The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

The new WoW UI: Console Perspective

All I can say is, whomever thought that creating a UI similar to WoW, but not actually capturing the usefulness of WoW, has obviously never played WoW, or any game that has a really nice UI.

Player Corner:

While this could be useful, it is utter crap in tis current form. It is WAY TO BIG VERTICALLY, it obscures the portraits with afflictions, and is virtually impossible to understand when a lot of things are going on.

The Fix:

  • Reduce the vertical spacing, so that the entire module is 1/2 of what it currently is.
  • Don't overlay anything on top of the portraits.
  • Turn the hook counter icon into a player state icon with the hook counter and a stick figure for the healthy, injured, and dying state.
  • When a player is actively in a chase, the player state should rotate left and right, and not only for the obsession.
  • Place affliction icons to the right of the player state icon. Like shock level, dream state, head fixtures, sloppy boogers, exhausted, etc.
  • Give players the option of it being in the top left corner, or the bottom left corner.

Generator Counter:

This is by far the worst change of all. There is absolutely no justifiable reason at all for it to have been moved to the top middle. Put it back where it was. Having to look all over the screen for information that should be in a single area just shows how uninformed your UI design team is.

Event messages:

Put them back to where they were. Placing information all around the screen makes the information useless, as it becomes impossible to track. Primarily, all information should be at the bottom of the screen. Event messages should be just above the primary HUD, display long enough to read (this has always been a failure, as the display time is too short), and fade out smoothly.


No changes, not broken.

UI Lines:

The lines for many things are WAY TOO THIN, even with the UI at max scale. If something pops up like a skill check, the lines should be at least double the current width, and it should be on top of a partially opaque overlay. Again, this proves that the UI team has never played the game, as looking at a fire, a white wall, or anything similar, makes it impossible to see the UI element.

Final Grade

Unfortunately there isn't any grade worse than an F, and F is to high of a mark for this complete failure of a UI. I'd say look at any AAA FPS on console to see what a real UI is, but you'd probably misunderstand the purpose of the different elements and make things even worse.



  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    UI literally doesn't affect the balance of the game unless they added actual features we couldn't figure out on our own, the devs should have shown us this UI before it even reached the PTB so they could use the feedback to improve it before releasing it into the PTB where it would almost diffidently go into the live build.

    Like this is just incompetence not only did they change something that didn't need to be changed they made it worse and didn't even warn or ask about what we thought of it. It going into the PTB was literally them saying "Here is the final version of our product that we got no feedback for".

    For those new players or ones who can't grasp why players are mad we are looking at the design of the new UI not it's new hook counting features or portraits and tbh you could easily have kept track of these things in your head.

    Also I REALLY hope we can have the option to turn off the objective text at the top of the screen we are not toddlers it doesn't take anyone more than like 3 games to know what you have to do at each stage of the game.