Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Small Game Rework

Member Posts: 589
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

This perk should work exactly how WoP, Visionary, Zanshin Tactics.

You can see totem auras in 16m - 24m radius, but once you touch it or destroy it, perk will be disabled for 20-30 seconds.

This perk is kinda overshadowed by Detective's Hunch which was made not only for totems, but chests and gens, so why can't we have a separate perk for totems only? Yes, i know that Small games kinda works against trap based killers, but there are like 3 of them. (Trapper, Hag, Dream Pallets). Not mentioning that you can try to find hex and will be baited by perk zoink sound, just to find out it triggered to a closed beartrap behind a pile of turds. So this perk works against itself.

I would gladly trade any of my crutch perks (Prove Thyself) for this one so i could, like many noed, undying lovers say: "Do Bones" Because many think that survivors are too lazy to cleanse totems, when in reality they simpy can't find them.

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