Legion Rework Idea

Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So, here is a brand new take on the Legion as a killer. Note, I actually have loads of fun playing as and vs Legion in his current state, however, the way his character is designed, lore wise, I always felt it could have been something so much more unique and exciting. So with that said, here is my reworl for Legion:


Each member of the Legion can be controlled and has a Unique skill.

Press and hold the Power button to switch between members.

(Left and Right on the D-Pad scrolls the list of members, release the Power button to select the new member to switch to.)

The Legion is shrouded in a black cloud (from a Survivor's perspective) when switching members and suffers a moderate decrease in movement speed.

When switching members, the member that got switched out enters a cooldown for 90 seconds.

Frank always starts the Trial.

Frank -- Relentless Assault, after performing a full Lunge attack you instantly perform a short Stab attack right away.

Julie -- Feral Frenzy, after successfully hitting a Healthy Survivor the location of all Injured Survivors within 36m of your location are revealed to you via Killer Instinct for 8 seconds. Feral Frenzy has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Joey -- Drive By, Press the Secondary Ability button to begin Sprinting at 5.2m/s for 15 seconds. While Sprinting your attacks become ruthless, the first Survivor hit suffers with Deep Wound, the next successful attack during the Sprint places any Survivor into the Dying State, regardless of Health State (does not ignore the Endurance effect). Your FOV while sprinting is reduced by 15 degrees. Drive By takes 15 seconds to recharge.

Susie -- Copycat, Press the Secondary Abiliyy button to perform Running Vaults at pallets and windows. Performing a Successful Attack after a Running Vault gains you a token. Each token gained decreases the cooldown for each member of the Legion by 25%. Up to 4 tokens can be gained at one time. Lose a token each time you switch members. Copycat has a 15 second cooldown after performing a Running Vault.

Iridescent Button - slightly increases the Stab attack range; the duration of Killer Instinct is increased by 4 extra seconds; Drive By FOV is increased by 5 degrees; Vaulting a pallet causes it to break instantly.

Fuming Mix Tape - considerably decreases the cooldown of all switched out members.

Cold Dirt - is now Rare the black cloud remains for 3 seconds after switching members.

Filthy Blade - is now Rare Survivors in the the Injured State suffer a 2% decrease to Vault speed.

Frank's Mix Tape - moderately increases recovery speed of a missed Stab attck; slightly decreases Frank's switch out cooldown.

Stab Wounds Study - is now Rare  Survivors hit by a special attack suffer from the Mangled status effect for 60 seconds.

Joey's Mix Tape - is now Very Rare slightly decreases the cooldown of Drive By; slightly decreases Joey's switch out cooldown.

Nasty Blade - is now Uncommon Injured Survivors suffer a 1% decrease to Vault speed.

Stolen Sketch Book - Survivors inside your terror radius when a Healthy Survivor is Injured suffer with the Oblivious status effect for 10 seconds

Susie's Mix Tape - is now Very Rare increases Vault speed by 10%.

The Legion Pin - moderately decreases all members switch out cooldown.

Defaced Smiley - Survivors afflicted with Deep Wound have their location revealed to you via Killer Instinct if they perform a repair, cleanse, open or heal action.

Etched Ruler - Survivors performing co-op reairs have their location revealed via Killer Instinct.

Julie's Mix Tape - is now Very Rare when Injuring a Healthy Survivor reveal Healthy Survivors location via Killer Instinct within your terror radius for 4 seconds; slightly decreases Julie's switch out cooldown.

Mural Sketch - Survivors outside your terror radius when a Survivor is placed into the Dying State suffer with Oblivious for 15 seconds.

Never-Sleep Pills - is now Rare slightly increases movement speed while switching members.

Friendship Bracelet - slightly decreases all members switch out cooldown.

Mischieft List - gain 100% bloodpoints when switching members; gain 200 more bloodpoints for successful attacks; slightly increases cooldown of all switched out members.

Scratched Ruler - Survivors that exit a locker within 16m of your location scream revealing their location.

Smiley Face Pin - slightly increases the duration of the black cloud upon switching members.

Post edited by Onyx_Blue on


  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited January 2021

    No, this is too complex and the devs won't consider changing them that drastically. However they would consider giving them a secondary power that fits them and again no it won't be having multiple of them in the trial. In not saying your idea is bad i'm just saying it won't be considered since it would be too much work for a free killer, that's just business.

    I do have an idea for a secondary ability that only adds onto the legion and is just an extended part of their power.

    Legion secondary ability: Takedown rush (i'm still thinking of a better name)

    Each hit you get in feral frenzy charges Takedown rush, it will take 4 hits to fully charge Takedown rush. To activate Takedown you must be in feral frenzy, if you successfully hit a survivor they will get downed regardless of their health state and the charges are depleted. Missing Takedown puts you in fatigue but does not deplete your charges.

    Takedown when activated slows you for 1 seconds then you can run at normal frenzy speed for 5 seconds before you go into fatigue, however you can't perform vaults. During this time you can perform takedown which will make you rush forward with decreased turning and instantly down a survivor.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Legion isn't free. Unless there's a special edition on console that includes him, that's not really meaning he is free though, unless i'm missing something else.

    Well, the idea of Twins existing makes mechanics like this possible imo.

    I would say the idea of missing the takedown and not having a solid punishment is a bad direction. I'd say missing a Takedown costs 1 token.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784
    edited January 2021

    I mean, most of there powers are just broken, survivor goes for a save, drive by and insta down the unhooker, survivor exists near windows, fast vault them at the same speed and remove their loops, enduring at pallets will be brutally efficient because they either drop it and you vault it or they stun you then you vault it anyway

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    I had an idea somewhat similar to yours but, slightly different, with small buffs for each Feral Frenzy hit.

    This is probably a bit of an extreme change to the Power, but it could likely be pulled off through altering some of the add-ons instead, OR, just think of these ideas as a starting point for potential changes... Anyway, here is what I was thinking for Legion:

    Implement a token system based on Feral Frenzy hits:

    For each Survivor hit during a single activation of Feral Frenzy, gain a token. All tokens are consumed when Feral Frenzy ends, granting the appropriate buff(s) listed below. Token buffs do not stack, you gain only the benefit(s) listed for each tier/token amount gained/consumed.

    • With 2 tokens gained, you'll suffer a greatly reduced stun when Feral Frenzy ends
    • With 3 tokens gained, you'll suffer a regular stun, but Feral Frenzy is refreshed and immediately ready for use when it ends.
    • With 4 tokens gained, Feral Frenzy becomes Fatal Frenzy (refreshed to full power) - The change from Feral Frenzy to Fatal Frenzy stuns Legion for 2-3 seconds as they become enraged. For the remainder of the power, Frenzy hits on Survivors can now put them into the dying state. Tokens will not be gained during Fatal Frenzy, and the power duration will not be refreshed on any hits.

    Notes about Fatal Frenzy: A Fatal Frenzy hit on an injured Survivor puts them in the dying state. A Fatal Frenzy hit on a healthy Survivor injures them like normal, but The Legion can then follow up with another hit to down them if the Power is still active.

    My thoughts on this are as follows:

    Fatal Frenzy probably seems OP - allowing Legion to sprint around and now able to down Survivors with Frenzy hits? Crazy, right? Remember though, to even get into Fatal Frenzy mode, you'll have to have nailed all 4 Survivors during Feral Frenzy...not an easy task unless the whole team is nearby, which in my experience, isn't that often. So, Fatal Frenzy isn't something I'd expect to be utilized much, but it is an appropriate reward if someone can pull it off and/or an appropriate punishment if the Survivor team doesn't scatter. Plus, once activated, you have a limited window of time to make use of it, as the power does not refresh on hits in this state.

    That said, the 2 and 3 token buffs will be reached far more often, and, in my opinion, aren't over the top but rather satisfy the more common requests I see for Legion - shortened stun (the 2 token buff), and faster power refill (3 token buff, an instant power refresh).

    Too much/OP? Not enough? There are a lot of ideas out there that are far simpler of course and achieve what I see most people asking for but I thought this change could be workable and make Legion a little more interesting.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited January 2021

    I like that idea however a few things should be pointed out.

    The reduced frenzy stun is way better then just having your power back right away and you don't need it if 3/4 survivors are injured, i think he should always have reduced stun except at 4 tokens since it doesn't matter then. Instead of getting your power back immediately how about instead you detect survivors in deep wounds in your TR with killer instinct for a few seconds?

    Also at 4 tokens that is way too strong, keep it in mind all survivors are injured at that point so it's like having an instant down until it ends with high speed and fast vaulting. I think it should just instead down the last survivor you hit so at 4 tokens it just downs the survivor and ends. you already have good pressure at that point no need for it to be a game ender.

    edit: if it can be changed to be more balanced i do like your idea more than mine tho, i kinda want to steal it and improve it if that's fine of course i'll credit you if i mention the idea.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Oh for sure! I'm not married to any of it, like I said, think of it as just a starting point for ideas, totally open to changing anything and everything.👍️

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited January 2021

    cool tell me what you think of these changes then.

    For each hit in frenzy you gain a token. Tokens are consumed when frenzy ends.

    1. Nothing
    2. Reduced feral frenzy fatigue
    3. Reduced feral frenzy fatigue and all survivors affected by deep wounds are revealed by killer instinct.
    4. When feral frenzy ends you go into a fatal frenzy, your movement speed is drastically reduced for 2 seconds before moving at 5.2 m/s it then lasts for 8 seconds during which your attacks injure and down survivors.

    I think if the fatal frenzy is short enough it will be fine if it downs multiple survivors, the problem was treating it's duration the same as a normal frenzy.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Seems reasonable! Ultimately it's pretty hard to know how these changes will work out in the game. On paper it sounds good though! Kinda like I mentioned before about Fatal Frenzy, if you're able to down multiple survivors at that point, the problem isn't the power, it's the survivors not getting away from you. If you can nail all 4 survivors (which isn't that often anyway in my experience), then you'll most likely be able to insta-down the most recent one you hit, but the rest should be too far away to get to in time before the power ends. If they're not...that's on them, and they deserve the punishment of another down.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I'm sorry, but whats the point in playing Frank? The way you describe it, his second stab sounds like bubba's tantrum where a survivor has to actively run into to be hit by hit. Like, if the survivor gets hit with lunge, why wouldn't they run away?

    Here's my idea for a Legion rework.

    The Legion’s power is called Darkness Within

    Special Ability: Corrupted From Within

    At any time The Legion may remove their mask. Upon doing so The Legion’s base speed will be decreased to that of a survivor and they will gain the undetectable status effect. Additionally The Legion will gain the posture and footsteps of survivors. When getting into grab range The Legion may instantly down the survivor. The Legion may exit Corrupted From Within at any time.

    Special Attack: Feral Frenzy 

    Upon activating Feral Frenzy The Legion will sprint forward at a higher speed. The Legion gains the ability to vault over pallets and through windows. Missing an attack will decrease The Legions Feral Frenzy power gauge. Hitting a survivor while in Feral Frenzy will refill the power gauge and reveal other survivors nearby in killer instinct. 

    Hitting a second survivor will apply the deep wound status effect. 

    Hitting a third survivor will apply the deep wound status effect and apply the broken status effect. 

    Hitting a fourth survivor will instantly down them and remove The Legion from Feral Frenzy.  

    While The Legion is not currently chasing a survivor, Feral Frenzy’s speed, duration, and stun after leaving the power is increased.

    Applying the deep wound status effect will critically injure the survivor. They must mend themselves or they will be put in the dying state, additionally their movements become rushed and clumsier and their movement speed is decreased by 7%.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    yeah i had to remember that you are not getting extra time with fatal frenzy and it can be adjusted, it gives survivors time to run, and successful hits in frenzy have a recovery animation of 1 second. unless you get back to back hits it's very unlikely you will get more than 2 downs which is actually good since you injured everyone anyway.

    I like talking about balance since im extremely good at seeing how thing A affects things B, C, ect and how it would work in an actual game (i have played too much killer and have an active imagination XD). This is pretty balanced I would actually like this in the base game if only the devs actually would take our suggestions.

    As long as fatigue recovery isn't instant this really balanced and gives what the players want which is being rewarded for doing good. it doesn't change how legion is played but it does make him stronger at what he does unless you get 4 tokens and even then it's only 1 maaaybe 2 downs.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    True, but most players pay with money for chapters.

    @AChaoticKiller @Hyd

    Your ideas are cool, but could be made polished by only granting token gains for each successful Killer Instinct attack:

    - 1 token reduces the amount of the Feral Frenzy power gauge lost by 25% when missing an attack with FF active.

    - 2 tokens reduces the amount of the Feral Frenzy power gauge lost by 50% when missing an attack with FF active.

    - 3 tokens reduces the amount of the Feral Frenzy power gauge lost by 75 % when missing an attack with FF active; allows Killer Instinct to affect Survivors suffering from Deep Wound.

    *lose a token when missing an attack during Feral Frenzy with Killer Instinct not active*

    - 4 tokens allows Legion to enter Fatal Frenzy the next time Killer Instinct is triggered. Fatal Frenzy has a duration of 20 seconds; successful attacks performed on Healthy Survivors grants no cooldown reduction, however the Fatal Frenzy gauge reduction is paused during the successful attack cooldown. Fatal Frenzy experiences a 50% slowed power consumption while carrying a survivor.

    Lose all tokens when Fatal Frenzy ends.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited January 2021

    most players don't buy the chapters we have too many shards and a lot of players just save up shards before it is released.

    As for the idea it is when you successfully hit survivor, i don't think 1 hit should be rewarded as it is always free I also think they should keep it how it is when missing a hit which is you enter fatigue we don't need skilless power spam that was nearly impossible to outlast. Also no point in it showing survivors in deep wounds during frenzy since you can't hit them without losing your power.

    also you are unclear about the 4 tokens effect and if it damages survivors that is way too long that's twice the normal duration of frenzy and good players don't miss and missing should be heavily punished since frenzy makes hitting survivors very easy. I like our idea as it is since it is simple and more skill based with a hint of luck. still i like it when people try to do new things you just need to understand the game a little better to make realistic ideas.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    It extends the lunge. Nothing like Bubbas tantrum. It allows to get a hit from a longer distance than usual. The Stab wouldn't allow him to 2-tap anyone due to the short amount of invulnerabilty a Survivor gains from being hit. Frank would be effective at short tiles and at vaults. He obviously has less going for him than the others, but he suffers no cooldowm with his unique skill.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Regardless, I like my idea better 😂 he doesn't need to down people in Frenzy, he's intel and rotation killer.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited January 2021

    he also shouldn't be able to miss and then attack again, good players don't even miss.

    as for the downing part i was like that too until i realized two things. one all survivors are basically injured at this point and are more than likely spread out, two you will get at most 2 downs because it only lasts 8 seconds and survivors more than likely won't be holding hands. also our idea makes it so your tokens are consumed every time frenzy ends so you have to hit 4 survivors not in deep wounds to be able to perform fatal frenzy which is pretty hard and luck based.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    True, but the main reason I opted away from just a minor tweak and instead did this full redesign is to turn Legion into a properly fulfilling killer; atm they're a Killer that's just got a unique consmetic style. It's also for that very reason that makes my rework possible, right now altering the body's cosmetic changes not only the model, but the motion/animation, audio and appearance of the killer. That is what my rework does but applies it to in-game instead of just on the menu. It also grants a multiude of playstyles and add-on selections. I enjoy Legion as is, but this completes them in the game

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited January 2021

    and the devs won't do that which is why is said be realistic.

    they are a free killer because you can buy them with shards and plenty of players do so, there is hardly any point in putting in that much effort for a free killer.

    also if your referring to your OG idea as said that is too complex, you referred to the twins but they are really just 1 power which is a remote control ba- I mean adult and victor doesn't even have any cosmetics not even extra blood from prestiging.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    The fact they can be purchased with Shards is definitely not a vaild reason to drastivally overhaul and improve the killers gameplay.

    Being realistic, it is very possible. The twins demonstrate that the game can handle alternating between characters while in-game. My idea is just the next step from that; though the characters models aren't 'active' in the trial at the same time, but they are there to be switched between.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    take a look at this company, they didn't give victor cosmetics, didn't fully carry out the community legion cosmetic idea where the face changes, and are focused on money just take a look at recent events and how they are trying to draw players in instead of focusing on improvements.

    they don't have competition and have enough content to not care to drastically change something that honesty has easier solutions.

    your idea isn't realistic because this is bhvr we are dealing with and they have no competition for this game.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Don't get me wrong i love this game but in the past 2 years i have lost a lot of respect for how they handle this game and i know they will never change a killer so drastically like what you are suggestion.