My personal Feedback to Update 4.5.0

theonethatknows Member Posts: 11
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

This must be most awful update in the history of pc gaming.

At least its on the same level as patches I saw in Fallout 76.

1) The new UI is ugly as hell. I dont know who designed that and I dont know which creative director let that happen and didnt look over it before giving his ok. But the design of that UI is the worst work I have seen in a long time. Everything is scattered around. There is no logic in anything. All is way too overloaded and distracting. Every corner now is occupied with some info you need to know where to look for that. Before at least you know you have one perihperial corner to look for game info. At least a smart game developer would make it AN OPTION to switch between the new and old UI. Not force every single player to use a new UI nobody asked for. Seriously nobody asked for a new UI, how come you force update things nobody is asking for? Thats such a anti consumer move.

2) The new 2 bottle Clown update is absolutely useless. The new yellow bottle is such a lame idea. Whit whom did you brainstorm over that? This must be solely a one man decision, otherwise I dont know how you came up with that? At least you made the reload faster. That would have been totally ok. Or split his effect in 2 bottles. One bottle slows down a survivor, the other bottle clouds the vision. Make it so you want to decide....slowing down the survivor but he can still see or cloud his vision and maybe mind game him.

3) Hitboxes are awful now.

4) Bugs and new map. I dont know who testet your stuff but that you even had to take down a whole map cause the fun bus made killer stuck shows you did a pretty bad job there. Also the new map with that many god pallets and pallets overall is just a mess. It looks like nobody tested that stuff before. Nobody who understand your game at least. Maybe someone who doesnt care. I dont know how your company works in detail and how your teams exchange infos but this shows you have a messy information flow between your teams. Maybe even a lot of problems internally. Get that together, Team Leaders!

The most wholesome and best thing you should have done, after seen what a mess this update was, just reverse it, unpatch the game, and come back with a finished patch. But you rather run with what you did and try to camouflage now. Not cool!

If I forgot something I will add it later.

I hope you understand how seriously you damaged the trust of your customers with such a messed up update.

Post edited by theonethatknows on


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Im sorry but I must ask about 2)

    Or split his effect in 2 bottles. One bottle slows down a survivor, the other bottle clouds the vision. Make it so you want to decide....slowing down the survivor but he can still see or cloud his vision and maybe mind game him.
