Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Reworking Gen Speed

Member Posts: 475
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Killers need help, but simply nerfing gen speed on its own is not the answer. The real problem with this is extremely low killer to survivor interaction, but we could make survivor a more interesting and fun role to play while simultaneously giving the killer much needed time in game to get their objectives done.

Imagine a meter that survivors get at the start of the game, lets call it the "Skill Bar." At the beginning of the game, this bar starts at half and working on gens depletes the bar. The speed at which you individually complete a gen is normal until you deplete the bar. Once the bar is depleted your repair speed is reduced to 50%. Now right now survivor mains would stop reading and leave some dumb comment without hearing the other half of the rework. Now, if your Skill Bar gets above half, your repair speed is increased to 150% and if your meter is full, your exhaustion status effect will deplete normally even while running. So we talked about depleting the bar, but how do you fill it. The fastest way to to fill the skill bar should be by being chased, but it can also be increased by unhooking healing and sabotaging hooks. They should rework toolboxes in this case so that instead of messing with gen speed, they instead prevent your meter from being depleted by repairing gens. And add-ons like BNP could increase your meter while working on gens.

The kind of effect this would have on the game is it punishes both kinds of tunnelers, it punishes killers who tunnel, and survivors who tunnel gens. A killer who keeps chasing the same guy will refill their exhaustion meter which punishes the killer in chase massively, and dead hard wont be the only good exhaustion perk anymore. It rewards truly skilled survivors who get chased really long and after their chase, they go to a gen and just slam it down. Being rewarded for their skill even outside of chase. It also punishes survivors who just sit on gens by giving the killer more time to get their objective done. There could be some really interesting new perks designed around this system also for both survivor and killer.

The really important thing is it incentivizes more killer and survivor interaction and rewards it instead of encouraging, camping, gen rushing, slugging, and so forth.

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  • Member Posts: 3,171

    Sounds interesting but Bhvr can't seem to fix matchmaking how they going to do this?

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    That sounds very similar to the Trial startup idea, the problem i have with your idea tho is that base gen speed is actually fine it's the start of the game that's the problem.

    If 2-3 gens didn't get done so easily at the start of the game then that's all we would need imo to have good gen times/game length.

    For those who don't know the trial start up is an idea where gen speed is reduced by 50%-75% for 1-2 minutes and that goes away when the timer is depleted or the killer downs a survivor. I put X-X because obviously the base numbers might not be enough so they are subjected to change.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    Also im sorry but is the skill bar per survivor?

    i feel that if that is the case then this results in too much of a nerf to repair speed since your often not getting chased and that would encourage tunneling because why would you split your attention to give survivors a boost to repair speed? If the only one getting skill cant use it to repair gens then it's better to just go for them.

    the exhaustion thing doesn't matter that much either imo like i would gladly tunnel one guy a little longer than have survivors repair faster, combine it with anti gen perks and survivors are pretty screwed.

  • Member Posts: 475

    The goal of the Bar is to punish tunneling on both sides. It's called a skill bar because if you don't have skill you won't fill it up. You can tweak the design a bit, but I think working around it would make the game more interesting for survivor and more rewarding for solo's who have the skill to outplay killers, but punishes those who don't have skill and want to sit on gens.

    Lemme answer your question practically about why you would split your attention.

    If you as a killer tunnel the good survivor who gets their bar up, you will have a lot of trouble catching them, way more than you think if we are talking actually good survivors and waste loads of time trying, and then they sprintburst mid chase and the chase is even longer.

    If you as a killer tunnel a bad survivor who goes down instantly, they won't even have a lot of bar to incentivize the tunnel in the first place.

    If we are talking average survivor who can loop you till their bar just fills up then you down them then camp and tunnel, then you get 2 - 3 kills and they escape via hatch. They still have BT, DS, Dead hard, and all kinds of other Meta perks at their disposal to make your life that much harder.

    Lemme ask you, Why don't you make a killer build that you think would dominate any team with this and I will work out a scenario where you have 1 god like survivor, 2 average survivors, and 1 bad survivor. You can identify what the weaknesses are in the idea and work them out from there. Or you could say I just feel survivors would always lose and thats enough of that.

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    like i said it's simple they can't fill that bar up without getting chased right?

    So you just don't chase them go after one guy and gens will literally take twice as long for the other three to complete it buffs tunneling.

    I know that is not what you were aiming for but that is how it will occur, it doesn't matter if the tunneled survivor is recovering from exhaustion as they run the others are not repairing fast enough to counter you tunneling.

    edit: like we had exhaustion recovery and pallet vacuums and stuff way back and killers could still get survivors now it's easier since we don't have as much bs. A survivor wont run you all game unless you playing a non viable killer or you just suck. edit: also i fail to see how making a build is related in any way to this conversation, no build should destroy survivors and it's known that gen speed is a problem but this isn't the way to go about it as it is too exploitable and promotes unhealthy game play since playing normally helps survivors.

  • Member Posts: 475

    Well, no getting chased is just the most efficient and fastest way to get it up. You could also do it other ways. Maybe it could even be a very slow regen when you are doing nothing. I also mentioned this in the OP I'm pretty sure.

    I was asking you to make a build because you said gen slowdown perks would make it too hard on survivors. I was hoping you would provide an example of that build so we can observe how exploitable it is. If you are complaining about how exploitable it is, I figured the build you would run to exploit it most effectively would make it easier to figure out how to tweak the idea to account for it. It's a good way to polish an idea that is a rough draft.

  • Member Posts: 252

    There is a lot of potential in this idea in my opinion!

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    yeah and i pointed out that it doesn't matter if you just chase one guy at a time until your target is dead so the others don't get "skill" if the regen isn't good enough then it wont make a difference and if it's too good it just buffs gen speed.

    a build sure ruin, undying, pop, surge literally just all slowdown and if you tunnel it will work regardless of what survivors do.

    ruin+undying to waste there time and prevent them from leaving gens to help the tunneled since they will lose progress and the other two perks for insurance. honestly just the slow down from this along with the -50% repair speed the other survivors get is enough to just not lose when tunneling i don't see how you can't see this.

  • Member Posts: 475

    Okay, lets say that if you fill the bar up, that's enough for you to complete 1 and 1/2 gens by yourself with no penalty. So two survivors can complete a gen from the start normally. There are ways to stop a killer from tunneling as the survivor. You can run DS, your friends can flashlight save, you can get healed. If you think these gen slowdown perks that mostly just annoy survivors are enough to destroy a game and say an idea is so terrible, why not suggest a numbers change. TBH, I think you are a survivor main who mostly does killer dailies and if you get a bad game you just play survivor. Just trying to come up with an idea that caters to both sides here but whatever.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    mate im WAY more into killer i got 8k+ kills and only around 900 escapes with 2k hours

    I was only saying that your idea is exploitable and helps the thing it's supposed to hinder it's your idea if you can work out good numbers go ahead im not doing your work. I simply think there are better and less complex idea's that fix gen speed such as the Trial start up.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Just shrink most maps.

  • Member Posts: 475

    I think a more complex idea that aims to balance the problems that BOTH sides have will make the game more interesting and fun. Because survivors are so fickle with the game, if you just nerf them they quit. I'm not trying to make you do my "work", in fact you are more of a waste of time and I'm trying to hear you out because you commented on specific things and I thought you would be more interested in seeing this idea flesh out into something creative everyone could like. Also, how do you measure how many kills you have vs escapes? Honestly it just sounds like bs to me.

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