Basic movement is broken

DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

Since new update(over a week ago), the basic function of walking/running is so broken. The walking and running is very glitchy/intermittent. Stops running, starts again. Every half step it stops or pulls opposite of direction you are going. Impossible to escape from chases or even win them as killer. Bloodlust speed doesn't matter or uncloaking because movement stops and starts every second so any speed boost its pretty obsolete. Same with survivor perks.

I'm losing matches when I wouldn't be had there not been a problem, hit bloodlust 3 way too much than I would need to. This is the most basic function and it should be a priority. It doesn't matter what map it's on, happens every single match. Also happens killer and survivor roles


No possible reproduce steps, its not connection or hardware related at all. This was never a problem until newest update

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