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How would YOU nerf meta perks?

TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Because I keep seeing countless "omg nerf DS" "omg Dead Hard OP" posts, so we might as well make the discussion more interesting and come up with actual ideas. Not like there aren't people throwing cool ideas around, but I thought I would make a post specifically for it.

This applies to any perk you feel needs a nerf. I made it because of DS mostly, but feel free to discuss any other perks that you feel need to be nerfed, as long as you provide an idea on how exactly it should be nerfed (or reworked).

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Make DS an actual anti - tunnel perk

    Nerf the distance dead hard gives

    Isn't much else I can think of since the killer meta has been nerfed twice now, with pop and undying being the victims.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    DS deactivated upon entering a locker or touching a generator.

    Borrowed time buffed to always activate. Camping stealth killers / Freddy is lame.

    Totem counter for NOED

    Unbreakable nerfed to 20% extra recovery

    Gut spirit

    Gut keys

    Gut hag

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,743

    I see the abuses/issues with DS and a few other perks, but I think an actual working MMR and further tweaking of maps would honestly do more good imo.

  • ArchFox
    ArchFox Member Posts: 205

    Personally I'd decrease the amount of time DS remains active. 60 seconds is an insane amount of time for such a powerful perk, and as people have pointed out in the past, combined with unbreakable it's 60 seconds of essentially god mode

  • Dead Hard needs to lose the distance. There's no other way around it.

    DS - deactives upon touching a gen or stops a survivor from working on a gen while it's active. Also needs to be something to stop it combining with unbreakable

    NOED - Totem counter or notifications for solo survivors when a dull totem is removed.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2021

    Most the second chance perks in this game are just out of control and have been for years. They cloud out so many other perks from being used.

    Second chance perks need to be much more situational in use and have some kind of cost or downside attached for such a strong effect.

    DS just needs to be an actual anti-tunnel only. Deactivates once a different survivor is hooked, upon entering a locker, being fully healed, or touching an objective.

    BT should fit its wording of "borrowed". IE if you get hit after being unhooked with the BT effect it transfers the hit to the unhooker instead. This preserves its purpose of protecting the unhooked survivor from being tunneled while still having a cost attached for such a strong effect and requiring a skilled save from the unhooker.

    Unbreakable just needs its pick up effect only, remove the speed increase.

    All exhaustion perks shouldn't recover while injured.

    These changes may seem extreme but that's just how ridiculously strong they currently are compared to the other perks in the game.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    DS is easy: Just reduce the timer or better, if you hop on a gen with it, start healing yourself or someone else active, it deactivates.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Dead Hard is fine and is one of the few perks that survivors have which offers interesting gameplay and decision-making on its own.

    Unbreakable can lose its recovery speed buff. Tenacity (Tapp's perk) already is the perk for recovering while slugged.

    Decisive strike should de-activate as soon as a survivor touches a generator or begins cleansing a totem.

    Iron Will needs whatever sound bugs fixed that make it so you can hear footsteps again.

    We'll Make It goes down to +50% healing speed, duration to 30s. This perk is ridiculous and destroys killer momentum if they don't camp. It is sleeper meta in my opinion.

    Right now, the perk combination of DS / UB functions as an extra hook state for survivors, because if you don't chase them they will get 60 seconds to do whatever they want, and if you down them you cannot advance your win condition of hooking them. It turns the already rarely feasible 12 down 12 hook game into a 16 down 12 hook game, which isn't going to happen. Hence, killers end up having to tunnel people down and play close to hook.

    I think most of the overbearing killer perks have been ironed out.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617

    Oooh the recovery speed from Unbreakable could be even transferred to Flip Flop, I think. It would still be a niche perk, but it would be more viable that way. I agree that UB letting you pick yourself up AND giving you extra recovery speed is too much for one perk.

    We'll Make It is crazy strong, it's one of my favorite survivor perks lmao. The only reason it's not actually meta is because there are a bunch of second chance perks that outshine it, but that's it.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I have interesting ways to nerf meta perks.

    DS- make it so that the timer is 30 seconds and pause when in a chase. Deactivate when another survivor is hooked and when you stun the person you leave no scratch marks or blood trail to make it a true anti tunnel perk.

    Unbreakable- is fine but if they were to nerf it make it so that the recovery speed is gone after Unbreakable is used.

    Dead Hard- put it on a token system. Make it 3 tokens and after all tokens is used you permanently suffer from the exhaustion status.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    People really calling for WGLF nerfs I cannot lol

    You all just want there to be no counter to slugging huh?

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I don’t think they need to be nerfed.

    I think more players just need to get out of their comfort zone and experiment with other perks. They’ll see that a lot of them are a lot better than they perceive them to be.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    When I first started playing I thought in the DS description where it says "Using whatever is at hand, you stab at your aggressor in an ultimate attempt to escape." it meant you had to have an item in your hand to use it. - so no item no DS. If they made that a requirement it'd make Franklin's way more popular and probably kill DS. 😂

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    As long as bad and salty killers go around using tunneling and camping strategies, you can't really nerf these perks as they are the only combatant for this toxic behavior. I don't run DS or UB, so I just end up dying if some scummy killer decides to tunnel me out. 200% faster if someone rescues me without BT.

    DS timer going down faster when working on a gen, gate, or totem is the only nerf on here I could agree with personally. Another person being hooked is incorrect. It'd just reward camping and tunneling since you can just down the unhooker, then the rescued one, and then hook them in that order.

    Unbreakable doesn't need nerfed. BT doesn't need nerfed. We'll Make It doesn't need nerfed. IW needs a bug fix on the footsteps, but it doesn't need nerfed.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    DS: deactivate when healing, repairing a gen or going in a locker. DS duration is paused if chased by the killer

    Dead Hard: its fine the way it is, only op due to how the game is structured.

    unbreakable: fine the way it is, its only op due to how DS works right now

    Adrenaline : eeeeeh, its fine the way it is. Maybe you don't heal if you're hooked I guess.

    Kindred: don't ######### touch it

    Sprint burst: fine the way it is, its only OP due to the way exhaustion works

    Killer perks i don't see what could be changed since they already changed Undying. Well if consider BBC a meta perk, maybe just have the perk show up when its active.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539


    DS - nerf so it deactivates when trying to unhook a survivor, touching a gen, opening a box, cleansing totem etc.

    BT - nerf so it has a 60, 80,120 second cool down between uses

    Dead hard - half the distance nerf

    iron will - so its not 100% sounds more like max 80%

    head on - 5 seconds in a locker befor eactivating or stuns the killer for 2 seconds not 3

    deception - no track marks for 2 seconds not 3 seconds

    Playing killer I mainly have problem with DS and BT the most. Everyone is running them and with SWF lobbies it's way to powerful.


    Pop - needs a nerf due to hooking a survivor and then 25% of a gen is to much. On small maps it's way to overpowered.

    Really it for killers. Most of their perks are way to weak or based on totems.