This game is doomed lol

I've been enjoying this game on and off for the past 2.5 years and to be honest it's quite depressing seeing how the developers are making changes that either nobody asked or wanted in the first place or just nerfing stuff that shouldn't be nerfed and leaving actually broken mechanics of the game without any fixes.

First of all the Billy nerf. I don't think anyone ever asked for that piece of ######### update. It really showed me that the developers do not care about what the community thinks. The only real fun killer that just completely ruined and turned it into a dogshit m1 killer just with decent mobility.

Now the OoO nerf. The only thing that really makes this game fun are the chases. Hence why object is often used. Also it was a good counter to Freddy, an actual broken killer that requires no brain. You could literally play like a robot and still 4k every game.

The UI changes that literally NOBODY ASKED FOR. The new UI looks so bad it's unbelievable. Feels like I'm play a mobile game, makes me want to throw up. Also the scaling doesn't work properly on some resolutions.

The hitboxes and hitscan. This has been a problem for like 2 years now and still nothing is done. Instead they changed the killer music omg so cool. Surprise effect gone because now I can tell from 32m away which killer I'm playing against. For both the killer and survivor side the hits often don't even make sense. Like how can I hit a survivor literally through a pallet? Also Freddy, (the most broken killer in the game overall) should get like a hand extension or something as it's literally a gamble trying to mathematically calculate if he can hit you or no due to his broken lunges.

And the last thing. The killer music as said before. It's so dumb how you can tell from a mile away who you are dealing with. The terror radius should stay the same. The good old heartbeat, not some trap nation stuff. The chase music should be different for every killer as it adds a bit of "spice" to the chases you could say. And if you're in a chase with the killer already then you obviously know who you're up against. This would really suck if they added new music to the pig. You see whispers going on and crouch to go undetectable, but guess what, since you can tell who the killer is because of the dumb music you already know what's about to happen.

Overall I feel like the developers don't really care about what the community thinks. If they have spent at least 15 minutes coding something then it's 100% gonna be in the game. There should be a poll system added just like in RuneScape. Requiring 75% of the voters to vote for the x update for it to be pushed. It's sad how anything that's somewhat fun is just being nerfed to the ground for no reason at all.


  • xphillipx
    xphillipx Member Posts: 36

    "If they have spent at least 15 minutes coding something then it's 100% gonna be in the game."

    I ######### died.

    Yeah I think they should just delete this whole section of the forums because the only reason they come here is to get their d*ks polished by the 1-2 people who think they get extra bps for making posts about how mean we are being about these revolutionary changes.

    Like mate if you want people to stop being mean ######### acknowledge when you've made a mistake and actually address problems people are upset about. It seems like they're purposely ruining this game out of spite because we didn't like Death Garden.

  • RosiepaiDeVille
    RosiepaiDeVille Member Posts: 24

    They're on such a tight schedule, right? Anything they vomit unto the screen's gotta be in, no time to clean! XD