legion buff/rework

just gona throw my own idea out their, i think it would be a good idea to be able to see survivors afflicted with the deep wound status effect when within a certain radius or change the deep wounds status effect to where instead of dying after not moving for a certain amount of time they have decreased to repairing or any other things that take time to do and then make it to where when a survivor mends them self they scream and reveal their location for a sec like when popping a gen that way the survivor has a negative effect to mending instead of just positive like a dammed if you do dammed if you dont,another thing iv noticed is that legion is more for slowing the game and pressure so any thing that can increase the pressure he can applie, and lastly if legion does get a buff then the best idea is to do basic buffs to like increase feral frenzy duration or speed or recovery speed legion is in a weird spot in my opinion and i hope a dev or someone like that sees this comment.
That would be an interesting addon! With something like that combined with thanatophobia perk Legion would be amazing!