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How to handle survivors who are much better than you?

Let me preface this by saying I'm a survivor main trying to play killer. I'm trying really hard to get better at this role, but I keep consistently getting matched with survivors who are way above me in rank. I wouldn't complain if it were a mix, like a green, two purples and a red, but it's every one of my matches that look like this. I'm not terrible at looping, but when there's no real "weak link" to go after, I don't know what to do besides tunnel and camp. Everyone is so efficient, and I'm trying to think about what I'd do as a survivor if I were to go against me, but it's not helping at all. I feel so absolutely shat on in 80% of my matches. I try to watch streamers like Fungoose so that I can learn better, but I don't know how to handle teams who are much better than me. Any suggestions? I'd really really appreciate it.


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited February 2021

    I don't mean to be memey or sound like a douche, but the best way to deal with skilled survivors is to become skilled yourself as killer, or as the cool kids would say these days "git gud".

    I suggest learning about all the survivor jukes and even playing survivor so your predictions on what they will do can be more accurate. You yourself can do some nasty things in a chase as killer as well. For example, moonwalking in a loop, if done correctly can end in you getting a hit on a survivor.

    Otzdarva made a video on the following killers that you can watch to get a good understanding of what to do as them:

    Plague, Trapper, Bubba (outdated), and the Executioner.

    Go ahead and watch a few guides on how to play killer and just watch Not Otzdarva's videos, just listening to him will help you immensely.

    If you can tell us what killers you play that might help us help you more as well.

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2021

    I'm....not actually sure you read what I wrote entirely....I do play survivor because I'm a survivor main. I'm not new to the game or anything, I know how to juke a killer, 360, run loops and whatnot, but I'm not exactly gonna be able to "git gud" when every time I try to get into a chase, I get completely outplayed by entire teams twice my skill level. But for the killers I'm trying to play - Myers (Corrupt, Pop, Nemesis, Play With Your Food) , Demogorgon (Thrilling Tremors, Corrupt, Save the Best for Last and Pop) and Hag (Sloppy, Ruin, Undying and Corrupt)

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited February 2021

    Oh sorry, I sort of just skimmed through it.

    For myers, the only thing I can really tell you is to really have tier three 99% and to pop it right when you are just behind a survivor. He is a pretty easy and simple killer to play. Nemises and PWYF aren't really the best perks to use on him. I would recommend using STBFL and BBQ or thrilling tremors.

    For the demogorgon, I recommend using the rat liver frequently for an addon. It is literally his best addon. You also have to make sure you frequently hold your shred for a second to see if anyone is cleansing your portals. You have to be quick with your portals to keep up with survivors and place them either right on top of gens or close to them. If you use BBQ instead of thrilling it might be more helpful since you can actually use your portals to travel to where survivors are with your portals (which should be placed not just around gens, but spread out through the map for travel).

    For hag, I personally don't have anything special to tell you other than to place traps on chokepoints, near gens if you want, by pallets or windows slightly placed to the side so it messes with the survivor's camera, and to never really chase survivors. You want to "chase" survivors with your traps instead. So instead of going to mindgame for a 50% chance of getting a hit, just place a trap by a window and set up your web. Agitation is a pretty good perk on her as it allows you to put survivors in your den of traps. A hag with at least 6 good traps set up can quickly turn the tides of a match. I would also advise you to move triggered trap locations a little bit. So if you placed a trap by the shack window and it already got triggered, place one by the shack pallet instead to make your trap placement unpredictable.

    Oh, actually I forgot about a little trick for mikey.

    When you are stalking look down if a survivor is trying to spin around you, and note that it also makes you lose collision. So if a survivor is bodyblocking you from going to a survivor who is injured you can press m2 and walk right through them. It can also work if they are protecting a survivor on the exit gate or totem.

  • edgyjmm
    edgyjmm Member Posts: 6

    Try switching up your killer man. Idk what killer you main (if you main a killer at all) but try someone else. Each killer typically has a unique feel to them. If you have tried someone else, try switching up your perks and see what works for you (look up good builds to use). Other than that I would say just keep playing.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited February 2021

    You need to learn different killer tactics & playstyles in order to adapt to how certain survivors play. Camping & tunneling is one of them, although I wouldn't prefer it unless you're in an extremely tight spot because you won't get better if that's all you do. A few tactics I can think of are:

    • Hit & Run: This tactic is simply to get everybody injured as fast as possible & you don't have to be Legion for it. Is there 3 survivors around a gen? Hit one, hit the other, and then chase the third. Keeping them all injured is a good way to either have them all be 1 hit or waste their time healing (extra points if you bring Sloppy Butcher/Thanatophobia/or even Nurses).
    • 3 Gen: This one will almost always work if you don't tunnel vision. If the survivors are looping you at tiles endlessly and gens are popping left and right, see out 3 gens and DO NOT chase a survivor too far outside of that area. If you have Pop & think you can risk 1 chase so you can come back and regress their progress, you can take that risk but just be aware.
    • Slugging: If the match is going by quick & the survivors are being cocky all right next to eachother, once you down one survivor, try and go for another. This may last several minutes & might even fail on you if you don't have perks like Infectious Fright, but you can always try this strat as well to slow the game down a lil bit.

    I didn't mention camping/tunneling because you already know about that. I want to also say:

    • This game will never be fun if you take it seriously serious. Survivors can be really frustrating but just try to have fun rather than be on-edge all game.

    I'd advise you try out atleast 1 of these because it just might solve your problem.

    I wish you the best of luck for both your killer & survivor games!

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326

    Yep, I have all the basics of that down. Especially slugging. When I down someone and there's someone else there, I always give them an M1 to the back and then pick the other person up if I don't feel like committing to the chase is a good idea. And as far as the 3 gen goes, I find it difficult to triple gen really efficient survivors. If I have good map control or I'm able to put a lot of pressure, I try to do what I can, but in my typical matches, these survivors are super coordinated and not overly altruistic until the egc.

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326

    Yeah, I tend to rotate between Myers (Nemesis, Play With Your Food, Pop and Corrupt), Demo (Save the Best for Last, Thrilling Tremors, Pop, and Corrupt) and Hag (Ruin, Undying, Sloppy and Corrupt/Surge). I don't play with add-ons because I don't want to learn to rely on them until I have a VERY solid understanding on how to play each killer.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited February 2021

    3-genning is extremely easy to do even against efficient survivors if you know what you're doing & play your cards right.

    You mentioned in another response that you're mainly trying to play Hag, Demo, & Myers. Hag and Demo should be your primary killers for 3-genning as you can set up traps/portals. I'd definitely recommended Demo more than Hag for this though.

    As Demo you can set up your portals at gens and not only see whenever someone is near one, but you can also teleport back to said 3 gen if you feel like a chase you took is getting too far away/taking up too much time. The survivors can literally do nothing about this because pressure is time and time is your chance to down somebody near your 3 gen and proxy camp. It isn't all that hard, especially if you're running Pop. Hag is the same thing, just without the portals & WAY more likely to get stomped by good survivors.

    Edit: I also forgot to mention that finding a 3-gen is as easy as pie too, because if you're constantly forcing survivors off, then they have no other choice than to just do the gens across the map.

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326

    I'll definitely take that advice with Demo. I just don't feel like I get too much value with pop at the moment. It takes a long time to down these guys. I keep getting matched with full red rank teams and they're way above my paygrade. If I don't commit to a chase and I leave an injured survivor just to protect a gen without pop, then they just heal and or do something else. If I over-commit to a chase, I lose a gen. If I don't get enough hooks, I don't get value out of pop. For matches where the skill level is about even, I don't have problems, but I'm having a hard time getting into the mind of the red rank killer because I'm nowhere near the skill required to get to red ranks. I just don't know how I can get better if I never get matches with survivors of my skill level.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    I completely understand where you're coming from, and that's one of the primary reasons I don't play killer as much as I used to. Matchmaking is a mess right now.

    Best of luck my friend!

    (Tip: Try and look for a 3-gen in a "deadzone" (sides of the map) area, not around jungle gyms. I found one yesterday as Trapper and I definitely would've lost the game if I picked any of the gens in the middle of the map instead.)