Illusory doctors should move towards survivors

I think it would be cool and mess with survivors while still giving you tracking. This of course could work with the restraint addons.
You could even fake being the doctor illusion which could open up some mind games which makes sense with doctor. At least it would work against newbies. For more experienced players, you could use stealth perks to make it seem like you are just a fake since you have no terror radius.
This would just make it cooler and maybe even helpful at times.
So the illusory doctors should have no terror radius (maybe) to allow synergy with stealth perks to mess with survivors. Then it could even start the chase music and give the survivor their points for being chased.
I’ve thought this myself. Anything but the pop up paper cut out. Sometimes I laugh because my illusionary doc blocks my view of what the survivor is doing at windows and such.
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That sounds interesting!! Maybe this should only happen when in Madness III and it’ll fake hit you. If the survivor gets “hit” by those fake doctors then they’ll let out a scream (as if they haven’t been screaming enough already lol)
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It would be cool if you hallucinated other survivors in the game too lol
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That hit to make them scream sounds interesting. Just imagine looping what you thought was the doctor only to get hit and let out a scream.
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Maybe once we actually have AI for killers and survivors then it might be possible. Right now, I don't think it's possible.
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I thought they did have AI. Weren't the AFK's in the mobile game substituted by bots?
Also, the spawn points of illusions are inconsistent. They sometimes spawn on top of walls, objects, and places that are not connected to a path in the direction of survivors.
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Sometimes, not always but sometimes.
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If they have it for dbd mobile, then they can have it for dbd. Also, just in general bots would be so much better.
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I like it hate doc with every fiber of my being but I like it
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I like this as well
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Aye, the fake doctors don't do anything really other than sorta sometimes tell me a general area where a survivor might be. I guess that's good enough to have that info, especially when he's terrific at finding people as it is, but I'd like to see more. It doesn't even need to be full-fledged AI, just make the fake doctor fade into view somewhere running straight at survivors. That will freak people out sitting on gens or they turn a corner and a fake doctor is running at them. Just a straight line, through walls and everything. Shouldn't be hard to do.
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Yeah but unfortunately DBD mobile is seperated from DBD on other platforms, it's managed by seperate team from the main game. Even if they have AI, long asked for training mode and other cool stuff, we on the main game don't have any of that yet and it wasn't even announced if or when they'll add any of that to the main game.
It'd be great if they added things like training mode or AI that are on mobile but they don't seem to be taking any steps towards any of that or they're not telling us.
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I feel like it'd be funny to have them randomly swing their weapon sometimes too lol.
I wanna see someone Dead Hard an illusory Doctor swing.
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Tbh I'd rather see that as something a different killer gets. I liked the idea of there being ghosts on the map as just an ambience thing or gameplay mechanic like crows/illusionary doctors.
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Now that I think about it, the running and fake hitting the madness iii survivor should only happen while that survivor is running. If they're standing still or crawling, then the fake doctors should just stand there as always.
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A suggestion, what if this ability was instead put on Restraint add-ons? Doctor's basekit madness can already create illusionary doctors so I do think that it would be better on Restraint to replace the prolonging of illusions
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I did say the restraint addons
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Right, sorry. I didn't fully read the first sentence in the post