Remove hook grabs.

Hook grabs kinda promote facecamp gameplay and this: (spam unhook to bait a hit from a killer without a grab) is boring and whacky mechanic.
If i want to trade my life to save someone from hitting second hook stage, i should be able to.
I mean I respect your opinion but it is coming off a little one sided. It's also able to be countered by tapping the hooked survivor so the killer hits you and then you're able to unhook, dead hard and BT work great as well for countering this. Besides if the killer is hard facecamping and you don't have BT or you don't think you'll be able to do saves just hop on gens and get the gate opened and get out of there and punish them for it. Trust me if every survivor did this and left the killers with only one kill and a depip they would soon stop trying this strategy.
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In most cases killer is able to hit unhooker before he will be able to use deadhard.
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I mean it works for me. But in all honesty with cases aswell where a killer hooks a survivor and instead of waiting for the killer to leave a survivor runs in and does a unsafe unhook which does happen more often than you'd think that survivor deserves to be punished for making a bad play.
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Free hit is also a punishment for unsafe unhooks.
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No I'm sorry but you shouldn't be able to get a free unhook by making a bad play.
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So basically you want to unhook the survivor for free, then them take a BT hit and both run off with 0 consequences.
This has to be a bad troll post?
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No! I want to sacrifice myself to prevent second stage on hooked survivor.
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Then tap the hooked survivor till the killer swings and then unhook them. But if you don't have BT, don't be mad if the killer knocks them down again instead of you. Killers have goals too, not just survivors. And please keep in mind that if the killer is leaving the hook and they HEAR or SEE you going to the hooked person they're leaving, there is a high chance they will turn right back around and try to grab you off the hook, or tunnel the person you rescued in their face. They weren't camping in that situation, you just got spotted at the same time they were going off to check generators.
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I fake leave hook all the time when I know someone is nearby waiting for a save. I'll get hatemail for "camping" of course but they just need to do better at hiding and not sprinting into the area where I can see all the scratch marks they left.
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In the case a killer is camping a hook and not running back to the hook because they spotted a survivor going for the unhook, do gens and force and the killer to have to leave the hook.
If the killer still commits to camping then you are getting gens done and are much closer to escaping.
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It wasnt free, saviour already paid a health state and he still has to perform the action while the Killer is in his M1 CD so he will be able to attack again very soon since the sprint from being hit is gone and the CD is almost over once the animation finished odds are the chase is going to be very short.
Unsafe hooks where Killer hits before unhooking end up with the saviour hooked in seconds unless the Killer is very bad, very greedy, wants to tunnel the saved or is facing an extremely well coordinated SWF which are super rare.
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If you're running in for an unsafe unhook when you have the option to wait and then go in for a safe one then you deserve to be punished for this as it's a terrible play. Also a killer gets a grab animation whenever they attack a survivor during any interaction whether it be doing a gen, opening a door, getting a save etc. This shouldn't be changed for hooked survivors to allow survivors to make bad plays. I'm also saying this as someone who has more hours in survivor than I do killer so even I can see that removing the grab animations on hooks is not only unfair to killers but also promotes survivors not learning how to play better and just allows them to make dumb decisions and be able to get away with it.
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They are getting punished if the Killer smacks them again after the unhook for they are gifting a hook stage with minimal chase time, the punishment is there but is up to Killer to dish it (I almost universally punish unsafe hooks like this).
The whole "remove grabs from hooks" argument I do agree on the reasons that unsafe hooks can be punished easily by hitting the guy before he unhooks and then right after since your M1 CD is over and his hit burst speed is gone, right now it leads to the absurd "spam button to bait a hit" gameplay.
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I am a survivor main and I personally think this will be unfair for the killers who do not tunnel / camp. Yes this would solve tunneling but personally I feel like there are better ways than to punish all killers for some being #########. Someone also said you could lure the killer to hit and then save which is a really good way to counterplay cause that will give you a few seconds to unhook the survivor and if you were not hit you can then take a hit for that survivor so they get a chance to run away.
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Yep, I always wait for that when I play survivor. Personally I don't do it much as killer cause survivors who are gonna save recklessly when I'm hardly far away are still gonna do it without me having to mindgame it. And guess what Imma do? Make that 180 and get ready to slug the unhook, or I'll just eat their DS if I have momentum so they can't have it late game. The only way they won't deal with that is if I am closer to a generator being worked on. Cause I'd rather survivors waste time healing than use time on gens.
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LMAO, nice bait :D
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Wait,you want to remove pulling people off hooks as a survivor? I maybe a Killer main but that just breaks the game..But ok
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Exactly my point!
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Howelse is the killer supposed to punnish hook rush and unsafe unhooks?
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Yes of course, let's also remove the option to hook surviviors since it promotes camping.
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I say this all the time to my friends and they come back at me like I'm dumb for wanting to get gens done instead of going for the random being face camped
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if I don’t find anyone during a gen patrol, or have very little intel on where survivors are, I’m going back to the hook. I’m also not going to let you heal for free. I’m coming back to get the savior. If he messes & gets grabbed, the savior is:
- bad at the game
- he was farming.
put your blame towards the savior, he’s the one who made a bad play
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Naaaah.... Will just work agaist a few killers. That's why this is stupid