Pig (Amanda) is terrible to play against and here thats why

Iosefka Member Posts: 72
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The pig. That lady with the pig mask and the snowflake assasins creed wristblade, and most of all, those damned face traps.

I will admit I don't have a lot of experience playing killer, but i look at this one and i can't see any drawbacks that the others pay for their abilities.

Those traps are the big deal. When/if you get unhooked, you need to go track down the key for your trap, or you die. And thats not even guaranteed, yesterday i died to a trap, after finishing searching 3/4 of the jigsaw boxes on the map and not finding the key.

Usually i do find it though, usually the mask doesn't kill, that was just an unlucky day.But the much bigger deal is, the time it takes.

I could understand if the traps only killed you on leaving, but otherwise had no time limit, so you could take your time searching, do objectives and look for the key whenever you find some spare moments

I could understand if the traps had a time limit, but escaping would prevent it, because then you could try to ignore it and focus on objectives, take a gamble

But it kills in BOTH cases, so your one and only choice is to go look for the key immediately. Time you spend looking for a key is time you don't spend repairing generators, this is hugely powerful.

It also makes you predictable, she can patrol the jigsaw boxes and easily catch people trying to get their masks off. They can't even hide bcause of the accursed beeping

This seems far more powerful than the unique abilities given to any other killer. I'd say freddy is second place, but he still can't hold a candle to this. Pig doesn't even need to hook anyone, ever. She can just go around doing knockdown and mask all day

What does she pay for this ability?

I know she's got that wierd stealth attack, but that is clearly optional. I've had plenty of cases where pig just runs up and hits me in plain view.

She's still got the "higher than survivors" movespeed and can win a chase. maybe she's slower than other killers, but it doesn't feel like it's making a difference

Can anyone explain to me how the pig is not the most overpowered killer in the game by far. To such a degree that she eclipses all the other killers, and would presumably be played by everyone all the time if she wasnt locked behind a paid DLC

Entry cost aside, i can't see any drawbacks.

I recently created another post about Pig and i am successful with her. Her Trap pressure is amazing and survivors literally hopeless


  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811


    That's why she isn't top tier.

    You would be better playing with a Killer who is reliable and have a constant 100% use of his power.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    You can leave through the hatch with an active trap on. I almost died to the trap because my teammate thought it was important to heal me with an active trap on my head.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Pls nerf pig she is op.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    The reason why she is considered an underwhelming killer is because she is purely based around RNG. Sure she has traps she can put on survivors, but there is no guarantee that they will be on said survivor for more than a few seconds.

    With this being said, if you aren't careful about getting it off asap, it does have a chance of activating. The trick is to leave it on your head, do gens & when it's activated you then go search for the key. Even with her best add-on to ultimately reduce the timer, you should still be able to get to each Jigsaw box in time.

    Now if she decides to follow you around with your trap on eventually leading to your death because you had no time to try & get it off, she threw the game. It's almost the same as face-camping when you think about it because if she's pressuring a survivor with a trap on, she isn't putting pressure on the others.

    Oh yeah, her crouch really sucks. But we already know that.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Dude, the trap timers start on a generator being completed, not on unhook.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Pig isn't as strong as you think.

    The reason why you are having such a hard time, is because only die hard Pig mains still play her. These are players with thousands of hours of experience playing Pig and stuck with her through thick and thin even after the many changes in the game screwed her over.

    You are simply going up against far superior players. Don't read too much into it.

    You are guaranteed to get the trap off if you search all 4 traps.

    The traps waste time, yes, but I have managed to escape with a trap on my head many times. If you want a killer who is better at wasting time even Legion is better at it he goes around on stab fests and gets everyone injured, needing to mend. Pig's traps don't really waste that much time in the larger scheme of things. It's mostly psychological pressure on you.

    She feels hard to play against when you're new, but in truth you can just ignore the trap and do gens most of the time, and work on the jigsaw puzzles when the momentum is more in your favor.

    If pig is patrolling the jigsaw puzzles that's pressure that's not on gens. It plays on newbie survivors who have no idea what theyre doing and panic and run for the puzzle boxes the moment they get off the hook. Don't be that newb and pig wastes time camping puzzle boxes. There are pigs that are sadistic and use the addon that reduces the puzzleboxes to two, and she camps those. But that's really a losing strategy that will only work on shrubs.

    Pig also has a limited number of RBTs so once they're gone she's essentially just an M1 killer with Urban Evasion.

    Pig is not that strong. Pretty much both survivors and killers agree on this. Only newbies find her strong, because psychologically she causes them to panic but in reality if you keep your cool her power isn't that strong.

    What makes Pig strong isn't her power, it's the player using her.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    I got bp while finding totems moving around between trap removers (for active traps) and got points off of the skillchecks for them as well as survival points the longer a game went on so it's all gud. You still ahve to catch them to trap them with her while a distressing doctor can sit around the middle of a map or within the radius of a few generators and just listen for the screams while screwing them out of vaults and saving perk slots from aura skills unless you wanted bbq for the bp (the main reason I ever used it on anybody). Overall doctor was my favorite to use. Hearing the shocks alone was pretty satisfying. And the cooky laugh. He had me at hello, which is kinda shocking.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I feel your pain. Pig was, for me, my own personal Kryptonite. For the longest time I never got out of any matches with here alive. If I saw a Saw box I'd be like, "here we go again." It never seemed to get any better. I could handle a Nurse, a Spirit, and a Freddy, but Pig would always get me.

    She really isn't any worse than any other Killer. One day I got out alive. I stopped letting the beartraps (or her) weird me out. You will get there too.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446
    1. She has limited traps.
    2. She has to down you first before the traps come online.
    3. You could get the trap off on your fist attempt, making that trap kind of worthless.
    4. Ambush is decent in a chase, but... eh. It's not near as good as most other in chase powers. Though moondashing people is pretty great.
    5. For her stealth to be strong, you almost have to use Whispers + M&A which limits the amount of other perks you can bring.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    What good does moondashing do since regular dashes already hide her red stain?

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I am almost certain that activating Ambush brings back Pig's TR and Red stain instantly. That and if they can see you since you're doing this in a loop, Ambush cannot naturally go backwards so they think you're dashing 1 way around the loop but you aren't so they'll usually accidentally help you close the gap.

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    Pig is the best because nice survivors will boop the snoot before they leave the game through the exit gates.

    I find her fun, but . . . . Yeah. I feel her crouch isn’t that good in a chase unless you use combat straps and video tape. It can be depressing to have all your traps come off in 30 seconds. (Why does it feel like that half the time they come off in one box, 85% by 2, and the rest 3 or more?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited January 2021

    The Pig is another killer I hardly ever have fun playing against. Mostly because most of the match feels like survivors having to deal with getting traps off their head rather than being able to focus on objectives. The fact that she can still give you pressure even after you're trapped is too much in my opinion though if I remember doesn't the timer stop if you're within her terror radius? Honestly I think once she traps you she should not be able to interact with you while the trap is on your head (after being hooked and unhooked of course. Forgot to mention that). The RNG factor means you can literally have to run through every box before finding the key and you're cutting it close in many situations even if you hit every skill check. The traps should only be for delaying survivors working on generators diverting their focus from main objectives. The fact that the killer can still attack you after being trapped is too much in my opinion. You may also have to deal with hex totems which will give the killer even more time to pressure you and keep you from objectives. I think I have seen more no gens completed 4k matches against the pig than any other killer. She's just not that fun to play against. It feels like more of an annoyance than a fun experience. She does eventually run out of traps though right? I guess it all depends how the player plays the killer. If someone can run her for awhile you can get the trap off no problem but how often does that happen really? I have been in matches with the pig where they actually left trapped survivors alone and would focus on other survivors which was very nice of them. A few days ago I had a match where I got trapped early and as I was running to the next box the killer was chasing another survivor and ran right around me out in the open where she could've easily just knocked me down again. I even stopped to accept the inevitable because I had nowhere to go and figured she was about to turn and knock me down but she didn't. Don't bank on every pig being this nice though. I've had terrible matches against the pig before.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,339
    edited January 2021

    Nice to see my Piggy still rattling the cages of the younger survs. Gather around the campfire with me.

    That headgear is flashing slowly white, so I shall let you search a box no problem. Hmmm that's strange everyone says they'll come off first try. Ok ok you're still alive, just head on over there to the next box.

    Flashing yellow and a tad faster now isn't it. Better run, only I get to crouch now. Am I at this box waiting for you? No, well then search away.

    Not that one either. But ya could of swore... wait why are there three boxes left when you look around.

    Flashing red now, almost as fast as your heartbeat. Keep moving keep moving!!


    Continue to boop dem snoots my young friends. You may even live to tell the tale. Maybe.

    @Darkskies anything to add?