No Mither


This is such a complicated perk, so clearly a lot of thought went into it. And yet, obviously, it' total garbage. I can't see any reason someone would use it in its current form.

So lets be real: it puts the user and the team at a severe disadvantage. Therefore, it needs buffs to make it an interesting perk.
It should be a perk that really skilled survivors take which gives them a challenge, but also rewards them for it.


For starters: it should have a serious, serious BP bonus. At least 100% in one category. How can BBQ give you bonus points for not tunneling or camping, and yet this gives nothing?


It already comes with in built Unbreakable - but these is easily countered.
It has built in Iron Will - but ofcourse you need that - you're injured!
Also prevents blood showing - but again, ofcourse it should - you're injured!
So how about a free adrenaline that heals to full health - essentially rewarding those players who manage to survive a whole round? Or allow the survivor to not have to waste a perk slot on DH?

    I think resilience or this is not happening (not sure which one it is) needs a buff, to sync well with this perk.


  • VesselOfSatan
    VesselOfSatan Member Posts: 9

    I agree that it needs more incentive to use it other than it's "hardcore" mode. The BP bonus makes the most sense since adding more mini-perks onto it would just make it bloated and still mostly worthless.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    True, but my point was that 2 of the 3 bonus perks that come with it are actually needed just to make being injured not totally crippling. Being injured is soooooo much worse than not being injured. So all those perks do is make being injured the same as not injured - but you're still one hit from going down. Always. And no one can ever heal you and get points for the team.

    There's literally no incentive and many reasons why not to use it right now.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I agree with some of these. It does need buffed. For sure.

    I would increase the speed in which the No Mither user can get themselves up by 10%. That would be a start. I do agree with them having a dead hard built in too. Also, any altruistic actions should be 2x by default for this perk.

    So by running No Mither, you'd get built in Unbreakable at a faster recovery rate, that can be used over and over. And Dead Hard should be built in too at tier 1. So a 60 second exhaust timer by default. Then again, you have no blood or moans.... so you already have Iron Will built in.

    I think this is enough honestly.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Please just remove the injured music, if anything at all...

    It's so annoying!

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    I'd like it if we got a BP bonus and a buff to perks like resilience. The perk is hard mode and I don't want it to leave that role. I like it how it is currently but I really wish the injured perks were better.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    Well another idea that's been talked about a lot is simply: start healthy. Enjoy the BP bonus with no downsides so long as you're not spotted or chased by the killer.

    Option 1: Let the killer know a particular player has it, but still start them healthy.

    Option 2: The opposite. Start them injured but don't let the killer know.

    Option 1 will force the survivor to stay stealthy and incentivise the killer to not tunnel, but instead search among the survivors for the weak link.

    Option 2 on the other hand rewards the survivor for staying stealthy and out of trouble, while rewarding the killer for searching a lot and stumbling upon them.

    Either one is preferable to the killer knowing exactly who has it and tunneling them from the get go.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

  • Angie
    Angie Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2018

    RN No Mither is just an annoyance that drags your team behind.
    It may seem fun for some players to bring because it can combo with other injured perks but it's not fun for anyone else you are playing with.

    No Mither is meant to make that survivors experience harder but in reality it's making the teams experience harder. If one (or multiple) survivors run No Mither you can't heal for Altruism unless you are picking them up from downed state. On top of that most Killers will just seek out and tunnel No Mither Survivors since they are easy pickings which also really hinders your team. If you run No Mither you better be one hell of a juker and pallet looper to stay alive, otherwise you're done for the moment you enter chase. Adding in Adrenalin would be kind of counter active to what No Mither is suppose to mean. If you are willing to enter the match injured, you are willing to FINISH the match injured.

    Obviously Dev's won't remove the injured state aspect of it so there is no preventing Killer tunnels and the lack of altruism unless they somehow buff the points you get for healing a No Mither survivor. However, A sensible rework for No Mither I personally think would be to implement 100% reduced grunts much like Iron Will III, the BP Bonus ( 50%/75%/100%), built in Resilience, and built in Dead Hard. This may seem a little much or overpowered but with such a perk as No Mither it is needed. When a Survivor already takes No Mither the perk combination is very very limited to pretty much only using the injured state perks. When adding in these perks to No Mithers ability, It can open up a bigger perk variety to people that want to run No Mither . Instead of constantly running injury perks you can find other builds for No Mither that are actually viable. With such changes I can see it being more of an acceptable perk since the survivor will be better well equip for handling the objective, chases, hiding, etc.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited May 2018

    @Boss said:

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

    And you end up challenging your teammates because you're a dead weight they have to carry.

    I'm sorry, but three other survivors did not elect to start with 3 players and a bodybag that gets off on handicapping the team.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,971

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Boss said:

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

    And you end up challenging your teammates because you're a dead weight they have to carry.

    I'm sorry, but three other survivors did not elect to start with 3 players and a bodybag that gets off on handicapping the team.

    If the point was only to challenge yourself, they wouldn't have bothered adding the 'Unbreakable' or pseudo-'Iron Will', the first of which is unintentionally worthless. Making yourself a liability to the rest of your team is a terrible kind of challenge. The perk is just poorly-implemented, really.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    @Boss said:

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

    No, again you miss the point.

    Look at it from the killers POV. I'm a pretty damn good survivor. What would they rather:

    I take SB, DS, SC and BT? Or i take No Mither?

    From my POV as a killer, i will throw the kitchen sink at that perk to make it viable, because i really want more people to use No Mither.

    Let me tell you, from a killer perspective, No Mither = 4k. I see a No Mither player and i just smile. I've yet to find anyone with No Mither who was good enough to combat the downsides. Its just too detrimental. Why? Because sooner or later they have to make a save. So either they dont save. or they do and end up dead.

    If youre gonna make a perk thats weak and challenging, people need a reason to use it. or they just wont.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Boss said:

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

    And you end up challenging your teammates because you're a dead weight they have to carry.

    I'm sorry, but three other survivors did not elect to start with 3 players and a bodybag that gets off on handicapping the team.

    Exactly. When i see a No Mither player on my team, i just think ;you crazy fool. youre gonna get us all killed'

  • AsianMammoth
    AsianMammoth Member Posts: 84

    I think a simple fix for it that'd be just enough would be to not alert the killer that the survivor is running it. No killer's letting you recover since they just know you'd get back up

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited May 2018

    I normally run No Mither with Leader and Resilience.

    The generators get completed so quickly its become my kink.

    I don't use it otherwise since you'll always be a target.

  • Milloni161
    Milloni161 Member Posts: 34

    @Visionmaker said:
    Please just remove the injured music, if anything at all...

    It's so annoying!

    nah man I think its fine to get you in to the mood

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Boss said:

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

    And you end up challenging your teammates because you're a dead weight they have to carry.

    I'm sorry, but three other survivors did not elect to start with 3 players and a bodybag that gets off on handicapping the team.

    But that's not their decision. They match up with 3 randoms, meaning they aren't allowed to choose what "teammates" they have.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Boss said:

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

    And you end up challenging your teammates because you're a dead weight they have to carry.

    I'm sorry, but three other survivors did not elect to start with 3 players and a bodybag that gets off on handicapping the team.

    But that's not their decision. They match up with 3 randoms, meaning they aren't allowed to choose what teammates they have.

  • Angie
    Angie Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2018

    @Boss said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Boss said:

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

    And you end up challenging your teammates because you're a dead weight they have to carry.

    I'm sorry, but three other survivors did not elect to start with 3 players and a bodybag that gets off on handicapping the team.

    But that's not their decision. They match up with 3 randoms, meaning they aren't allowed to choose what "teammates" they have.

    It's still a team based game and it's not fair to purposefully drag your team down with you.
    You're forever injured, tunneled, down a survivors for all of the 5 gens. Not ideal or fair to have a survivor out of the game after one or even no gens have been done.
    That just makes games less enjoyable

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Angie said:

    @Boss said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Boss said:

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

    And you end up challenging your teammates because you're a dead weight they have to carry.

    I'm sorry, but three other survivors did not elect to start with 3 players and a bodybag that gets off on handicapping the team.

    But that's not their decision. They match up with 3 randoms, meaning they aren't allowed to choose what "teammates" they have.

    It's still a team based game and it's not fair to purposefully drag your team down with you.
    You're forever injured, tunneled, down a survivors for all of the 5 gens. Not ideal or fair to have a survivor out of the game after one or even no gens have been done.
    That just makes games less enjoyable

    Except it's not a team-based game, it just makes the game easier if you do work together.
    And you're only talking about worst-case scenarios, which fit your argument.
    I like running No Mither and i often do just fine.

  • Angie
    Angie Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2018

    @Boss said:

    @Angie said:

    @Boss said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Boss said:

    @ThePeeje said:

    @Boss said:
    I like it how it is.

    It shows that not every Perk needs a reward on it, you can fool around as much as you like.
    If making it a challenge for yourself isn't enough of an incentive to run it, no one will blame you for not running it.

    Just don't use it.
    Having a Perk be a complete burden is at least MUCH better than a Perk that's powerful with no downsides at all, like Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike.

    So then tell me: why would i ever use it? I want to use it. I'm down for a challenge. Survivor is too easy at high rank. But where's my incentive? I don't just want to die for no good reason. If i'm taking a severe handicap for both myself and my team: i want BP bonus. And it should at least synergise with some other perks.

    Hard mode just makes no sense without an upside of any kind. I'd rather see it balanced so that its hard mode if you mess up, but not a big problem if you dont.

    The incentive is to challenge yourself, i just said that. If that's not enough, then, again, feel free to not use it.

    Lots of games have a hardmode without additional rewards.
    They're not for everyone.
    To me, they're worth for the sheer feeling of overcoming more challenging odds.

    And you end up challenging your teammates because you're a dead weight they have to carry.

    I'm sorry, but three other survivors did not elect to start with 3 players and a bodybag that gets off on handicapping the team.

    But that's not their decision. They match up with 3 randoms, meaning they aren't allowed to choose what "teammates" they have.

    It's still a team based game and it's not fair to purposefully drag your team down with you.
    You're forever injured, tunneled, down a survivors for all of the 5 gens. Not ideal or fair to have a survivor out of the game after one or even no gens have been done.
    That just makes games less enjoyable

    Except it's not a team-based game, it just makes the game easier if you do work together.
    And you're only talking about worst-case scenarios, which fit your argument.
    I like running No Mither and i often do just fine.

    Except it is a team-based game.
    You are working together as a TEAM to fulfill objectives/tasks and the main one of Escaping.
    You constantly work together to do gens, save one another, heal, distract, etc.
    That is what a team based game is all about and what DBD is all about for Survivors.
    Working together to escape and do your best to not get killed.
    If you play for you and you only you're just once again, dragging your team down.