The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

OoO, DS, and the UI


thank you for opening up the discussion towards your players. I know you guys read more than you let on, and I hope you will trust your players more. The majority of us aren’t trying to make the game unbalanced, or unfair for one side or the other. I for one will do my best to benefit both sides rather than one.

The main part of the power is very strong, and in all honesty could be left alone there. I get that you guys (currently) want the grind with the bloodweb, but the perk tier system really just needs to go.

Adding the 3 second reveal every 30 seconds feels... Counterintuitive. The point (imo) of OoO in this form is to spend a perk slot turning some Killer Perks and/or Add-ons into a benefit for you. This doesn’t need the downside as it’s strong enough/weak enough there. Adding that timer just gives a way for the killer to discover you have it and start keeping track.

I’m not sure what you could add to give each tier something unique, but the timer thing feels wrong.


This is a bold move, like hyper bold move. You’re gonna hear backlash like “then why does PGTW get to stick around after the killer uses a power?” I do believe you had a different motive than matching Pop:

you’re trying to shake the meta. Plain and simple, you’re trying to get Survivors to stop running Adrenaline Unbreakable DS BT. You want DS to counter tunneling, but not every little thing.

Only thing I’d make sure of is Mending/Snapping out of it not counting towards deactivating DS.

I feel that you should pause the timer if they’re tunneled right off the hook, using the timer as a “they’re ignoring you for now” kinda feeling. I get that a lot can be done in 60 seconds, but having DS die right as you get downed is annoying, and I’d rather Killers be highly encouraged to ignore the hooked Survivor, until they push the objective, and do the right thing.


I get that you feel you need to be mysterious about these feature updates that you plan for the new UI, but when the people you’re trying to convince aren’t impressed, showing is better than hiding.

Give us more than a “room for new things” message and show us. What reason should we be excited for this new stuff?

My biggest issue is the UI is everywhere. Minimalism has always been better when it comes to UIs. Look at LOL, most all the info is in the bottom corner of the screen around the map, and the few bits placed elsewhere are moved there by the players who want to minimize their “gameplay” distractions (how much time is spent glancing around to get information.)

This latest news is the best we’ve gotten from you guys in a while, please keep up the good work!


  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    I agree with the new UI. Im going to bee straight here, it's just terrible. Also you can pretty easily tell if you think its good or not by just watching, doesn't matter if you can't access the ptb for this part.

    I don't understand why they can't take the amount of negative feedback they got and change it.

  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 125

    I get the fact that they can’t change it. It actually makes sense, when you think about it from a development standpoint. They had to have a coder code in the aspects that go into each individual part, along with the new mechanics of the killer hook count and the survivors Hooked Counter, Survivor heads, ect. It would definitely be hard for them to just revert the entire system after they’ve already coded this in, because that’s like trying to rip out something that potentially became integral to their internal systems. I’m trying to get out of hand hear that I hope somebody is catching on to, but don’t take it as truth, I have no insight or knowledge. Is it that hard for them to change it to look almost identical to the old hood? Not really, that’s what I think they should do. Keep the new stuff, move it to places where it looks identical to what we used to have.