How often do you see hackers?


Today, was playing around as the puppers of terror (Demo). Was playing a match and it was going really good. At least for me, not sure about the rest because... trying to kill them. I killed one of the players fairly early, bad luck and also played really poor with a flash light. Soooo they died. Anyway, the other two I slugged because I was looking for my last BBQ stack. turned out the teammate was not even going to help the two slugged, was going to let them bleed out. I figured he found hatch, but it hit. He wouldn't be able to because not enough Gens were done.

Anyway, caught a glimpse of it. It was fast... Like, sonic fast. It was a blur of grey. Then it happened again. Ran right by while the two slugged who got picked up to run around and get gens done because I honestly felt bad because of the cowardly blur.

After a few Gens got done, the two survivors were always running after something. Couldn't figure out what. The grey blur came back once more but this time. It stopped! It was doing the survivor only well known dance of the survivor life. Butt dance. that is right, they butting up and down and all over the place before zipping off again.

anyway, going to get the point. Had a hacker today, he was using a speed hack and was legit zipping around. I got video proof but sent it to DBD support and Steam so they can bad the butt head. How often to you see cheaters and when you do, which is it most. Survivor or a killer with actual proof and not you think because they did good.



  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Not often enough I consider it a huge problem. Maybe once a month? Compared to like literally every day in a game like TF2 or something. A few days ago I had a Bill Kobe in my face then teleport himself to the exit gate.

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    Guess he really wanted out lol. Yeah this is the second hacker I have personally caught. First time as killer and first time as survivor. He was laying on the ground after getting down. The killer picked up another person first and hook them, by the time the killer went back he was on the floor on the other side of the map and then just popped up. It was funny but still a dumb thing. when the killer was next to them, he was crouching around like sonic. However those are the only two that I am aware of

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    I've only seen confirmed hackers on YT but there have been a ton of instances where i could swear a surv went faster then they should have

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Since I've started, I think it's 4. All survivors. The usual no clip super speed instaheal hacker.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    I’ve had 2 both times no unbreakable no no mither equipped and running soul guard and I’ve no hex perks active and no one to pick them up suddenly they get up by themselves and escape the question is how do they get up without anything to help them and last one either alive or not hooked

  • boostedsurvivormain
    boostedsurvivormain Member Posts: 399

    In my 1.7k hours, I've seen two cheaters. A speedhacking legacy Nea, and a guy who head on stunned me for the entire game.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    Only began seeing them after cross play was enabled, always seems to be a tombstone myers that has the ability to teleport you over to him.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Only two times in the past month or two.

    One of them was really obnoxious I thought they had adrenaline then I realized none of them had that perk- they just all had a toggle cheat to heal themselves and only waited and timed it to when the last gen popped to make it seem like they were innocent.

    It's usually the same disgusting thing when someone speed hacks and starts flying around the map, which was the other case. They were like "lol what a weird bug dbd sure is glitchy" it's like oh [BAD WORD] right the hell off.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    In 5400 hours at max 10 Hackers. The majority of those in one week, Speedhacks, flying, Billy with Kindred, Zarina with 3rd Year Anniversary Cake... From harmless hacks to gamebreaking stuff, everything.

    But in general, I rarely encounter hackers.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311
    edited January 2021

    I honestly can't remember last time I saw one, it was at some point last year probably around september or something. I don't run into them often at all, at least not obvious ones.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    Pretty often, but the devs & mods priority seems to be a swapping cosmetics bug so... Seems it has more impact on other people gameplay than that.

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    i guess i never did.

    but you can never know if they have WH

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Once every half year or so.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2021

    when survivors bring ebony moris 🤷‍♀️

    That one was obvious, but how many cheaters play in a way that you dont notice them?

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    (Adding this because apparently I can't reply with just an image)

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    The only time I can really definitively say I saw a hacker was when I went against a clearly aimbotting huntress. She downed everybody extremely quickly and her mouse movement was literally 1-1 with the movements of survivors, like literally 0 delay at all. She also struggled finding hooks nearby her and showed general ineptitude with game sense but could somehow turn around and sense the presence of a survivor and follow them with her mouse perfectly through a wall far away

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    3.9k hours and I've only went against 5 or 6 obvious ones.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I´d estimate that on average, 2-3 per week (at least obvious ones, subtle hackers aren´t always easy to identify).

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    I only encountered one, during the PTB a claud who happen to disappear instantly around every corner, i had im all ears and eventually caught her when she turn a corner and dove into the ground. Smh then tried to play it off in end game chat as “You fell for my jukes”

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Just this month I've played against 3, 2 were extremely fun to play against (they were flying but then going down by themselves as if I downes them) and 1 was just annoying as heck.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Reality is NOBODY can even realitically know how often they face hackers.

    Hacking doesn't necessarily mean you're flying through the map and using god mode or throwing hatchets as Ghostface.

    Some hackers stick to something like wallhacks and know when to hide it.

    I used to play Wolfenstein 1.0 back in the day and virtually every experienced player had Wallhacks and Aimbots yet only few of the long-term clan players got banned for it because everyone knew when to use it without making it too obvious.

    Ask yourself 1 question: How are you supposed to know let alone prove that one specific survivor is wallhacking if said survivor just disabled the wallhack as soon as 1 teammate died ?

    Or how would you know a 4 man SWF team wallhacked? The only thing you will notice is how difficult it is to "mindgame" them.

    So yeah, I'm fairly sure everyone has faced hackers at this point.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Quite a few achievement hackers, i think about 5 by now. (Maybe more if i would bother more to look at the achievements.)

    One speedhacker. Well, not so much more speed, but moreso zooming across the map in 0.5 seconds.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179
    edited January 2021

    Most times I see Achievement or Legacy hackers. Back in the day where there were no servers, I versed maybe 3 lagswitchers.

    The first real hacker I saw, was about a year ago, were a Nea and her acomplice David (both from Windows Store). They were in a swf and at least the Nea hacked. She had hacked Legacy, could fly, had no collision, could insta heal, had an infinite flashlight and could not be hooked. In the end she started the EGC at 5 gens left and escaped with David while the other person and myself died to EGC with over 90s still on the clock. And on top of that I think she ddosed the server as well.

  • JustAnotherAnon
    JustAnotherAnon Member Posts: 79

    I've only run into the infamous "hatchetface" once. Round was over in about 20 seconds. From what I've heard BHVR has banned him like 30+ times but he keeps coming back.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Very few times. Just ran into one yesterday. The last time I saw one was almost a year ago.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I saw one once a few years ago on ps4. It was lagswitching huntress

  • Aldofer
    Aldofer Member Posts: 458
    edited January 2021

    can't really time, with 100% proof they were hacking is super rare (and sometime i even get to kill them)

    But sometime survivor gain speed when in the open in a very weird way (no they didn't have sprint burst i checked at the end screen), can't tell for sure if they are a hacker or something else

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I've had the game for about 4 years and I've only run into 2-3 people who were certainly hacking. I have seen a lot of shady stuff that looked suspicious but not enough to file a report.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I agree, I’ve seen some shady stuff but honestly I’ve been hit with console lagswitchers lately more than any blatant hacks or suspiciously fast survivors.

    You will get these guys who you literally cannot pick up, your killer starts the animation and then it cancels; and it only happens with one person in the lobby and oh look they also happen to have unbreakable.

  • Diet_Boi
    Diet_Boi Member Posts: 69

    I have only seen 1 killer hacker and 2 survivor hackers. The killer was a Ghostface that could fly,throw hatchets, move at light speed and mori people whenever.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,711

    In my near 1,000 hours of playtime I've only ever come across one hacker, and boy was he making no effort to hide what he was doing.

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    That is a lot of time my friend. I barely hit the 700 hr. Been with the game since Huntress but always did the little play and big breaks.

    Yeah, see this is why I am glad to be a streamer. When I was going against this david, I felt like something was wrong. It was just iffy as heck. Either he was the biggest cowardly David or he was doing something. Now I am going to stereotype the hell out of David players. I never see a cowardly one expect once and he was playing like a Dwight. You know the whole locker gig. Think he just forgot to change skins lol.

    With how much time you have invested into this game. I will say thank you for the Devs. Also thank you as well, for this makes me feel a little more comfortable about how often they are spotted.

    I think that survivor was trying to help you out or something?! Not really sure what the heck that is about. However that is funny as heck to see that. Wish you could of gotten to Mori someone

    I was more or less looking for someone that is more standing out. Like ya know running around as Sonic xD.

    People who can hide it, I am sure I came across many of them as killer. Sometimes I question some games but go on without thinking to much about it. But I was more or less looking for the major people not hiding what they are doing. Sorry, I wrote that discussion late last night after being up 20 hours xD

    That really sucks that it happened. Sorry you got one like that.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Obvious hackers are rare, like super super rare, I think ive met like 5 in ~1200 hours, not so obvious hackers like people who add an extra 5% to their speed, people with wallhacks not abusing it etc... no idea, sometimes I may get suspicious on how fast and easily a Killer finds everyone (with no aura reading perks) or how many extra loops can someone do but as its not super obvious I cant rule them as hackers.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    I don't see hackers too often but I swear over the weekend I saw a few. Killers that knew exactly where people were at all times without any perks like BBQ or Nurses.

    killers moving much faster then they should

    A huntress that appeared to have auto aim, making insane hatchet shots and hitting people through walls not to mention literally snapping to other survivors near them, As in there's no turn or movement, they're just hitting them in seconds.

    Survivors that disappear from right in front of me as killer when just downed them next to a hook and then they're somewhere else getting healed.

    I'm guessing it's because of the blood rush but that doesn't make it right.

  • snax9111
    snax9111 Member Posts: 67

    1800 hrs in the game, and i run into single killer cheater last year

  • Aztreonam78
    Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131

    In my matches I almost never see them.

    However, youtube have a plenty of pretty fresh videos where GhostFaces fly and throw hatchets at 1923 hatchets per second speed as well as feng mins ascending and revealing all players they are the Entity itself.

  • Avarice00
    Avarice00 Member Posts: 39

    1500 hrs in and I can only recall 1-2. I say 1-2 because one of them I'm not entirely sure

    Hacker 1 - Dwight with speed hacks and anytime he got on a gen it would just explode cosntantly. I'd be across the map and I would just get spammed with loud noise notifications. I'm sure this one was a hacker.

    Hacker 2 - Claudette I'm like 99% sure was a hacker. I felt like she was as fast as I was, and she would also turn corners and just disappear. I thought I was bad or that the Claudette just kept blending, but during the game Laurie kept following me and pointing around, and I wasn't sure why. After the game, the Laurie told me that she could see the Claudette speed hacking because she was using bond. There was another survivor who wrote in the post game they saw it too.

    Both of these were a long time ago.

    Side note. I was accused of wallhacking while playing scratched mirror myers with bbq and discordance. Obviously I wasn't, but that just goes to show sometimes people can be wrong about facing hackers.

  • Jholla31
    Jholla31 Member Posts: 253

    I saw my first (for sure) hacker in over 3k hours just a few days ago. I have had suspicions before, but I'll never say someone is hacking unless I KNOW.

    I was playing a solo queue survivor game against a Clown. Clown is having a hard time downing people, doesn't get many hooks, and the exits are opening before we know it. Then this flashlight scroll spamming, teabagging, Dwight (I believe) got downed in front of the gate. Clown picks him up, and immediately gets hit with DS. Weird, I don't remember this guy going down, but maybe I just missed it because I was rushing the last gen.

    Then Dwight gets downed again... and stuns the Clown with "DS" again... and again... and again... all while flashlight spamming and teabagging. I teabag back at the hacker and bodyblock him while he's trying to leave, trying to give this poor killer a chance to hook him. After the other two survivors leave, the game freezes. As if I didn't already know, this just confirms my suspicions of hacking. Then he messages me, and I quote, "I froze the game. Was waiting for Dwight [other Dwight] to leave before doing it lol. Enjoy the penalty." This dude went out of his way to hack on PC, then got salty when I was trying to stop him, then hopped on his PS4 to message me to "enjoy the penalty."

    In 3k+ hours I've never seen a hacker until then, much less one that is so spiteful and hateful. I wish I had this guy's Steam ID so I could report him and get him banned.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    Ironically I just ran into a hacker last game.

    Already reported, just found it ironic looking at this thread.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    It used to be rare. Ultra rare you could say. Now it seems almost rare to uncommon. The move to servers sure weeded out the bad ones, right bhvr?

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    I know when I see them I turn my stream on to get video proof of the jerks. I have only ran into two of them so far.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    1.5k hours on PC and I don't recall seeing any instance of blatant hacking. Maybe once but it apparently wasn't memorable.

    I've seen quite a few on the mobile version though.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I think I've never seen one so far, both on my PS4 and Steam... I'm not sure if in one game I watched the killer was hacking or lag switching something, cause everybody but him was rubberbanding. But out of that, thankfully never seen.

    I guess there are less hackers here in South America.

  • AceInTheKate
    AceInTheKate Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2021

    I've had alot of suspicion before. Like I left a gen that is 0 and about 30 seconds later the same gen is popped. Another one is I chase a survivor and they break sight for a few seconds and when I see them again they are super far away. Example of that is nea dropped the god pallet on midwich and she waited till I kicked it. She ran up the stairs and when I walked she was at the other end of the hallway. I thought she might of had sprint burst and it super close to recharged when she waited at the pallet was like 99% and she ran up the stairs waited and used it. I was wrong she didn't have sprint burst. Also I had brutal strength on so I kicked it faster then normal. Still don't know if she was speed hacking or not. Stuff like that usually happens to me. I've never had one fully show they were hacking except for a survivor who had 4 hex ruins and totems wouldn't break. I was really confused on what was when I saw a lit totem and didn't bring a hex totem.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I had a whole ass story about 2 occasions and a possible 3rd and then i accidentally pressed new discussion just go watch my youtibe video and you'll find my most obvious hacker

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    never seen any hackers, to be honest. only thing i’ve seen was a clown lag switch but thats it

  • I remember a hacking david flying around the map at like mach 7 and then trying to claim it was a bug lol.