Make Your Mind Up Survivors

  • Survivors hate Tunnelling and Camping.
  • Survivors also hate Gen Regression/Defense Perks that allows the Killer to extend the match without having to Tunnel/Camp. (Ruin +Undying rewarded Killers for Map Control a and allowed Killer to do multiple chases).

Survivors - Rushes gens in 3-4 mins giving the Killer no time to do multiple chases or get close to the 12 Hook counter. What does this cause?

  • Camping
  • Tunnelling
  • Slugging

Pop - Nerfed

Ruin - Nerfed

Undying - Nerfed

Pig Traps - Nerfed

Freddy Add-Ons - Nerfed (Most likely will again)

So my question is this. If Survivor mains hated Ruin + Undying so much are you guys actually wanting the Killer to play more lame as that is the direction the game is heading. I don't like Camping nor Tunnelling but let's be honest we have all had at least 1 match where we have been forced to do so to secure a Kill after a 3-4 min game. Not only does this create very unfun gameplay for Killer but it's obviously very unfun for Survivors.

Undying had 0 reason to be nerfed as it allows Killers to somewhat follow the Survivor Rule book to allow them to last longer in a match but for some reason Undying was considered "Unhealthy" for the game. How is a Perk that allows the match to be longer than 3-4 mins unhealthy for the game exactly? Meanwhile perks like Insidious are still in this game, a perk that is honestly only used for 1 lame purpose. Insidious could be great if reworked correctly so it actually has a good purpose.

I wouldn't be surprised if Devour got some sort of Nerf later down the track as that has recently replaced Ruin but if the Devs want to use "Stats" for their Balance then by that logic we should be seeing a Nurse buff at some stage, I'm personally fine with Nurse at the moment, I play her without addons but if the devs want to go off stats then I won't say no to a buff to her.

