DBD Beginner Disadvantage

The old tutorial is extremely simple and thats good for starting out.
Why not start the grind with a huge bonus. Have a more in depth tutorials by breaking the game down too 4 categories and something called time management.
Example boldness tutorials would all be on looping and getting away from the koller. 5 tutorials at 50k bp each. In total 4 categories 20tutorials making 1 million bloodpoints for at least playing through the tutorial/advice. Could even have 4 second clips of how to loop certain things and timing....seriously more people need to be aware of time management and how timing is everything in dbd in my opinion. Anyway thoughts on the tutorial...should there be more in depth ones and should people get more bp starting?
You don't need an overwhelming amount of tutorial as a lot of DBD is intuitive and the tutorial is there to teach you the mechanics which it does.
This would be solved with custom mode with AI, you can crank out practice games against bots with a new killer and earn a small amount of new player bonus BP's for achieving starter goals.
Add a new player BP bonus when you start and that could be enough to lessen the grind and give people the opportunity to learn something new in a less competitive environment.
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Just cover the basics and stress that if survivors really push gens the killer will be impaired by lack of time. Not enough newbies know this hence we get full match totem hunters.