Progress lost from cancelled match.

ACigar Member Posts: 13

If a match is cancelled because someone disconnects from the game before it begins all players (including the killer) lose progress for their rank. I have a clip of this ps4 and I am sure I was not the one who got disconnected, so I'm going to assume this is a bug. This is quite annoying because it can be hard to move forward in your ranks and losing progress from doing nothing wrong can be discouraging. I just lost a rank because of this. This may also be related to a similar bug that force kicks someone from the game causing a cancelled match.

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  • Puccho
    Puccho Member Posts: 9

    thats something i had also i flow out of the middle of a match

    and i am closed for 12 mins whats pretty much minutes for a server fail and thats not my laptop


    I hope it will be not again 6 or 7 hours to be locked from a match like once... it's horrible i want to play with my friends

    same problem here

  • ACigar
    ACigar Member Posts: 13

    I really hope they look into it. I don't see why it would be a feature if it is, so here's hoping that they change so that you don't lose progress because someone else left or got force kicked from the game. It's not like it's your fault. In that case I would get it.