The Pig is not strong. Dear devs, please don't rely too much on statistics.

If I understand correctly, the Pig is performing well as a killer according to statistics, and the developers believe she is strong because of this.

This isn't a heated rant and this is not meant to be condescending- I just want to explain this because I feel it is important for healthy development of the game.

There are players who have played this game for literally thousands of hours. They have played as and against every single killer with hundreds of different combinations of addons, perks, and strategies.

These people then use their vast amounts of experience and knowledge to put together "tier lists"

These tier lists represent how strong each killer is in the eyes of these veteran players.

Pig is in the lowest tier for many, many of these veterans tier lists. And you will never find her close to the top. She's absolutely not strong.

It's not rational to dismiss the knowledge of these players because the statistics say that she is a strong killer.

I'm not in a position to say why these statistics might be misleading, but I can confidently say that Pig is not a strong killer because I know both from my own 1000+ hours of experience, and the experience of many other veterans much more experienced than myself, that the Pig is weak.

But I also feel like this reveals a more general, bigger issue that the community clearly is feeling, and that is that players feel like they are not being listened to. And they should be listened to! Not just to cater to their wants, but for genuine, valuable insight into how the game can be improved.

I'm putting this in feedback/suggestions because this is my suggestion:

Just listen to your community. We want to help.


  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Pig is not weak, she just needs brains.

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269

    in top player streamers will agree with this post. Actually, she is so weak. Nobody wants to play her. If I have choice, I will just pick Nurse or Spirit.

    I think her rush skill has to be changed. It's not fit Jigsaw's concept as well.

    This community is so survivor-sided. Because they want to mock killers and they think killer as toy.

    Nowadays many killer users were left because of this. Especially, In Korean server red rank, nobody play killer. So, weird matchmaking happen like green rank killer vs red rank survivors.

    Do not rely on statistic only. I know, it is good method but you have to know that it is not all. For example, If Nurse and Spirit's statistic is not that good. But In TOP players, they kill all player easily. Now, because it is boring, top player just pick other killers.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I don't find her weak at all. She has stealth, a dash that can be used on many loops and a good stall mechanic. And before someone questions my experience I have 3600 hours. What she needs imo is an addon pass because most of her addons are lackluster.

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    I think they didnt check how many players play pig. You can count 100 plays and get high k/d ratio but nurse for example is played by insane amount of people where there is a lot of noobs trying to play op killer thus lowering stats.

    Those small changes would make it more interesting:

    • jigsaw boxes always their aura not visible when trap is NOT activated
    • opening gates will turn inactive RBT on
    • skill check lowering as the time passes (like a PH cages in second stage)
    • key is with certain chance to obtain (last box with 100%) - its so easy to get it off with just first jigsaw box

    Out of 10 matches I have 5 nurses, 2 wraith and 1 legion - for the rest is usually one of the killers not played that much - i cant find pig very often in ranks 1-10. Small buffs would make this funny killer more playable.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited February 2021

    Uhhh, no. She needs to be able to apply at least some pressure to Trapped Survivors. We're not making one of the worst Killer add-ons in the game basekit.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    she has a high kill rate because it is very easy to secure kills at end game with her

    simply put if one or 2 survivors have a RBT on that is activated after gens are done she can pretty easily kill those survivors or at least one by patrolling the boxes and figuring out which ones have the keys.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    She's really not. A Trapped Survivor is not under enough pressure unless their timer start ticking down.

  • youngjun
    youngjun Member Posts: 269

    It is funny. I think it is adjusted to noobs. Because high rank players make gen 99% and take off trap. After that, they turn gen quickly.

    If she is strong enough, why people don't play her ? All killer users know that she is weak killer.

    Her chasing ability is so bad and trap is easy to face as I said. Just low rank players don't know how to maintain gen before take off trap.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    na even high rank players don't bother 99% gens unless it's a swf and even from my experience that's pretty rare.

    Do hope she gets some needed buffs along with an addon rework cause her tampered timer + extra box combo makes it so easy to kill survivors you don't even have to interact with them sometimes.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Good Survivors keep doing gens until their timer starts. If they really are that antsy about it, they can search one box before working on gens. That way, when the timer starts, they have to search one fewer box.

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    Yeah they shouldnt be really using the statistic as the be and end all of balance arguments kills is not a very accurate mesasurment of killer performance and also it doesnt give us accurate information of the survivors they go against. Also if we are going to nerf a killer cause they have a high kill rate like Freddy then by all means we have to buff nurse as she has a low kill rate as thats what the statistics say despite what people say we cant do one rule for one and another for the others

    The more accurate information would be how many hooks killers get in average and see who is getting constantly high hooks in average

    also want to point out the pig only has a high kill rate due to low pick rate 2.4% if i remeber it, if it had a average pick rate the kill rate would drop.