A concern with the proposed upcoming HUD (4.5.2)

Although I'd just prefer to have the old HUD back with a few minor changes, the proposed HUD to be released with 4.5.2 looks decent, and is a vast improvement on the current HUD with 4.5.0.
My only major concern is... if the HUD is the same layout from the survivor's perspective, then the survivor portraits will be raised above the item widget, but if the survivor doesn't have an item equipped, the portraits and objectives will just be raised nearly halfway up the screen with a large gap underneath... I hope this issue is being addressed? I rarely bring items into trials and I wouldn't like to have a large gap in the bottom corner with UI elements floating above it.
Regardless, I am looking forward to this new HUD.
I just want the survivors laid out horizontally.
I don't see how blocking the side of the screen, where you need to see survivors is a good idea. We, AGAIN, told them this when they first showed that WIP of the changes.
Dear lord I don't get why they are so stubborn and refuse to listen. People keep going "THIS IS BAD HERE IS HOW TO FIX IT" and they just....ignore it.....It makes me want to just bang my head on the desk over and over.
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I think the reason they're going with the vertical thing is so all names have space idk. But I do agree, i'd rather have it horizontal.
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Not only is it taking up a portion of the side of the screen but there's also that unnecessary gap between the side of the screen and the information making it look like it is sticking out into the FOV.
They should move the portraits back to horizontal at bottom left. The only reason I've heard for them to have the portraits vertical is because of Gamertags but Gamertags are not important to gameplay. The information that is important (player status) shouldn't be placed in a way that is inefficient to read to accommodate unnecessary information (gamertag), instead unnecessary information should be adjusted to accommodate the necessary information.
I'm hoping they take the feedback that was shared when they first posted the UI WIP is used to make further adjustments because that picture, while better than current UI, still needs quite a bit of work.
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I mean...just....put the names below the portraits and not beside them and it's fine....
That's probably the easiest "problem" to solve that I've ever heard.
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it was already like that.... some names were still long and would go on top of others.
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The game caps out at a certain amount of characters anyways; that allows more than enough space for every single character. There is nothing wrong with spacing them even a tiny but more horizontally for that purpose, but raising them vertically is far far worse.
There is literally no reason not to do it that way. There is more than enough space to allow for it.
Furthermore, even if that was still a problem, and it's not, I would still prefer being able to actually see a survivor on the side of my screen over seeing the random numbers at the end of some guy's name.
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They could arguably take away names/gamer tags, whatever you wanna call them, now that we have survivor portraits - I’d never/rarely say “oh, there’s mrstealyogirl42069, better go chase them”, I’d just say “there’s Meg”, and now that we have the portraits to help with that it could simplify the UI even further.
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Any killer worth their salt should be paying attention to who each character is anyways.
However; there is no reason to even make that compromise- there is literally no reason why they can't have both beyond just stubbornness.
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I'm all for removing gamertags. Can just go to menu midgame if you really want them. Even before the change I never looked at gamertags because they don't matter unless you need to report someone.
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It seems to be the case. The issue is that seeing the survivors full names is completely useless in match. So, if that's the actual reason, I don't really understand it.