Bug on pressing M1

LcsPls Member Posts: 10

My mouse is new and I have tested it in other games, so I guarantee it is not his mistake.

While holding M1 to make a generator, totem, healing or anything else that needs to be holding the M1, out of nowhere it's like I stopped clicking and then comes back. This sometimes causes the generator to explode, like I unhold it.

My boyfriend also experience the same bug. Anyone else with this bug?

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  • McMorti
    McMorti Member Posts: 11

    I would like to know how to solve this problem. I have this now as well. Holding M1 just stops and stutters. So doing a gen suddenly turns into gen tapping, especially when the gen is almost done. Same when healing, sabotaging, etc. It only happens in DBD. So my mouse is fine. Trying the "set your screen to 1080p and dpi scaling to 100%" didnt work. I have a multi screen setup and a logitech mouse. Would be nice to fix this because it ruins a lot of plays

  • McMorti
    McMorti Member Posts: 11

    After testing some things i figured out, that its not just by holding M1. When holding M2 with a flashlight for example, the interaction just stops sometimes as well. I think pretty much it has something to do with multi screen setups. After shutting off and on the two screens next to my game screen, the problem was solved for the rest of my gaming session. But not sure if this was just random because i messed up my screen setup a bit just to find out if something will solve the problem. Trying different in-game options like windowed fullscreen, fullscreen, etc. didnt solve the problem.

    The Screen i play on is a 1080p, the screen above it is 1080p as well, the screen on the left is 4k. I also connected my TV which works as another 4k screen left of the other 4k screen. Is it maybe possible, that some pixels of other screens can overlap with the mainscreen and when the mouse hits that area it tabs out of the game resulting into interrupted interactions?

  • McMorti
    McMorti Member Posts: 11

    This Bug is back again. In the following clip I keep holding M1 to unhook but it stops immediately

  • McMorti
    McMorti Member Posts: 11

    It feels like i happens when the killer is close and most of the time when an M1 action is almost finished… I hold M1 here but it stopped at like 95% before finished.. makes it unplayable

  • YulechkaLive
    YulechkaLive Member Posts: 60

    In the control settings, you can set "switching" instead of "Holding". Try it, it's more convenient, than holding button all the time