
Puccho Member Posts: 9
edited January 2021 in Bug Reporting

Since this many Bugs appeard and i kept flying out a lot of times i lost a lot of points when the event was going on and i have nothing /had nothing from the game also i gave real money for the characters and clothes and in game the failours come ever back (only on DBD and my laptop is new) can i maybe recive some serverance pay ? I am really angry now and i don't know why it keep on this problems ! it's only such a ######### when u want to get points and such and it wont work and you don't get them back because it's lost when u lose the game ... i was locked for 6 hours from match making and it didn't is only me with this problems and thats not on me because i was not flying out this often but in middle of the matches and thats really stupid... may it would be good thing to give something back to the users who had'n much luck on reciving points on events it was every day and every 3 minutes it kicked or disconnected it's not making any fun when you play and keep losing everything or not even recive it like said... I am sorry if i sound stupid on that but maybe you can look for this problems and maybe you can do something against it in time and i wait ...maybe you can give me something for the loss i got at that time... !

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Not a bug · Last Updated

Sorry that you've had this issue, I can see that you've managed to fix your internet issue now though - going by your response in the technical sub forum. I'm sorry but there are no refunds of BP's etc due to the amount of time you were unable to play due to the DC penalty.

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