UI Update

So this is it. I actually had to create an account, just to let you know how disappointed I am of your last UI / Interface update is. I really thought you would listen to the feedback given when it was being tested and seriously did not think you would go live with the update.
How foolish of me.
Not only does it make the game feel and look like you are playing on mobile, the immersion/feeling of playing a horror game feels more like hyper micro/macro game now. You spreading out the focus everywhere on the screen and making it look something from another game really makes me question what you want to achieve with this update. Most of your updates are usually great and the game overall is fantastic. You truly have created something very unique, which is why I care and have played for many years.
However, my last game was on Coldwind where all 4 survivors was unable to cleanse my hex totem.
So riddle me this, what is the incentive to take your game from what its original genre is and make it so unintuitive that it is off putting -instead of fixing what clearly is overdue?
Kind regards,
The Troubled Trapper.
I don't understand why they put hook count on left.
Actually, it is less important information.
they should put survivor icons to there.
I think hook counter should be right upper side. (Now point gain shows up there)