I just played TWO matches with the new HUD. I had to quit the second because it gave me a headache.

I cannot play the game because the new HUD induces headaches. I tried different scaling options, and nothing helps. The game is unplayable in this state. For the record, I play on PC at 1080p.

Here's a list of everything wrong with the new HUD, in my opinion:

  • Having to look at every corner of the screen for information is a huge strain on the eyes, and probably what's causing me to have headaches from playing the game.
  • The HUD elements, at 100% scaling, are closer to the centre of the screen than they were - this is especially noticeable with the perk icons, which are now bigger than they used to be.
  • Progress bars and skill checks scale with the HUD scaling options. These should be separate. I can barely see skill checks below 100% scaling, which - as I pointed out above - causes perk icons to take up more space than before.
  • The obsession indicator is poorly animated. It looks like a marionette rather than a smooth animation as before. Minor nitpick, but it just doesn't look good.
  • The Exhaustion indicator (and I assume other status effects? Didn't have a chance to see more) is still light red on dark red. I was under the impression the HUD was being fixed for colourblind people. Apparently not.
  • Status effect icons in the top left are barely noticeable at 100% scaling, let alone lower. The icon for being pounced on by Victor is misaligned. Hook indicators for survivors are also TINY.
  • The hook count for killer goes up to 12 even if you have a 4-hook game. It's based on hook state rather than hook count. As far as I remember, the indicator on the PTB was accurate.

As I mentioned, I played two matches - one as killer, one as survivor. In the killer match, I had trouble keeping track of injured survivors on the HUD, and didn't notice score events at all. I only kept track of generators because I counted each one that was finished (3 finished, by the way). In the survivor match, there was a situation shortly before I had to quit (because of the headache) where two other survivors were slugged. If not for the auras, I wouldn't have noticed they were slugged because the HUD makes it difficult to keep track of them.

Tell us "you just need to get used to it" all you want, but if during normal gameplay I can't keep track of what's happening, AND it's giving me headaches, it's not a case of "getting used to it" - it's a case of poor UI design.

Here's what needs to happen at bare minimum:

  • Let us choose to scale different elements individually, and include options that go above 100% - especially for text and skill checks.
  • Move the generator count and player icons back to the bottom-left. Ideally, move the score events back to where they were. Better yet, give us options to change HUD placement and let us save presets.
  • Let us choose vertical or horizontal player icons.
  • Give us a HUD preview in the options menu instead of us having to mess around with it in the middle of a match.

I'm going to lie down now, because my head is pounding and I feel nauseous from less than half an hour playing DBD. Call me when you change this awful HUD and I can actually play the game.
