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Grabbing bug with Nurse

I'm not able to send the video I made of the game. But to summarize what happened. I was on Midwich and I teleported from the top of library to the bottom which had a generator. I grabbed someone after blinking and I couldn't hook them. I assumed they were lag switching and tried to drop them, but I couldn't. Then I tried to hook them on a different hook and he was floating next to it after trying to hook him. Then for the rest of the game I was stuck in a holding survivor position so I couldn't interact with anything, no lunge, and couldn't use my power. Also the survivor was floating occasionally the whole game and could heal others but was invincible to damage. I was also unable to be stunned by pallets but I ended up losing a pip because of it. I can try to provide a shorter video that will fit, but only if its necessary.