My opinion about the new update (4.5.0)

So here are my thoughts about this new update. I will list up stuff i like and dislike about this and hopefully find solutions to fix some of the stuff that could be solved better.

First the stuff I like about the update:

The Reworked maps look amazing, not only did they improve the graphics, they even made the meat plant a more open map for improved gameplay. I always looked forward for an update to those realms because they were really outdated compared to the current content we got today.

I like the information the new HUD gives to you. You can now clearly see which player has to watch out how many hooks are left, so this can be really gamechanging in a good way. SoloQ players now can manage their playstyle more to support players which are close to death. I even like that it shows you which character they are using for extra information.

The perk buffs are a good change as well. I rather look forward for buffs on weak perks than nerfing strong perks (except for DS and Object, those changes are amazing)

Here is now the stuff that bothers me for their decisionmaking:

First up, the ability to use custom icons in game. it could be an issue because because of the new hud scaling thing they added as well, which i acually like. Yet, its not gamebreaking if my custom icons might stick out. It was a fun feature, even tho it was never intended to do. (if you ever bring this back, please make it so the portraits in the HUD can be customized as well)

Second, you cannot move your HUD. In DBD Mobile, you have the ability to customize your hud and controls what suits you best. What most people (from what ive heard) dislike about the new HUD (including me) is the fact that stuff is now all over the place. Im fine with the new hud placement, but the Generator count at the top is not something im confortable with right now. This could be fixed with the HUD movement feature i mentiond before.

Third and last, (the most annoying change imo) the "Lazy tec" feature got removed. First up, i dont know if this feature was ever intended, but it was in the game for so long, that i thought it was something the devs made intentionally.

What is the "Lazy tec" (what im calling it) youre asking? It was a trick you could do if youre tired of holding m1 for 80 seconds to do a gen. To do this, do any interaction where you have to hold m1 (for ex. repaing a gen, healing, ect.) and while holding m1, press the esc button and let go of m1. press esc again and your character continues to do the action without you needing to hold m1. so i always had a hand free for a drink while waiting for the gen to get fixed and another hand to do the skill checks.

I know the devs once said, when they talked about the "struggeling phase" on the hook, that they wanted the player to acually "interact" with the game or acually have a feeling to be part of it, but thats for newer/casual players. I have over 2000 hours in this game now, and if i would hold m1 all the time, my finger is starting to hurt.

To fix this, add a feature to either "toggle" or "hold" interactions for a great QOL experience. Or just revert this change, i dont see the reason for removing this feature.