Why doesn't DBD do this to improve solo queue?

I've been playing Idv since it came out and they've had something since the very beginning that DBD would really benefit from implementing. An in game quick message option so that you can communicate with your teammates that you are not on call with.
I think it would make solo queuing a lot less miserable and clear up a lot of misunderstandings between your teammates. What do y'all think??
Not quite sure. Believe they said at a point the game was not meant for voice chat or chat in general which is why they don't have it. Of course everyone has a third party to circumvent that
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Because they would have to code speaking lines in the game which is something I think that the devs would not do.
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They really just need to add information to the HUD. Show the survivors (only the survivors, for obvious reasons) what the other survivors are doing. In chase with a killer? Their Icon Lights up. Working on a generator? A little generator Icon appears next to them. Working on a totem? Little totem icon appears next to them. Opening an exit gate? EXIT lights up next to them. Is the killer within 10M of the hook? Give an indicator for that too.
Then, buff killers as necessary. This would bring Solo more in line with SWF without adding Voice Chat, and would create a more pleasant experience for everyone. Including the killer, who'd receive necessary buffs to deal with SWF/the new info.
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This would be good if it was range based. If it is just in general, absolutely not. But if you have the option when you are within 5-7 meters, I’d be good with that. Keep it super limited with basic options like:
Do this gen
Distract the killer
Go for save
Definitely would have to be a proxy quick chat, no audio.
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Preach 🙏
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Until people start spamming it.
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Why not general? That would be the same as every swf.
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Why would it need to be within a certain range? it is just a message that will pop up above the player's icon with a cool down so it can't be spammed. It just makes it easier for people who arent on a VC
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Exactly. When or if this game becomes swf all the time, I’m done with it. Swf is not fun at all for killer’s or survivors. It makes the game way too easy.
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Same answer I gave the other guy. A chat option turns the game into modified swf. Which is garbage, and ruins the whole point of the game for anyone like me that plays solo queue.
I have no problem with a player I can see proxy-text-chatting me that the killer is coming or asking for help.
I don’t want a player on the opposite side of the map telling me what they or the killer are doing. That is a totally lame game called swf. It removes the challenge survivors have in SQ.
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You aren't smart enough to realize that if they buff solo queue near the level of SWF, they can buff many killers up and overall balance the game better.
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I’m well aware of the fact that they can ruin solo queue.
What you fail to see is that if they do this, and then buff all the killers to offset it, anyone who doesn’t want to run mics is screwed.
like I said, it breaks solo queue