Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

DS changes coming with next chapter

Member Posts: 5,564
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Well played devs. I don't have a good enough picture to show it so can someone add it underneath please.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Oh PAPA bless,

  • Member Posts: 327

    "Noisestorm - Crab Rave"

    Old DS will be gone! What a time to be alive

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    Oh my God ! That looks like a positive progress in perk design. And it's not even two years since the last DS change yet.

    Must be fake. ( /s )

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Hallelujah. It only took 4 years to make this happen. At least it's done and we can move on now.

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    The only thing that could make this stream any better would be some Plague related news. She really needs some new cosmetics, her last one came out a flipping year ago (February 2020). Some buffs or a semi-rework would be nice, too.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    It was still too strong in the current state. If it proves too weak ( I don't think it will) they can buff it again later.

    Let's see how this work out and give feedback if more changes are required. This perk is not easy to balance properly as it seems.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    It's about time!

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Now this, this is a good day.

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    Yeah,but not every player using DS is jumping on a Gen in the Killers face. What I want is an Anti-Tunnel Perk which is a big middlefinger to the Killer, when he goes after me after I got unhooked.

    And my DS is gone when I get slugged (and I dont have Unbreakable) or when the Killer takes too long chasing me. This is nice, I waste their time, but in the end, I am still dead because I got tunneled.

  • Member Posts: 429

    Well, hopefully this will end the endless daily DS threads.

  • Member Posts: 977

    This changes nothing though.. Survivors can still use it in the same way

  • Member Posts: 429

    They cannot use it the same way when literally all the options to interact are gone except for the locker.

  • Member Posts: 441

    This is a good start, it only took them 4.5 years. However don't let this one blind, there's a common trend in DBD balance. We go 1 step forward and 10 steps back.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    It helps you get away as much as it did before, the anti-tunneling potencial wasn't touched at all.

    You'll never be able to 100% stop killers from tunneling with just a perk, that's impossible. It gives you a chance to get away when caught too early and has extremely strong synergy with other perks. Perk synergy needs to be a consideration as one perk shouldn't be foolproof and give you everything by itself.

    I'm not againt making it's anti-tunnelnig abilities stronger but it should be something that helps you get away, not waste killer's time. So more along the lines of removing grunts of pain, blood, scratch marks after activating DS. This is still a very good change for the perk.

  • Member Posts: 575

    OoO change sounds amazing. I hope they go through with it.

    How I feel about the DS change would be contingent on a few questions. Those being:

    • Does the perk deactivate when you get grabbed unhooking or only after you finish an unhook?
    • Is there a grace period where you can touch a gen but it doesn't deactivate? Ex: to stop regression
    • Does it deactivate when being healed or healing? This could incentivize just running around injured for a chunk of time.

    Pretty unfortunate it doesn't deactivate on locker grabs.

    I think these changes will promote a survivor running at the killer and trying to be obnoxious with noise notifications and then just jumping in a locker if the killer decides to chase. Which wouldn't be good for the survivor team as a whole but it'd be really annoying as killer.

    Personally I'd take healing off the list but otherwise I'm looking forward to it and think it will remove a lot of the frustrations around the perk. I'd even like to see it just become basekit with this iteration so that I don't need to run it in the off chance a killer wants to tunnel but it'd almost definitely make survivors way too strong.

  • Member Posts: 839

    Finally. ######### finally. Great job devs!

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Not seen such a positive reaction before. I barely face D/S very often when playing killer at mid ranks, apart from against swf squads. I never use DS either so not affected by it all really, but its nice to see people happy for a change.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I get what your saying. They haven't fixed the fact that if a killer wants you dead then your going to die regardless of having DS or not. I think one thing they haven't done is address the amount of tunnelling that happens when there's no obsession.

    I like that they kept the lockers part since it means you can still use it to counter a mori.

    Personally I'd like them to maybe change another popular perk to be an obsession perk so that there is more change of having an obsession every game. Maybe Unbreakable? When you get off the floor by yourself you become the obsession and show your aura to the killer for a few seconds. That way there is a lot more chance of having an obsession in a game.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    I mean... ya?

    I fully support the nerf but i never thought they would nerf it this hard, i hope it's if you complete the interactions (besides gens) otherwise it would be a little bs if you went to heal or cleanse a totem and the killer sees you.

    I definitely see this buffing tunneling and i don't think it should be on unhooks since you sometimes are forced to do that but i mean i will take this over leaving it as it is just because it prevents survivors from rushing gens as hard.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    You need to understand that that perk shouldn't be a single solution to tunneling, it would make it mandatory for something that needs to have natural discouragement to lessen the tunneling issue without removing killer's options of gameplay.

    Once you stall enough time, you aren't beiing tunneled as hard tunneling is removing someone from the match really early, not giving them almost any time to play. Survivors will never have a way to completely stop the killer from focusing on single one of them.

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    " for something that needs to have natural discouragement to lessen the tunneling issue without removing killer's options of gameplay."

    Yeah, and this is the big problem - tunneling someone out of the game ASAP is still too good for the Killer. You see it quite often - Killer tunnels one person, they get picked up, no DS. There is nothing what prevents the Killer to do the same thing againg - Boom, 3v1, 5 Gens. Thank you, game is over.

    And yes, I 100% get tunneled if the Killer is going right after me after the Unhook, even ignoring other injured Survivors next to him, even if he does need 60 seconds to get me. That is tunneling.

  • These are coming next chapter though right, so still a couple months off.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    It's only good then you tunnel the weak link out of the game. Whenever killer for whatever reason decides to tunnel a really good looper, he loses and often even doesn't manage to catch the looper in the end.

    Killer has the option to go after whoever he wants, for whatever reason. Yes it sucks to get tunneled but it's your job as a survivor to get away, your ability to loop the killer is the main defence and punishment for his decision to hard tunnel you. It's 4v1 so you depend a lot on your teammates to help you with that, taking hits for you, doing gens fast, etc.

    Bad ranking system results in easier targets for killer resluting in more tunneling as it really plays off vs mediocre teams. But when met with 4 optimal survivors, it guarantees a loss far more then victory.

  • Member Posts: 2,961

    It’s actually coming in the mid chapter of the next chapter so in April we will get it

  • Member Posts: 723

    Wait so is DS confirmed to be a regular skill check now? And not a “difficult” skill check?

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I feel it's definitely a step forward.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Nerfed for the fifth time. It shows the devs will do anything in a desperate attempt to satisfy killers at the cost of the substance of their characters and content. Apparently they've made enough money on the Halloween chapter and a middle finger to everyone that bought it. I was already playing a lot less survivor, I will definitely no longer play that role if I am punished for doing the objective. A killer can hide and tunnel when survivor does said actions with no repercussions, killers have perks that punish survivor side for doing the objective. And the perk was not even buffed to compensate, they can still stare at you at the ground while it deactivates. Unbelievable how spineless the devs are in this game.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    This is definitely a great improvement from the Killers perspective but does nothing for survivors. Even the existing iteration is not effective at dealing with being tunnelled. You can be tunneled and the killer can completely nullify the perk by circumventing it.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    Yeah, you should be able to use it twice to make it a true anti-tunneling perk given it can be deactivated doing actions now.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    Then do survivors a favor and go play killer so they can get into lobbies faster or just quit. Both Ds and OoO changes are healthy and remove the most abusive uses these perks had.

    Shows that you would complain for the sake of complaining even if they nerfed deja vu when you can't see a healthy change, especially after then recent mori nerfs that were as needed as these changes are.

  • Member Posts: 256

    To be honest the game is already way too survivor sided. If a killer really wants to tunnel you, DS won't stop him from it. More often than not, DS is used as an exploit for playing bad. I had countless of moments where someone gets unhooked and the only person I see is the previous hooked survivor, because their teammates decided to not take pressure from that person, they rather sneak their way to another generator and pretty much left their teamates exposed. Im not a killer who tunnels, because I know how it sucks to wait 10min for a game and then the game ends in less then 2-3min for that person but often times I have no choice.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    Suddently i don't care anymore about Undying nerf. I actually love it.

  • Member Posts: 16,668

    I am just stating my opinion, I am fine with this change. And I know that the Devs will be called survivor-sided anyway when the next thing on the killer-side gets nerfed.

    I will just adapt, and if I get tunneled to often, I just play something else. But I think my points are quite valid that it is not an actual anti-tunnel Perk with these changes, it just fits this description from the Killer Side, but not the Survivor Side.

  • Member Posts: 15

    IMO, repairing gens in front of a killer shouldn't deactivate DS as if the killer targets you and only you it's still tunneling.

    What should have happened is if you come off a hook, DS is active for 75 seconds OR until one of two things happen...

    1) You use DS

    2) Another survivor gets hooked.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Sometimes, the best play for the killer is to tunnel, especially when they're down to one gen. They shouldn't be punished for choosing the best decision. I think the only fix to tunneling (and camping) is to make it so hooked survivors teleport to a hook on the other side of the map when there are still 3 or more gens that need to be worked on. Once it gets down to two gens, it should deactivate.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Thank god.

  • Member Posts: 570

    The balancing was perfect, that's what i was saying for years, if they can do a gen etc they ain't tunneled anymore, i bet survivors are punching air rn because they can't abuse it anymore.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Bruh I'm completely convinced that everyone on here is just bad at killer ds was really not that bad even when used to bully and honestly I very rarely ran ds but now I never will just straight up not worth it the only way for it to be useful now is after being unhooked is to try to go into chase or just not use it and have a wasted perk slot

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Then your not a high rank killer lad lol

    It isn't always annoying every game but it was broken. The fact you can hook a survivor, then hook another 2 survivors and that first survivor still having DS is quite stupid. The fact that when you run it with Unbreakable you basically are invincible for 1 minute is also quite dumb.

    Anyone with over 1000 hours in this game knows exactly what the problems with this perk were.

    I do agree it won't be run as much now. I think the fact you can still get tunnelled to death is why I never run it.

  • Member Posts: 529

    I told you earlier that DS nerf is coming and you didn't believe it. It was quite unbalanced perk when you could repair gens in killers face with 60 second immunity.

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