CRPNTR Member Posts: 11

Pip bug still hasn’t been fixed — still de-ranking when a 0/+1 has been achieved. Also, when the killer DCs when loading into game, a de-pip happens

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  • Arpheros
    Arpheros Member Posts: 11

    Same here. It's happening always when I die in a trial. Looks like related to Unbroken. Maybe it is possible that Unbroken's points is bugged too because wasn't getting 8000 points.

  • AbstractSaucing
    AbstractSaucing Member Posts: 103

    I got depiped and Deranked EVEN THOUGH I made enough points to keep rank and pips. Smh

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited February 2021

    Same here, and I also lost two pips when the killer left while the game was loading. It didn't show it was him but I asked everyone and he said he didn't want to play the map and left. Every survivor lost 2 pips.

    (Maybe they are trying to get all survivors to derank? If so it's working pretty good)