DS + Unbreakable + Soul Guard needs a nerf

Is it just me or is it waaaaay to powerfoul? Just imagine everyone having this setup you can hook someone once sure but if they do it right you can't hook anyone for a minute and they will get up. They would waste way to much time of the killer. And it dosen't even need skill. My main problem is DS. It used to be a anti-tunnel perk but now it's just a "hey idc if you hooked somone else and played efficiently, The minute is not up". That's just not a very balenced mechanic. I would feel it would me more fair if the perk only works if you acctually beeing hooked twice. If somone else is beeing hooked first the perk shut off. Keep the timer maybe make it longer but like I said if the killer hooks a diffrent person shut it off. Would that be more fair?
I do agree DS needs a slight nerf but unbreakable and soul guard are fine. Sure, when I play killer and a survivor is running that build, it can be unfair. If you understand enough of dbd then you will learn if a survivor runs Unbreakable then assume Soul guard. If everyone runs it then yea, it needs a nerf LOL.
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Don't tunnel. Don't slug. Don't use hex perks. There. Nerfed all three perks and made them completely useless leaving the survivor with only one other perk.
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If a killer doesn't tunnel he nerf the DS. DS it's for that bad at this game killers... If you let also survivors on the ground in the dying state you are also very bad at this game... Don't play like a fool and this perks are nerfed for you.
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No they dont need nerf.
There is too much killers that dont give a fu*k and want to kill as fast as possible. Out of 10 matches at least 4 are tunneling issues and 1 is face camp.
Decisive strike is last resort help. it is one tine perk anyway and after that you are getting banged anyway.
You should ask community (especially guys who play on console) why do they do it.
I play a killer from time to time and I dont face camp or tunnel people. If you suck, why do you need to make ones game miserable?
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Thats like recommending survivors that don´t like the hard skill checks of Huntress Lullaby, to not do gens.
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DS still activates when not tunneling...
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You didn't understand. The perk should only work, if the killer hooks you twice. But from a killer perspective it's very unfair if you hook two other survivors and want to hook the third and then ds pops in
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Yeah that's what I mean
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Read my post! I said if the killer is tunneling the perk should still work! But if you hook another survivor the perk shall deactivate
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Ds needs a nerf to only last 20/25/30 seconds and it doesn't go down in chase BUT it is automatically deactivated if you jump into a locker or are healed.
Unbreakable needs a nerf to only increase recovery speed by 20% (but as a compensation you are healed 20% faster in the dying state as well).
Soul guard I think needs a total rework, as I think having that effect in the game is quite honestly just not healthy. A killer should not be punished for applying pressure in one of the only ways possible - slugging. I've had games where 2-3 survivors have Soul guard and it was an actual nightmare because I couldnt apply any type of pressure.
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The perk deactivating if someone else's get hooked will be way too abusable. Yes DS needs some adjustments but not this one
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Yes, it needs a nerf. 1 minute of total invincibility is not healthy for the game. Never was, and never will be.
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Yes I agree. My only problem is that people can have 1 minute total invincibility. That's not fun
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"I never double hooked anyone!" means NOTHING if you immediately came back to the first hook right after hooking another person only to down the person who just got unhooked. I think a lot of killer players conveniently leave out details similar to this when they complain about DS. If you don't give survivors a chance to reset, you don't get to complain about DS.
I personally have actually NEVER seen a killer get hit by DS after downing a healthy survivor LMAO, and honestly??? If you downed them that fast while they were healthy and they STILL somehow are within 60s of being unhooked... DS ain't hurting you because survivor homeboy is NOT giving you a run for your money when it comes to chases LOL
I support DS deactivating upon working on a gen for several seconds (not just upon merely touching a gen, as controller players can very easily accidentally touch a gen when they are trying to vault a window placed very near to the gen) but most other proposed changes don't seem like good ideas in the slightest.
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But still 60s of invincibility is to much with soul guard + ubreakable + ds
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There's only DS that really needs a nerf. The others are ok.
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That renders DS useless in some situations. If you hook someone just as someone gets pulled off the hook with DS you can run immediately back to tunnel.
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They can go squash the totem. Killers can go find another survivor.
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So DS automatically deactivates once the killer hooks someone else?
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Like I said above, that idea is stupid. If a killer hooks someone as the survivor with DS is pulled off then DS allows killers to tunnel. Go find another survivor if you fear DS.
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So how many other survivors do i have to find and hook to finally go for that DS survivors? 2? 3?
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Dunno. However many you can down in 60 seconds. :) If any.
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Yeah, let me just let the survivor on hook work on a generator for a full minute just because they are running a perk.
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Had a match, where i downed a recently unhooked survivor, who was doing a gen instead of healing, then i downed and hooked 2 other survivors, went back for that slugged survivor aaaand was hit by DS. Where was the tunneling?
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Sooo if a killer hooks someone else, it allows the killer to "tunnel" the previously hooked survivor? That isn't tunneling.
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You can slug them. If they have the other perks they'll get back up but they're not working on that generator in that time.
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I'm not even going to dignify this with a proper response because you didn't actually bother to read.
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That is still pretty lame. If you can't hook them, then you slug them but then they can just get up anyway. Even if it happens once on a single survivor. They don't always use unbreakable, but it is still pretty common.
They also love to jump in a locker... at that point I HAVE to leave them to work on a gen in say like shack.
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Or....if you were a good killer and applied a ton of pressure and the survivors are busy doing things other than gens you could just, ya know, eat the DS.
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Really? Because a good killer should be able to get enough pressure to just eat the DS so early on all the time right? This can also be on multiple survivors.
Post edited by Yords on0 -
This is what I read and responded to. What you said is not even tunneling. If a killer has hooked someone and goes after anyone else, it is not tunneling.
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Oh good lord. Yes it is! The killer just isn't camping. You can immediately rush back to a hook to tunnel a survivor that was just pulled off to tunnel them out of the game.
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LOL so you basically said that you can nerf those perks in game by LOSING? Cool ######### story. News flash, killers play to win too. How about we work on that 12 hooks vs 5 gen ratio if you want killers not to use scummy tactics?
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Tru3Ta1ent has started a series where he plays by the survival rulebook and has so far won most of his games. What's your excuse?
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DS needs a rework badly. It does stop anti-tunneling, but it’s also incredibly frustrating for killers that didn’t even tunnel, or you could say they “tunneled them off gens.”
Unbreakable is fine imo. It can be annoying but it’s situational with an incredibly strong effect.
Soul Guard to me is a horribly designed perk. It’s not that great by itself but is super annoying with DS and Unbreakable. Soul Guard needs a ground up rework imo.
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the killer shouldn't have to eat the ds. There is a reason why it is called the small pp build and with soul guard the micro pp build. I just think you need to play a few games of killer at red ranks and you will realise how stupid you are sounding. it's like saying you should have just instadowned them to avoid dh it just doesn't work like that. lemme guess too you think OoO is a balanced perk and you think noed it meta and op?
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But their dedicating 3 perks for something that myn't never happen.
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I love when people assume you don't play killer at red ranks. Mate. I'm a Rank 1 killer and have no issues holding my own against survivors. Sometimes I do get groups that absolutely squash me but that's rare and it's because they outplayed me. Not because the game set me up to fail. Quite the opposite, actually. The devs are incredibly killer-biased and with the addition of new maps and unsafe pallets/dead zones galore the fog is essentially a killer's playground right now.
I personally don't care for Unbreakable/DS/Soulguard. I use Ruin without Undying and that gets popped soon unless its clutch. But it gives me enough time to set the stage to keep the game balanced in my favour. Because of this, Soul Guard is a non-issue. I don't go after the first survivor I see in a match unless they're on a gen and even then it's just for a quick smack before I run off to go find another survivor. For every one that I chase, there's up to 3 more on gens. This is applying pressure. The 2nd survivor is who I find and hook. 1-2 gens will pop. This is fine. If I don't find any survivors I go back to the hook to smack the one who just got unhooked. I leave 'em on the ground (Or sometimes just eat the DS) and go for the person that did the unhooking. Once I get them down this pulls both survivors off the gens (Unless they're already being altruistic. If they are, bonus!) and it's just a wash, rinse, repeat of this until I've got one out of the game. Killer is NOT that complicated. Also don't be predictable. Mindgame until the survivor starts figuring you out and then make them mindgame themselves.
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No, but it is complicated. What killer were you playing? map? was it swf? what perks did you bring and them? dh on all so you have to bait it out and sometimes just get looped for longer? what items did they bring? any addons on those items? what addons did you bring? all of these need to be taken into account. sure that sounds like a pretty vanilla explanation but what tile were they running you on and how could your power shorten the chase. what happens if they gens before friends? and you cant leave them on the ground in your scenario because they have small pp build and boom all your pressure is gone because you are looking for a Claudette across the map crouching in a bush. Any scenario can make your argument sound good but it is just so situational your example but small pp build I constant it will always activate after you have been hooked. the best perks are ones that are passive hence old ruin, whispers and corrupt to name a few and both of those perks are pretty much passive.
might I also add it is hilarious and hypocritical when you said above to not run hex perks but run them yourself.