Hook struggle phase change

Hey devs,
Love the game and what you have done for the past few updates with reworked maps, killers and perks.
I really hope you can do something about the hook struggle phase. Right it is just a button smasher, and after a few games you get really tired of it.
How about changing it to the cage struggle system you brought in with Pyramid Head?
I do believe a lot of players would back me on this one.
This has been suggested so many times. It blows my mind that the devs can't be bothered to make this change. Lag and input delay cause people to die in the struggle phase, which is unfair and annoying. Skill checks similar to cages will mitigate this, at least, as missing one doesn't kill you outright.
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100% agreed.
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But what about my immersion? I really want to feel like I'm struggling against an eldritch god that could very easily kill me at any moment without me being able to do anything to stop it. Like obviously smashing a single button is comparable to resisting the will of a higher being that I can't even properly observe because my mind is unable to understand what it's looking at.
The second phase should be the same as the first phase, nobody has a problem sitting there inactive during the first phase, it shouldn't be a problem in the second. No button mashing, no skill checks, you got hit with the dodge ball now wait for your teammates to pull you back into the game.
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In addition to this, get rid of self-unhooks as well (with the exception of Deliverance) so that people can't suicide on hook to avoid DC penalty when they don't like how the game is going. Self-unhooking as a base ability has such a low chance of occurring anyway (even with Slippery Meat) that it's not even worth having in the game. As far as suicides go, ultimately you could just sit there on hook and afk if you wanna die and get out but this at least makes you have to endure that time.
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Careful. If you complain too much Ethan will come in and tell you to stop bitchin' like he did to that player about color blind options.
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And if that's the attitude anyone at Behaviour chooses to take, they shouldn't be surprised when the game dies and their revenue stops coming in :)