low ranks.... the nurse. Figure that one out. 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @sixty4half said:
    The biggest problem with freddy is that he can't protect anything.  Gens, totems, hooks... anything.  That's universal and has nothing to do with platform.  How do you fix that?  You can't unless you rework the dream state entirely.  Then hes no longer Freddy.

    Luckily he can sneak up on victims and he has a quicker vault and lunge.  However, sitting at 15-20fps on consoles makes his lunge less useful, or to put it in other words, requires more planning and practice to use properly.

    1st: The biggest problem is healing on the ground by awake victims + bodyshielding from awake victims.
    2nd: Simple fix to protect things, give Freddy the ability to grab people when they enter transitionstate.
    3rd: He has the same lunge and vault as any other killer. (Prove me wrong if you can)

  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    edited September 2018
    Wolf74 said:

    @sixty4half said:
    The biggest problem with freddy is that he can't protect anything.  Gens, totems, hooks... anything.  That's universal and has nothing to do with platform.  How do you fix that?  You can't unless you rework the dream state entirely.  Then hes no longer Freddy.

    Luckily he can sneak up on victims and he has a quicker vault and lunge.  However, sitting at 15-20fps on consoles makes his lunge less useful, or to put it in other words, requires more planning and practice to use properly.

    1st: The biggest problem is healing on the ground by awake victims + bodyshielding from awake victims.
    2nd: Simple fix to protect things, give Freddy the ability to grab people when they enter transitionstate.
    3rd: He has the same lunge and vault as any other killer. (Prove me wrong if you can)

    1- is the same thing I said.  He can't protect anything.  Including downed victims who are being healed.  Sorry but his problem is more than just that 1 situation.  Downed victims being healed is a symptom of the problem.

    2- so you're saying that they are fully asleep (for intents of how interactions work) IF they are in a position to be grabbed but not asleep at all for all other situations.  This might fix some issues but it's not very elegant in terms of how the ability works.  Might as well just remove the transition, which, like I said, changes the way hes played and played against.

    3- ooooohhhh, I've been challenged.  Did you see him slap me with that gauntlet?

    I recall, that, when he was replaced, he had a slightly longer lunge and a faster vault time.  I stopped playing when a Dev told us to all go play Civ.  Then I started playing again 3 months ago.  If something was changed during those 6 months, sorry, idk.  And if it wasn't, and I am wrong in the first place, sorry, idk.  Nor do I care.  Get off your highhorse cuz I'm not gonna a search the webz for this subject just to make you feel good about being right.  Hell, you're so adamant about it, you probably are, idk
  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    Wolf74 said:

    @sixty4half said:
    The biggest problem with freddy is that he can't protect anything.  Gens, totems, hooks... anything.  That's universal and has nothing to do with platform.  How do you fix that?  You can't unless you rework the dream state entirely.  Then hes no longer Freddy.

    Luckily he can sneak up on victims and he has a quicker vault and lunge.  However, sitting at 15-20fps on consoles makes his lunge less useful, or to put it in other words, requires more planning and practice to use properly.

    1st: The biggest problem is healing on the ground by awake victims + bodyshielding from awake victims.
    2nd: Simple fix to protect things, give Freddy the ability to grab people when they enter transitionstate.
    3rd: He has the same lunge and vault as any other killer. (Prove me wrong if you can)

    1- that's what I said.  He can't protect anything.  Including the 1 situation you decided to call out.  However, his problem, not being able to interact, is larger than just that 1 situation.

    2- So your solution is to rework how the transition happens.  That's kind of what I said.  If I'm understanding you correctly, your solution is that victims are considered asleep if a grab action happens but not in any other case.  While that might solve some problems it doesn't seem very intuitive.

    3-  Oh Damn.  I've been challenged.  Did you guys see him slap me with that gauntlet?

    Is that right?  I seem to recall he had a longer lunge and faster vault when released.  Maybe they changed it and I missed it.  At the direction of the devs I played Civilization for 6 months and just came back a few months ago so maybe something changed or maybe I misheard in the first place.  Either way, you're so adamant, and I care so little, that I assume you could be right.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @sixty4half said:
    Wolf74 said:

    @sixty4half said:

    The biggest problem with freddy is that he can't protect anything.  Gens, totems, hooks... anything.  That's universal and has nothing to do with platform.  How do you fix that?  You can't unless you rework the dream state entirely.  Then hes no longer Freddy.

    Luckily he can sneak up on victims and he has a quicker vault and lunge.  However, sitting at 15-20fps on consoles makes his lunge less useful, or to put it in other words, requires more planning and practice to use properly.

    1st: The biggest problem is healing on the ground by awake victims + bodyshielding from awake victims.

    2nd: Simple fix to protect things, give Freddy the ability to grab people when they enter transitionstate.

    3rd: He has the same lunge and vault as any other killer. (Prove me wrong if you can)

    1- that's what I said.  He can't protect anything.  Including the 1 situation you decided to call out.  However, his problem, not being able to interact, is larger than just that 1 situation.

    2- So your solution is to rework how the transition happens.  That's kind of what I said.  If I'm understanding you correctly, your solution is that victims are considered asleep if a grab action happens but not in any other case.  While that might solve some problems it doesn't seem very intuitive.

    3-  Oh Damn.  I've been challenged.  Did you guys see him slap me with that gauntlet?

    Is that right?  I seem to recall he had a longer lunge and faster vault when released.  Maybe they changed it and I missed it.  At the direction of the devs I played Civilization for 6 months and just came back a few months ago so maybe something changed or maybe I misheard in the first place.  Either way, you're so adamant, and I care so little, that I assume you could be right.

    1. I think it is a different thing.
    2. He can already grab people from locker, why not just grab em from every activity if they re in dream transition?
    3. Freddy NEVER had longer lunge or faster vaulting, that's an urban legend.
  • NiteN_⑨
    NiteN_⑨ Member Posts: 37

    I just heard that Freddy's broken right now and can be body blocked by awake survivors.
    Here's a video of it:

  • sixty4half
    sixty4half Member Posts: 82
    I named the problem.  You named 1 situation that can be caused by said problem.  It's not even the worst possible situation cause by his inability to interact with victims.  Quit being pedantic, we actually agree on this point
  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334
    I wonder if they will leave the bug in till the mid chapter patch or if it will be addressed with a small hotfix. Freddy is tough enough to play normally.  If the awake survivors can body block him then something needs to be done. 
  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    In my opinion he should have the option where he can't be seen by survivors when they get put into dream state in his base kit, because by the time they're asleep they already ran to a loop.

  • Freddykreuger
    Freddykreuger Member Posts: 23

    Freddys while freddys obsession is asleep their body stays in the spot where they were when they fell asleep
    awake survivors can only wake the obession with that body
    When the obsession is killed it does not show him as dead . freddy can then switch spots with them and is alerted whenever a survivor tries to wake up the dead survivor

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334
    That would definitely be a cool idea for his power.  Love the ideas let's keep em coming.  Freddy can be great let's help the devs as much as we can. 
  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334
    @Peanits any news on the Freddy rework or buffs? Just to let the community know that it is currently being worked on and if we might hear something soon™

    Thank you! :) 
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    The reason why Freddy is getting a rework is that his power rn can only go 2 ways, He'll be better than Nurse like he used to be or he'll be trash. Hopefully with the rework they'll make him good and fun to play with/against. Since when he got released I was new (only played for a few months) and oblivious to the fact that there was a community but he felt ridiculous with everything he had in his base.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    To be fair freddy doesn't need much to actually be decent.

    1) During the transition freddy blink in and out of sight of the survivor wich would technically open room for mindgames but the lack on feedback on freddy side prevent him to properly take advantage of it

    Solution : Freddy need to be make aware of when he can and can't be seen by the survivor

    -Freddy can't defend objectif, it's not uncommon for survivor to finish a gen in his face during the dream transition because he doesn't pose a threat, he can also be denied hook by having woke survivor heal a downed survivor preventing him from picking the downed survivor.

    Solution 1 : Make interaction like fixing gen and healing unavailable during the dream transition similar to the doctor ability

    Solution 2 : Make freddy able to grab survivor doing interaction during the dream transition

    Solution 3 : Make the dream transition faster when doing interaction

  • The_Shocky_Boi67
    The_Shocky_Boi67 Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2018

    I beleive when his lullaby is playing and he is attack length away he should put you to sleep like doctor's madness. But it takes time the more you are in his lullaby range the quicker you fall asleep.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
    @Peanits any news on the Freddy rework or buffs? Just to let the community know that it is currently being worked on and if we might hear something soon™

    Thank you! :) 
    Not sure if it's being worked on. I work remotely, not in the office, so I'm not 100% up to date with all that.

    He's not forgotten though, they're just waiting until there's time to do it right. Unlike the wraith and trapper, he'll need a little more than number tweaks, which is why he hasn't been changed in a mid chapter patch yet.
  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237

    Honestly, if you just made it to where missed self care checks didn't wake you up, I think he'd be fine.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    @EvilBarney666 said:
    3: Make it so as soon as you hit someone with the dream transition powers it stops progress on Totems, Gens, Sabo and healing. Just for the transition phase that way we don't have to stand there and watch them finish the totem and or the gen. We may not be able to hit them but their progress will not proceed till they are in the dream.

    This makes sense.

    If I'm starting to fall asleep at the wheel, I'm unaware of it; my brain still thinks it's driving and in control even though I'm actually drifting into other lanes. It's not until I actually fall asleep and my head drops that I realize I was nodding off, and then correct back into my lane.

    That said, it's possible that I bump into the car next to me while nodding off and that wakes me back up before I actually fall asleep, so I feel that Survivors should still have a chance at skill checks while transitioning.

    Have the dream transition halt porgress, but not interrupt the action (much like when a fellow Survivor fails a skill check on the same gen as you: you can no longer make porgress for a brief moment, but you can still interact with the gen and can still get skill checks). That way Survivors can still push their luck to try and wake themselves.

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I wonder how far along they are with the rework/upgrade/tweak to Freddy. Hopefully we will hear something back at some point soon. Perhaps before the PTB or during the PTB. Keeping my fingers crossed for some much needed Freddy love.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    I really hope the rework for Freddy doesn’t end up like Symmetra 3.0 in Overwatch aka completely gutting the character and basically telling the people who played her to screw off, removing any uniqueness and originality in favor of being a hybrid knock off that ends up performing, winning, and being picked worse and less than the previous iteration. 

    That horrendous rework is what drove me away slowly but surely from Overwatch. 

    But the few months I have played dbd it seems to me BHVR actually LISTENS to feedback and are actually involved with the community, so I have hope for the best and wish them luck that the rework will be what Freddy players hoped for. 
  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    I wonder how far along they are with the rework/upgrade/tweak to Freddy. Hopefully we will hear something back at some point soon. Perhaps before the PTB or during the PTB. Keeping my fingers crossed for some much needed Freddy love.

    Gather since i watch every stream they have been figuiring him out since august 2018. So i think next killer drop they will have something for us to go on. Since october they have leaned heavily on words like full rework and going back to prototype. So its a full killer change and can understand with allocating time inbetween chapters that will take time. Don't see it going beyond anniversary date though cause that will be a year long look into fixing freddy. Its becoming hard to misinterpret words when they keep talking about same thing over and over with the prototype.
    This isn't a one shot line in stream that turned out to be a lie later. This is a constant thing not_queen asks them about touting the same answers over and over. But if it becomes a lie like "no clowns coming to dbd ever" or "were giving you 4 unique killers with legion" then never listen to me or a stream ever again.