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Nightmare nerf idea

Yatol Member Posts: 1,955
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

the first part of my idea is when the match starts, the survivors will have a status effect called something like "wide awake" the way it will work is unless Freddy hits them survivors will not fall asleep (encouraging strategy that keeps survivors injured), once Freddy hits a survivor they lose the "wide awake" status, they can only regain that status after being hooked.

the second part of my idea is if survivors stay near Freddy they gain progress toward falling asleep (even if they are "wide awake")

The Addon "Black box" and "Red pain brush" stay the same, the survivors who start asleep will not get the "wide awake" status until they get hooked once (in the case of black box the obsession cannot get the "wide awake" status unless they are hooked without being the obsession.)

edit:Edited mistake on my part

Post edited by Yatol on


  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Freddy can't see Survivor's timer to fall asleep, it's only visible for the Survivor, the only thing the Killer will see on his screen is the awake or sleeping icons.

    I agree with your changes. My idea is the same as yours:

    • Survivors will only sleep when Freddy hits them. There's no logic for survivor to automatically fall asleep, he should work for his power to work on Survivors.
    • Snares placed will automatically vanish after 30segs. The fact the he can pre-trap most loops is strong

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766
    edited January 2021

    I actually have a different idea for his snares. Make it so he has to stop in order to place them. Basically his snares become Hag traps with Waterlogged Shoe, losing their ability to be placed directly in front of chased survivors to slow them down in chase.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    So a question : What idea do you have with Freddy's dream projection? It gives a lot of map pressure and with Tinkerer it's pretty broken. I have a suggestion, make it so he can only teleport to generators he kicked last. It makes Pop+Surveillance good but not as oppressive as current Tinkerer Freddy

  • AppeaseTheEntity
    AppeaseTheEntity Member Posts: 61

    I enjoy this suggestion The Nightmare should not have free map pressure without having to work for it.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I mean if you wanna kill the character go for it I guess

  • Melfice
    Melfice Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2021

    I Totally agree, and that other idea, freddy can teleport just to the Gens he kicked previously... its too broken to teleport to any gen just for free

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Personally I would just like the removal of passive sleeping unless A. On a gen or B. Hit by Freddy. Alternatively make any alarm clock wake up, theres no incentive to spend 40 seconds running to the other side and back when you'll be back to 20 seconds on your timer by the time you're at a gen.

    This would make him actually have to work for his map wide mobility whilst nerfing his absurd synergy with perks like Pop goes the weaser/Ruin+Undying. That and making Snares less spammable as its absurd in its current form.

    Freddys problem is that he has an answer for everything, every other killer in the game has at least 1 shortcoming they're balanced around in that regard (except Nurse I guess but her "shortcoming" is the skill of the player controlling her). He was simply overbuffed.

    I also think his slowdown add ons should be reworked. They stick out like a sore thumb, most other killers that had slowdown ones have been removed. And before you say "but the values are actually really low", not when you stack them. And whats worse is 90% of players see a red bar and just give up, even if its only another 6 seconds on a gen.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited January 2021

    If slight nerfs to Freddy would "kill" the character for the people playing him, chances are an overbuffed killer is carrying them. I'd like to see these players play a match as Oni or Huntress, high tiers that work for their kills.

    Not being able to instantly shut down a loop with mindless Snare spam wouldn't kill him. Slowing down his teleport recharge wouldn't kill him. Removing passive sleeping (a level of free slowdown and map pressure no other killer in the game can even compete with) would not kill him.

    I mained OG freddy for close to two years and was so disgusted with how easy they made him to 4K against anything but the top tier SWF players that I dropped him a long time ago, I refuse to play him now out of principle as hes so boring to play against. They took all the micro-management/chase management out of his playstyle and made him a brain dead M1 god.

    Old Freddy didn't take much mechanical skill, but he was a true test of wether you knew how to equally spread your map pressure and wear the survivors down over the course of the game for a strong endgame play with Blood Warden or Remember Me.

    Any moron can throw Ruin/Undying or Pop on current Freddy and be unstoppable.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    For now I just gave the idea nerf that affect every Freddy kit but I don't disagree with the idea that his teleport could be more restricted.

    This nerf forces the killer to be more aggressive to make the most out of his passive.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652
  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    More Like it just makes dropping pallets full counter the killer ..if clown and demo are bad..imagine having no power till you m1..and still have no anti pallet even when you do..its not complicated

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Congratulations. You've just understood that 70% of matches are solo players. That's the problem Freddy is tuned for SWF. One bad player in a group of 3 good players in a solo match is game over, its just how the game works.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Yeah I've always thought he needed slowdown when putting snares down just so that he can't spam a loop with snares during a chase

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    And thats why swf needs to have some of its advantages brought to base , then upgrade the killers as needed, you can't ignore such a huge balance factor

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    At this rate thats not happening. The devs have been saying they'll balance solo for years and so far we have a single visual indicator of a specific survivor being chased. It's not happening. We still don't even have a totem counter.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    A totem counter shouldn't be a thing tbh, at least not for survivors..thats just beating down perks that are already not viable, but with matchmaking coming back..this could be the turning point we have been waiting for if done right

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    At the very least Small game should be given a totem counter token system like Toth. If not baseline it should be a perk. Too much time can be wasted tring to prevent noed against a decent killer solo.

    In a group I just say "how many totems have you guys cleansed?" and thats pretty much it.

  • Smol_person
    Smol_person Member Posts: 8

    Freddy can't see Survivor's timer to fall asleep, it's only visible for the Survivor, the only thing the Killer will see on his screen is the awake or sleeping icons.

    Freddy already can't see the sleep time

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379 base his viability on teachable perks? You can throw Ruin/Undying and Pop on pretty much any killer and 4k 9/10 games against non-SWF. So, nerf all killers then. Or, actually, remove teachable perks.

    I won't deny he's strong but he's not debilitating to play against. His teleport doesn't need changing imo, the cd is fine and any competent survivor on a gen can see it coming and get enough distance to a loop or escape completely before he gets there. Some people here talk about his teleport as if it's the same as Hag's, c'mon...

    The auto sleep mechanic without any effort does need to be changed, I agree there. I shouldn't be able to afk the game and still make the survivors work for their win lol, I get that. Placing traps should, at minimum, slow him while he does it. Having no slowdown allows him to end loops a little too quickly, placing traps all while still catching up to the survivor. I don't mind that they persist forever though - I find most Survivors I play against only really trigger them in loops, so they don't last long anyway. Places where they should be strong to persist forever like hooks or gens, they're triggered far less often there in my experience.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited January 2021

    I'm fine either way.

    Either passive sleeping and snares changed or mobility changed. Despite being the "larger" changes, snares and sleeping would have less impact on his viability as his main strength is the synergy between perks and the teleport. Snares alone are only marginally better than Clowns bottles, its the fact that that combined with the teleport/perk synergy + slowdown that makes him a problem.

    The main problem with Freddy right now is that he massively rewards minimal effort. His skill ceiling is extremely low for just how much utility he has.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Yes but 1 totem perk being slightly viable doesn't require such drastic measures that'll only make totems even worse

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    Freddy can still teleport, Survivor lose the status effect "Wide awake" when they get hit, and even if they have the status they can fall asleep if they are near him for too long chase or not (i was thinking inside his terror radius however i will admit i wasn't clear at all on that part.). While i said i wasn't against idea to change other parts of his kit, my idea only affect his passive. Early game Freddy is a M1 killer but late game he should be slightly similar to current Freddy.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I don't get it with Freddy they buff him because he's bad, the nerf him again because bad was better. Then next year no one will play him then buff again, then nerf etc. Just remove him if he's always seen as a problem.