4.5.0 made the game unplayable for survivors



  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Yeah I haven't seen any problems and I'm not even talking just about me. I've been playing with friends and watching streams. I have yet to see one bad hit box that wasn't lag related once ping was looked at.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't want to become one of those people but if they don't change this soon I'm going to need to take a break from this game.

    Genuinely the least fun I've had playing dbd in a long time

  • sQuAde
    sQuAde Member Posts: 32

    boy don't hit us with that "sErvErs aRe loAdeD, jUst wAit" argument

    the in-game player count was cut by half because of this terrible update, its at 24k and going down and i'm still getting these bs hits.

    1.the servers are NOT loaded. 2.if they were actually loaded, just a few major servers would be affected by these bs hits - but thats not the case

    this is happening in every single server.

  • sQuAde
    sQuAde Member Posts: 32
  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I didn't say we were. You guys are turning a comment where I was just like "I think they're over exaggerating I personally just haven't experienced it or seen it" into something else. Grow the [bad word] up.

  • sQuAde
    sQuAde Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2021

    "No. It's not. People love overexaggerating. I've been playing both sides all day and haven't seen a single hitbox issue on either side" -You


    You literally accused multiple groups of people reporting the same problem and you, the minority is accusing them of "exaggerating". Get some common sense. Plus you are acting like the voice of reason. stop.

    Grow the [bad word] up.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I wouldn't bother with them. Killer mains gonna killer main and try to keep the free hits going.

  • Starshadw
    Starshadw Member Posts: 266

    The worrisome thing is that hitboxes and hit validation were borked before this update, so they somehow managed to make things worse...

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    I've noticed that too, the hitboxes seem really broken. haven't tried playing killer yet.

    It feels like they've made the endgame collapse faster too.

    The maps that the updated look great but If the hitboxes are that bad it can't be a good time.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    This game is a ######### joke at this point...

    With this new UI, I can't even concentrate anymore because everything looks completely foreign to me... it's like learning how to ride a bike again except I know how to ride the bike... like ######### even is this trash?

  • Skaels
    Skaels Member Posts: 92

    It's even worse than learning to ride a bike. Your muscle memory is already defined and now it's just changing all the controls.

  • Thetainted1
    Thetainted1 Member Posts: 7

    Hey guys imagine if all the killers now put in coup de grace. We are so screwed lmao

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 455

    I am finding it harder on the killer front most of my hits going straight through survivors and i am getting stuck at hooks not being able to hook survivors while they do al the gens.

  • I just signed in to give my 2 cents and I am done with dbd. After 4 years I have seen enough. As everyone said above this is bugged can't do 360 can't pallet stun 9 out of 10. Game feels sluggish it lags I mean what type of trash is this. We invested our time and money into trash. And just like that I move to another game 👋 hope you enjoy the ratings just as Friday the 13th 😎

  • AntonioSSS
    AntonioSSS Member Posts: 2

    SUGI PULA Behaviour

  • Brysae
    Brysae Member Posts: 8

    Figured I'd leave a comment finally.

    I followed DBD before official release and then played it on console release. Eventually also having the steam version. I've loved the game. I took the bad with the good but ultimately still loved it. I severely disliked the patch that goofed up survivor cameras if they were hooked in basement. I think that was when Oni was released? I never really had a huge issue with the game prior. Since then (in my personal opinion), it feels like each patch addresses something that should've been fixed 10 patches ago while new bugs develop.

    Recently it was the Coldwind Farm totem bug. It took 5ever for them to patch it. I let it slide once I heard the UI/movement update. I also assumed they were waiting for the Series X/PS5 version. It still wasn't fixed when those versions were out. There's also massive stutter on the Series X in a few maps within specific areas of said maps.

    There is also the game STILL misreading being in the dying state when you get plucked after entering/exiting a locker in rapid succession. The game shows you are still in the injured state while you're on the killer's shoulder and now breaks the game for the killer. Survivor cannot wiggle but can be stunned free. The killer however is stuck never being able to interact with anything. Definitely sounds like a bug I'd want persisting for almost a year. Oh, but it got fixed, right!? *looks back at the patch notes for 4.0.0* I think it was 4.0.0 anyways. Nah. Had it happen again just before new patch dropped and haven't read about a fix so I assume it's still there but maybe it is gone now. I can't say with confidence that I believe they fixed it though.

    I forgave the hit detection when they started up dedicated. I understand what happened. They weren't really slow to fix that at all. I got off the game finally for a while when The Twins were released due to the many bugs that came with it. What I can't forgive is the fact that this current build was in PTB and reported yet was still released. I'm insulted as a player. Did BHVR think it would go unnoticed? It didn't. Even the newest archive/rift are a bit dull. My question is, why bother with PTB at that rate? It may as well be a content preview version. I have hope the devs will listen to the feedback on this one. I hope to see the game come out stronger. This currently is unacceptable. Unlike certain people, I do actually play both sides but I am a survivor "main" just because I tend to play more in a group. As a Killer it was pretty easy to tell when my hit shouldn't have hit. I've gotten messages about it. I've even whiffed someone standing in front of me which is pretty abnormal. I don't see me going out of my way to play any time soon but I will be sure to check for released updates on the hotfixes and I'll jump on to check it for myself once it's delivered. While I'm very disappointed I'm not at a point where I think the game nor devs are a lost cause. I understand everyone's frustration and hope we'll all be able to enjoy the game we've spent many hours on, or have just picked up, without these issues.

    My apologies for the rant and thanks to anyone who read. :p

  • Illusori
    Illusori Member Posts: 3

    At least I’m not the only one. But the killers hit box is strong and wild like a tornado storm. ever since this patch dropped, I went from rank 1 to 4 real quick. Due to this insane hurt box... to top it off to the full potential, every time I perfect killer stun, the killer goes right threw the damn pallet... even though, they was shown stunned on the opposite side, then they electric slide on the other side unharmed??? Sometimes just appearing on the other side. Even though my MS is 60-99.... I mean I know about the lag version of this, but the killer will still take a hit and the survivor. But in this case, The killer will take a stun, and not be phase by it, then they’re on my side and can proceed to hit afterwards.

    I love this game, but these hurt boxes are killing the vibe. Hopefully it gets fixed, I would hate to stop playing this game. I’m going to wait patiently for the update. 😌

  • Illusori
    Illusori Member Posts: 3

    Trust me, its not normal. I’ve played for a month before the update. It was ok to deal with hiccups here and there. But now, its like a mutated version has crept up like COVID, and is making everything harder for us survivors. RIP my survivors, gang, gang. 😂

  • Cele
    Cele Member Posts: 63

    I honestly thought that something was wrong with my ping. I'm getting hit through every pallet or teleporting to the other side whenever I drop it and instantly getting hit anyway. Looping is impossible at this point, there is no way to determine if you will get hit or not.

    Killer side is a bit better but I'm getting a lot of missed swings or autoaim messing with me - hitting rocks, barrels and whatnot.

    The game is unplayable for me right now and I'm probably done with it

  • even if they fix hitboxes (thats actually lag, not hitboxes)

    They ruined the animation, its like going in my steam library and deleting dbd for a good survivor main.

    Till i wont have my game back and what i learnt in the past 3k hours, i'm out, and saddly out.

  • iToddOhcora
    iToddOhcora Member Posts: 2

    Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Just played a few games and recorded me getting hit and paused it on the frame where I got hit and you can literally fit a entire pallet in between the tip of the Legions knife and the very back of the end of my shoe. 😤🤔

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    It's genuinely the worst laggy hits I've EVER seen - https://prnt.sc/z8toku - this is normal now, every single game

  • raygerrr
    raygerrr Member Posts: 3

    Tonight was my last night playing the game, possibly forever. When I'm getting hit from 10 feet away, by killers that are already toxic to stroke their egos even more makes the game no longer fun to play. Also, for some reason there's been two times when Ive gotten off of my first hook and my notches put me on death hook when I'm not even close to struggle. You cant even loop anymore its so bad. RIP DBD <3. Thanks a lot devs, you've completely ruined the game.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    Saying that this update is unplayable is a compliment. I stopped playing. I won't playing it again until they fix it. I always got red ranks in a matter of days, now i'm deranking like crazy. I went from purple to green in just two days, and seeing all these "non existent" hits, it's frustrating af.

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182

    Fun part is that they hit you from impossible distances and then they nod at you, like they are the best. It's sad because actually i've seen trash players get 4k completely undeserved.

  • FlightFooted
    FlightFooted Member Posts: 1

    I have PLENTY of videos of both killer and survivor on console ######### up bad

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    It doesn't even matter anymore, that update was forever ago.