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Should I really stop running NOED?

ArchFox Member Posts: 205

I only run NOED on my Twins build and, as you can imagine, I've had people complain about it. It's crutch, overpowered, only noobs use NOED, bla bla bla. I've considered getting rid of it a few times but I always come to the same question: why should I? Because some salty survivors called me a noob post game?

NOED is helpful. Killers need an extra boost once the gens are done. If anyone's near the exit gates at full health when they're opened then that's a guaranteed escape for them except in certain circumstances. Plus, it can put toxic teabaggers in their place. Teabagging at exit gate? Flashlight clicking? Oops, NOED, should have left when you had the chance.

I just wanted some thoughts on this. If I find something I like more than NOED for my Twins then I'll happily replace it, but until then, why should I when it's serving me well enough and the survivors can always, as the saying goes, just do bones?

Best Answer

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    Answer ✓

    You do you. Run whatever Perks and Add-On(s) you desire. You did, after all, pay for them with Blood Points that you EARNED in play. There is nothing wrong with NOED in any event. The only thing you have to do to be a good sport here is:

    1. Don't cheat, either by hack or lag spike.
    2. Don't disconnect; if you start a game, finish it.
    3. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

    Everything else is on the table and entirely up to you. Ignore any quacking, faceless voice on the internet trying to tell you what is "toxic" or what the unofficial (but really official) morals and morays are hereabouts. These people are simply being bad sports and trying to blame their own failures on other people, and or manipulate/grief you to affect the game outside of matches. Ignore them.


  • icemancat
    icemancat Member Posts: 150

    Run whatever you want. There will always be people out there who will complain about anything, but all you can do is just ignore them and move on.

  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    Run that NOED. Use that salt to season your victories

  • CCClark
    CCClark Member Posts: 32

    Run the no ed, who cares what the entitled survivors say? They shouldn't even be criticzing your playstyle in the first place.

  • sharkster13
    sharkster13 Member Posts: 236

    I don't use it anymore. I used it in the beginning and if I do, I use it for some challenges (like hooking survivors during the endgame collaps). And it wasn't even cause I'm getting called a noob, I just got bored at one point cause it didn't do much. Looking at it, if it's an endgame you'll get only 1 good use out of it. The survivors will either look around the exit gate and see if the totem is near, cleanse it and rescue the hooked survivor or just leave cause you have NOED in play. It punishes survivors who gen rush and I think it's a karma perk. I much rather prefere Devour Hope + Undying or Make Your Choice. It lasts the entire game and you can get some good value out of it. Maybe pair it up with blood warden, wait for someone to open the gate and trap them at the exit gates when you hook the person, that would be a better play in my opinion.

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    Map users like me you shouldn't because we can find the totem easily

  • Lunarknight
    Lunarknight Member Posts: 29

    I don't use noed for k fine there's better perks out there but I say run whatever you want

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    If you want to run it, then run it, but I'd highly advise not using it. Completely aside from survivors complaining about it, it doesn't help you skill-wise as a killer. It teaches you poor game practices and running it will make it more difficult to get better at the killer you're playing.

    At the end of the day, it's your choice but I wouldn't recommend it if you want to become a better killer.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    Nobody tells you what perks you can use, obviously they tell you not to use it because they lose

  • Deathslinger_Main
    Deathslinger_Main Member Posts: 75

    You can dont get me wrong, but If you are winning your games, NOED won't work. Only 1/4 of my games make it to endgame, and even when it does, it gets cleansed after the first down...