Offical DbD Tournament?


Hello fellow survivors,

Well I know, there is a lot of tournament (or at least some) going on, but none of them made by the officals.
So it would be kinda cool, if there would be some offical tournaments, because it can reach more people, the offical rules maybe get set, and some kind of competitive segments of the game started to gain.

I really like this game, but besides i really like e-sports, love to watch it, and it would be fckin cool, if i could watch some big DbD Tournaments, once or twice a year. I do not want it to be every week or so. But if there is a tournament, it need to be huge. I think DbD would be a perfect competitive game, because for people who do not play it regurarly or not at all, and they watch a tournament, they could easily understand the mechanics of the game. The basics of the game is very simple, and very easy to understand it, and I hope there is plans about an offical tournament.

So my question to the devs : "There is any plan about a DbD Tournament in the future, organized by Behaviour Interactive?"

Thanks your answers,