Remove 'Healing' part of the DS Change

It would be better if it was 'Being fully healed' instaed of 'Healing', most of the time survivors heal after the unhook, this means 90% of the time ds will be deactive even if the killer really tunnels you.
It only deactivates if you start healing someone else or yourself. If a teammate heals you then it doesn’t deactivate
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To be honest, we don't even know exactly what each clause entails.
For example, healing might already work like you want to.
Does cleansing a totem count as simply tapping the totem or completing the cleanse? And so on and so forth.
I'd prefer if they came out with a detailed run down of trigger conditions, before I make any judgment call.
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even this i dont think its necessary, healing isnt a problem for killers like working on gens or saving others. they should remove healing part or like as i suggested make it deactive if you being fully healed.
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Agree, it's going to be incredibly frustrating when you start healing someone for a split second and the killer instantly comes back and tunnels you.
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Just don't heal anyone if you have DS. Pretty simple.
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It’s not a problem for the killer as such but they’re wanting the perk to be anti tunnel rather than it being a perk that allows the survivors to freely do something to help the team knowing they can’t be picked up.
And you can get fully healed and still keep DS active as long as you don’t I’m heal someone else
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It's bassicly like madness tier 3. All the actions that state prevents are the actions that DS will deactivate on.
You can still get healed. You just can't do it yourself. With the exception of mending probably.
Someone with we'll make it can heal you under hook and then you still have DS when you get instasawwed by a billy or bubba 30 seconds later
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Thats actually a good point. Does mending count as the same action as healing or does it keep DS active still
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In theory it does not count as healing.
Madness 3 doesn't stop it and nurses doesn't spot it. Kinda like recovering on the ground doesn't proc those things either.
It does seem like a simple thing to oversee though so we should check that out when the ds change hits a ptb
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Why? It only deactivates if you heal someone else or yourself, and if you have time to do either of those things then you really aren't getting tunneled. Just don't heal someone/yourself unless you're sure the killer isn't around.
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also dont repair dont do totem dont unhook just go waste time F