Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Perk suggestion

What about a perk that cures exhaustion from other players?, but as exchange the player using this perk receives double exhaustion timer when using it? and it can only be used when not exhausted.

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  • Member Posts: 587
    edited February 2021

    Vigil actually can already serve this kind of purpose, as its debuff duration recovery influences Exhaustion.

    Having a For The People styled bursty equivalent though? It personally seems to me like it'd only be used for very obnoxious SWF shenanigans and be useless outside of that, at least the way you've pitched it.

    Maybe instead it could work something like "When you take a Protection hit for another Survivor, any negative Status Effects they are suffering from transfer to you and are removed from them. Status Effect duration absorbed via this stacks."? (note: potentially, the caveat of "if both of you are suffering from a permanent version of these status effects, the effects are not transferred" might be needed. if this was implemented as is without other adjustments to the game's code, this'd be necessary to avoid instances like EW3 Myers getting broken) The tier system added to it would probably be something like "The remaining duration of these status effects are reduced by 10/20/30% when this Perk triggers".

    That'd be a bit more multipurpose in its usefulness, and also guarentees the Survivor using it needs to pay a price whenever they use it. Would be especially useful for Protection Hits that send you going down, because Exhaustion and etc won't matter if that happens.

  • Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2021

    Nope, vigil only reduces 7,something seconds from the 40 seconds. What i was propossing is something that instantly removes but punishes the user. Doesn't needs to be instant like for the people, maybe something like a 2 second activation time so it can't be abused by SWF buffing the same person during a chase.

    Im running some sort of masochist healer build with bond, getting in the chase to protection hit several times, healing really fast before the person is downed, if i have that perk you propose the person will get multiple exhaustion uses in one chase, imagine a whole swf using that. It's more abusive than what i proposed

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Subtle Recovery (or could be reworked Vigil)

    While affected by a negative status effect, cleansing a totem will remove the negative status effect. If it's a permanent status effect, become immune to it for 40/50/60 seconds.

    For every totem destroyed in the map, recover from all status effects 10% faster than normal.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Huum, guys my thread is about suggesting a new perk, dunno why both of you are trying to derail my thread talking about vigil.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2021

    The perk they need to make is for survivors who consently get screwed over and left on the hook. They need to design a perk that if you are on first hook and you are left and no one helps that at the end you get a free escape. It is bs when you have team members who refuse to help. also it would benefit those who get stuck with a camping killer. gie it the effect like barrowed time when you get off to protect from campers

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Not trying to derail your thread but alot of people don't understand that Vigil actually stacks and if all four survivors ran it you get exhaustion back in like 15-20 secs so if you brought a perk that did what you're thinking it would be so broken if survivors decided to couple that

  • Member Posts: 766

    I like this idea. Seems pretty neat to pair with Inner Strength in case of a Broken inflicting add-on (Or Forced Penance but who uses that?)

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