Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Survivor Mains or Anyone.

Member Posts: 2,744
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Honest question what are your thoughts and grips about the new DS/Object change gathering feedback to see if my potential idea could work looking to see what bothers Survivors most about this change if it bothers anyone.


Post edited by MonsterInMyMind on

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  • Member Posts: 1,927

    I'm solo so I don't use object unless it comes up when I'm doing a random perk game. I also have no problem with ds change it's the nerf we all were asking for. Besides I only bring either that or blood pact to make sure there's an obsession anyway. So both changes are good. 😊

  • Member Posts: 2,744
    edited February 2021

    Okay can respect that just trying to get a feel i have an idea but want to gather feedback and see where the survivor communities general head is at before i decide if i want to go through with making the video of the idea. Thank you for providing actual feedback very needed <3

  • Member Posts: 64

    The ds change doesn't address tunneling someone to slug them. I got tunneled then slugged now what?

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    Great point actually one of the grips i was looking to see if people had thank you for providing feedback it means a lot and will be used <3

  • Member Posts: 9,706

    I didn't run DS as it was, because I often didn't get caught until after the timer was up. It doesn't really affect me, but it's still a good change regardless.

    As far as OoO goes, the perk was stupid. It needed a change long ago, because the "risk" of seeing the killer all the time could be mitigated by looking away at the right times. Even undetectable wasn't a perfect counter to the perk, because it still gave the survivor information about where you were.

  • Member Posts: 2,744
  • Member Posts: 1,927

    No problem at all, I think both changes were much needed <3

  • Member Posts: 1,174
    edited February 2021

    It currently doesn't address that anyway. Unless you're combining with Unbreakable, in which case it won't change that at all.

    I play both sides fairly evenly and I think these changes are good healthy changes for the game. While it has been clarified by McLean on twitter that being healed will not deactivate it they do need to clarify that it only does if you are the one doing the healing.

    Personally DS wasn't that bad to me as a killer to begin with but now it will guarantee that if a Survivor is trying to get me to eat it they won't be doing anything else on that timer and it eliminates some of the end game DS issues that many killers complain about.

    In all honesty most of the survivor DS nerf complaints I see are on par with the killer ruin complaints. The "but my crutch!" kind of complaints that have no basis in game health or balance, they just don't want to see a perk they always use and rely on be altered.

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    Thank you for providing feedback and i can see some of your points. <3

  • Member Posts: 659

    Have about 4.2k hours mainly survivor, I don't use OoO, because all I do is stare at the killer and forget that they can see me lol as for DS, don't mind it at all, I rarely use it the last couple months so I can focus on looping, however when I do use it, it was my end game perk be it death hook or EGC.

  • Member Posts: 638
    edited February 2021

    By themselves, I personally think they’re okay. Object of Obsession isn’t “Well I can see the Killer and they can see me just because” anymore. I’m hoping to see more of a variety of Killers with this change.

    Decisive Strike by itself is okay. It may not be the change everyone wanted, but it’s still a nerf nonetheless. It can still be powerful if used as intended and especially useful during Endgame. It also still has some synergy with Unbreakable.

    We now have to choose between walking around doing absolutely nothing (except jumping in a locker), or do something at the cost of deactivating DS.

    To be honest, I am a bit iffy about that. I was hoping that it’d be “if you do this for X amount of time, then DS will be deactivated”.

    But eh, what can ya do? I’m just happy that BHVR is starting to talk to us now. It shows, you know?

    (Remember, this is all just my opinion.)

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    Thank you for your feedback and completely respect your opinion feedback is feedback thank you <3

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Like feedback from a survivor perspective matters regarding this perk? Give me a break.

  • Member Posts: 2,744
    edited February 2021

    ??? Not really catching what you're throwing down this feedback is me trying to see how the community is seeing the DS and Object change also looking to see what Survivors think due to me having an idea just trying to see if that idea lines up with most survivor complaints at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback video has been posted in the media lounge as well as a thank you to you guys for giving feedback <3

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    It will so long as we take both sides fun and fairness into account. Both these perks were miserable for killer players to deal with.

    Now I’m just waiting for spirit and nurse to get their nerf

  • Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2021

    In my opinion the changes to OOO and DS were exactly what the game needed. But don't take my word for it, did you notice a reflux in killer players saying that they're coming back to the game? These changes are perfect for the games overall health.

    DS is still a great Anti tunneling perk, it just means you'll need to make a choice to give up your trump card to keep progressing the game. However if you can progress the game then you're not really being tunneled. This is the reason so many killers hated DS, it gave people free progress. But even if you are tunneled, then you still have 60 seconds where if you go down you're fine, so I don't think DS is going to see a massive drop in usage, but that's just me predicting

    Im personally really looking forward to the Object change. Old Object made vsing Trapper or Hag pretty easy and they're powers redundant, now they can freely use they're powers when they can't be seen, instead of running the risk of an object calling it out to his SWF, or a solo(like me) taking out they're traps when he busy.

    Now it's a matter of either going out of your way to look for the traps, or doing gens and run the risk of bumping In to them later.

    Edit:Spelling errors

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    The changes were excellent. I feel like though they need to make one of the other meta perks an obsession perk. DS will be used a lot less now so I don't want to risk no obsession every game and have a lot of tunnelling. Unfortunately a killer can still tunnel quite easily.

    Objects proposed change looks really good and I hope they do it. I wrote in a previous chapter idea that I wanted a perk where survivors got to see the auras a killer did so I'm happy with this new perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    sounds fair considering the killer already has the advantage in numbers. yes this is a serious statement, one killer is worth 5 survivors because he's op.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    I've never really used either perk as I've never felt the need, although both perks for the most part seem positive and I'm excited to see them play out in game.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I am a solo survivor, and i didnt use either perk. I didnt use ds, because the whole tunneling issue wasnt that common to me than everybody claims it was. It happend, but not so often i could justify using a perk slot for ds. I think the change is fine, but i would have let them have the ability to heal themself (if not others), or at least be healed, because the killer can still tunnel otherwise.

    OoO needed a change badly, even if it was not commonly used, the power it gave to swf on top of the information and coordination they already had anyway was just way too much.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    As survivor, the cool thing about DS is that it gives an extra layer of thought behind making plays. There's been a ton of times I did some funny ######### that would have otherwise been just a regular forgettable game. OoO was fun in that it would get me into more 1on1s early on and get me chase interaction.. and tunneled out a lot too.

    As killer, I know the bs surrounding them so I'm good with the changes.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited February 2021

    I like the DS nerf, I love the proposed OoO change. I never really use DS, so I doubt I'll suddenly start, but you never know.

    OoO, on the other hand, I used to use a lot just to prove how broken it is, and I can say right now that if the proposed changes go live I'm replacing Kindred with OoO. That is such an amazing idea, I genuinely love it. Bond+OoO new personal meta.

    Edit: Biggest bother with the OoO change is stealth killers, but... I mean, whattareyagonnado? It's just part of the game. Like the significantly worse version of going against a stealth killer without spine chill.

  • Member Posts: 1,531

    I personally love the DS change, (there are lots of misconceptions about deactivation but it's not as unfair as people try to make it sound, if someone heals you under hook it doesn't deactivate but the moment YOU perform an action it is deemed you aren't being tunnelled (because you are safe enough to perform that action, you wouldn't start cleansing a totem or self caring in the killers face would you?!).

    OoO I feel is a step in the right direction but at this point is essentially Distortion on steroids and doesn't provide a strong enough downside on revealing all killer aura reading unless they have undetectable (even then the perk lights up so anyone with a brain can piece two and two). Plus every 30 seconds you get a free aura read on a detectable killer if you're the obsession (its too hard for the killer to keep track of to be valuable apart from free wallhacks during a chase, but then if the killer is detectable the survivor gets it too), which I rarely get even when I run stuff to increase obsession chances, in fact I get it more when I don't run increased obsession chance perks .

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Legit the only reason to be upset about this change is if you used DS agressively to troll or to co ordinate in a group and break the balance of a match, knowing you were invincible.

    If you took this perk for anti tunnel benefits it still functions in the exact same way.

  • Member Posts: 598

    Both proposed changes are great imo.

    One thing with DS though is it's a flat nerf - no compromise whatsoever. I do think they should have tried to work in Scott Jund's idea of timer extension when ACTUALLY getting tunnelled. Not that it's the end of the world as is just would of been nice.

    What I can say is the meta will definitely move away from DS. It's not feasable to not touch a generator for 60 seconds. I am very glad that the meta will change though it was getting very stale. Killers I would expect BT to fully replace DS in builds. I predict we'll be seeing BT picked by every survivor these days which is also less abusable than ds which is great.

    OoO change is also very good. I really like the idea of being able to identify killer perks for being the object of obsession. It will actually have greater benefit in solo q while also allowing swf teams to tell other players what perks are being run by the killer. It is also not stupidly oppressive to killers like the current version is against swf. Great change.

    My feedback to the developers already is to continue this attitude of proposing changes to the community. I really feel like they've caught on and are starting to metamorphisise into an actual multiplayer game developer. Good time to be alive.

  • Member Posts: 965

    Im happy about the DS change not the OoO it needs a whole rework not a buff/nerf

  • Member Posts: 27

    I am a killer main and I bet not many people would not be surprised that I'm very happy to see these perks changed.

    I still do not like that jumping in a locker mid chase is a thing, I can live with it.

    DS is feels much more fair in this version having the choice to play safely and keep DS in your pocket or to risk your life to do the objective.

    OoO I very much like to concept to take high risk for high value and making it a risk to be the obsession.

    Honestly I have no idea how this version of OoO will perform in game, but I just like to direction the devs are taking.

  • Member Posts: 723

    I honestly think that solo is going to become even more of a trash experience now. Not that DS even seemed THAT common in solo, but it's going to be the new Self Care. And by that, I mean that it will heavily encourage total and complete selfishness. You just got hooked shortly after the other guy got unhooked? Well, good luck convincing him to unhook you. He doesn't know where the killer is and he is NOT risking the loss of DS just to unhook you. Maybe after DS runs out... oh you're in second phase now? That's too bad... I was busy making sure I didn't lose out on my precious 60s of DS... thanks for healing me after getting me off hook btw... I'm not gonna return the favor to you because I still have like, 40 seconds left of DS and what if the killer finds me and downs me within those 40s? Yeah sorry pal... you can check basement for a med kit though, if you'd like???

    Honestly, though, I've mentioned what I dislike about the DS changes in plenty of other comments. I'm fine with the deactivation requirements except for the unhooking one. The healing one (healing others) is sort of a massive L but it is what it is. The unhooking one is honestly just too much, in my opinion. And I hope that the gen touch deactivation only happens upon holding on to the gen for at least a second, as this potentially screws over controller players MASSIVELY, especially if they're on low performance consoles with poor frame rate and unpredictable frame drops. If there is a vault next to a gen, you can very easily touch the gen when you definitely meant to take the vault. It happens a LOT on Switch, actually. And that sucks for them if that's gonna be what screws them over with DS LOL

  • Member Posts: 410

    Like survivors opinions matter, killers are legit being spoon fed everything they want changed but survivors can't stop being camped and tunneled? sick of it. The fact they have changed DS to how it is now promotes tunneling even more and they should let DS continue when healing as well, like wow i can go in a locker!? like i want to, not. Object of Obsession i don't care about cause i don't use it. DS tho is ######### now, the anti-tunneling perk is now just a useless perk. And ofc killer mains are gonna like the change cause it benefits them!

  • Member Posts: 2,744
    edited February 2021

    Didn't Behavior just nerf Undying because of Survivor's not liking it listen at the end of the day Behavior does listen to complaints we can go back and fourth all day regarding who's opinion they listen to more but ill say this have a lot of the recent patches included things to buff killer sure ill give you that. Respectfully this isn't an actual argument.

    I was gathering Data to see where the Survivor communities head was at for a video to which i uploaded giving my hot take on how i really feel about the DS change and you'd actually be surprised that i don't like the new DS for a couple of big reason's i feel it needs something more to be really anti tunnel. Also 4k hour Killer main btw who dislikes the new DS concept don't put all players into a category some of us actually put our bias aside and try to look on how to make something fair for both sides i have seen plenty of other Killer mains not happy with the change some are some aren't that's kinda how it goes.

    At the end of the day i'm not a fan of the change and do respectfully think there is a gray area regarding DS and if its really Anti Tunnel what stops the killer from tunneling after you've used it Nothing? and i think that area should be addressed what also stops a killer from just slug camping you after they tunnel you? Nothing these are points i made in my video you can gladly find it in Media Lounge if you really want to see my full hot take other then that yeah.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    I am not interested in the DS change as I don't use DS.

    For OOO what I don't like is how it removes all control from the survivor. Perks are supposed to be an advantage for a survivor, not a disadvantage. Current OOO is a lot like No Mither -- a big huge disadvantage for some small benefit.

    To be honest the new proposed OOO is trash tier on the level of No Mither, and will see about as much use.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited February 2021

    Yes I indeed am a tunneler and a camper when that seems efficient.

    What's wrong with that?

  • Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2021

    I am not happy with the DS change at all. I play both roles and I play mainly solo survivor so I am one of the players who run DS on the regular to protect myself from tunneling - not to use the perk as an offense tactic. There are situations where these changes are just plain unfair for the survivor running it. 1) Let's say I was just saved, killer chooses to chase me. If he has tinkerer or some other stealth power/moment and I lose sight of him and the chase according to the game mechanics is technically over - lets' say I have inner strength and want to heal myself. I think it's safe to cleanse a totem so I start, which deactivates my DS, he turns the corner and boom I'm downed again. (yes, i can jump into a locker, yes it's most likely he will leave me on the ground- the point here is that i should have my perk activated just in case he does choose to pick me up); 2) let's say it's one of those intense moments where the team is 3-genned or there is NOED/devour active....I'm going straight to one of those objectives off the hook if it's safe- i'm not wasting time healing - the killer typically does not commit to a chase in those moments unless it is a guaranteed down...with the DS change now you force me to waste time and go heal or get downed right away again with no protection - not fair. in fact, in those situations, if i get to finish the gen or cleanse the hex, chances are I get downed again anyway because i didn't heal and i die because my DS timer ran out. I don't get to escape but the game finally gets to end and maybe 1-2 survivors get out.

    DS imo was not overpowered or over-abused to begin with. You can only use it once and you have to hit the great skill check or lose it. I more likely do not get to use my DS in my trials but if i'm running it, i should be allowed to use it. I don't know the stats on the perk so were the stats actually bad enough to warrant a change?? Imo as a killer there are obvious signs that a survivor has DS and is trying to use it offensively....the solution is simple - ignore it. I'm not a red rank killer...I'm more like an 8. So maybe the problem is there or maybe new killers go against strong/toxic teams. If this is the case - then the solution is not to change the perk. If MMR works properly, the matchmaking alone should help alleviate the complaints - not all, but enough that the perk can remain unchanged.

  • Member Posts: 325

    @MonsterInMyMind what do you mean your "media lounge"? i'd like to check it out

  • Member Posts: 2,744
    edited February 2021

    The media lounge in here if you scroll down to share your work then select media lounge it is my most recent post in there.

    However I think I can link it

  • Member Posts: 325

    @MonsterInMyMind thank you!

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