4.5.0 is Awful

I've sat through and endured so many horrible updates from this game, I've also experienced some really great updates. Frankly, when the devs do something great to this game, whether it's new content or good balance changes, it revives my love for this game.

I've spent thousands of hours streaming, making content, and just generally playing the life out of this game.

But this update. Oh my god this update is the nail in the coffin that is mine and many others' love for this game. The movement, the HUD, hit validation, and oddly enough Clown's speed bottles are some of the worst changes I've seen to date.

It feels like absolutely no one from the team is listening to their player base. Some of the biggest voices in this gaming community have come out speaking for all of us smaller content creators and players saying how horrendous these changes are and it feels like there is nothing done for our interest. Nothing communicated. There is criticism and the devs go radio silent because they either can't take the heat, or they just do not care.

It feels neglectful.

I have a lot of respect for these devs and the positions they are put into, but when you put out an update that people unanimously hated since the PTB, change practically nothing from PTB to live, and then go completely silent while people are tearing this update apart, it's really hard to feel sorry for them.


  • Crussie
    Crussie Member Posts: 28

    Couldn't agree more with you.

  • danstyx
    danstyx Member Posts: 8

    The developers really did it this patch. Frankly, the amount of arrogance is unreal. This is a nearly 5-year old game. If the devs really cared about 360s and the movement, they would fixed it three-four years ago. Instead, they decided they would go cross-platform, realized that it's where most of their money is made and oriented the game for such. So bye-bye 360s & any sort of skill curve.

    Good job loosing half your PC playerbase and longtime players. Sellouts.

  • heonnybee
    heonnybee Member Posts: 4

    I'm not one to solely hate the patch based on the inability to 360 or moonwalk (it's not the ONLY reason I play the game) but this is just another nail in the coffin. The devs have already proved that they do not care about veteran players. Almost every patch leading up to 4.5.0 and even this one has been a slap in the face for anyone who isn't new to the game. Every player with more than 500 hours detests this patch and most of the ones that have come before. The neglect towards the players that supported this game from day 1 is obnoxious.

  • danstyx
    danstyx Member Posts: 8

    Could not agree more. Why would anyone, regardless on their opinion on the movement, think it's okay to split the already dwindling population? The developers at BHVR are sellouts.