Bleed out bar

I am fine with the new HUD, getting used to new locations, but the bleed out bar is way to small and pale. I have a massive tv I play on with 4K capabilities, but I keep getting one hooked, or left into struggle phase because people can’t see it. Needs more emphasis. It’s having a dramatic affect on gameplay.


  • risingredkite
    risingredkite Member Posts: 22

    Yeah, it seems like the bleed out and hook timer bars have a rather low opacity. In addition to that, the bar doesn't have a very prominent backdrop to create contrast. It fades away with the background most of the time. And if you're on the hook yourself, you can't see it either because the blood effect, which of course is also red, makes it even harder to read.

    The red bar needs to have a higher oppacity and be brighter so it can be distinguished from the blood. Same with the grey-backdrop which currently almost fades together with the red bar.